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[[List Of Continents]]
[[List Of Continents]]
[[Second Life Geography]]

Revision as of 07:15, 12 October 2013

Satori in 2013

Satori is a mainland continent. It was first created as a Japanese continent. Today, the population of this continent is worldwide and the most spoken language is English. This continent has many sims woth Slavic-related names (many are Russian names). Their transcription in Lathin alphabet can be very confusing for a person who is used with Cyrillic alphabet. Satori is linked to the North with Nautilus and to the North-East with Blake Sea. The continent is made of a large mass of dryland. The road network is less developed and there are large places of abandoned land. Togeyher with Nautilus, Satori forms a megacontinent, like Euroasia in real world.


Size in sims: 709 (N-S 43, E-W 36)

Size in meters: 46.47 square km (11.01/9.22 km)

Sea sims (complete flooded): 26

Coast sims (water access): 205

Land sim (no water): 478

Sims with road access: 162

Sims with no direct access: 236


The coordinares here are given in sims, following the same model used by Gridsurvey [1] for the position of every sim. The numbers are: longitude (min - max) / latitude (min - max). There is no official geographic guide for Satory. There is a lack of geographical names. So, the coordinates are given here for diverse areas of the continent. Some sims have Slavic names (including Russian) and form the Slavic Region (note that they are only 30% of the sim names). Also, the border with Nautilus is not clear.


Slavic Region: 1113-1120/1030-1047

East Peninsula: 1121-1136/1031-1046

North-West Peninsula: 1101-1112/1039-1047

Central Landmass: 1100-1112/1030-1038

South Landmass: 1100-1120/1116-1130

South Peninsula: 1101-1108/1005-1115


Geographic Regions

Satori is formed of high plains or low hills, something between Gaeta 5 and Jeogeot. This plain can be divided into 3 regions: Main Plains, High Plains and Inner Plain. Also, Satori has small mountain ranges and inner lakes. The ocean covers some coast sims.

The Main Plain covers 80% of the continental surface. It is not a smooth plain, however it doesn't form a coast (with little exceptions). The elevation rises from seaside (17 meters) to the inner high plains (100) slowly, without forming valleys, hills or platforms. This is a much more spectacular altitude difference then in Gaeta 5 but much lower then in Jeogeot or Corsica. Various residents made several terraforming to their lands. These terraformings are the cause of multiple terraces, platforms, walls and holes.

The High Plains are plateaus at some distance to the shores. They have an elevation between 95 and 105 meters and look like large plains. They have a different ground texture, so are easy to recognise.

The Inner Plain is a long sandy depression that hosts some lakes near the center of the continent. Altitude is low. Sometimes, if you dig 4 meters you can find water. This plain has some lakes that are not deep. The mountain range separates a smaller similar depression to the East.

Mountains. Satori has only one mountain range, with a maximum heigh of about 80 meters. It separates the inner plains to West and another smaller depression to East. They look a bit like the mountains of Jeogeot. The other mountains shown on the map are in fact plateau borders that look like hills.

The Inner Lakes are found in the inner plain (two, larger) and its Eastern depression (two, smaller) and also in South (one large and one small). They have the same elevation with the oceans, but are not connected with them.

Ocean Floor has a similar texture with Nautilus.

Overall Considerations

Satori looks somehow similar with South America on the map. Also, it is a relatively new continent, the same generation with Nautilus and Corsica. Also, many ground textures are common in these 3 continents. Since the construction of Nautilus city, Satori and Nautilus form together a supercontinent.

The roads of Satori don't provide access to all places. Many sims are isolated. The roads are not continous. Sometimes they are interrupted by a lake and sometimes they simply do not exist in one sim. There are teleporters that facilitate transportation through the gaps. This is good for an avatar, but difficult for a car. However, it is possible to walk across the whole continent on the parcels of abandoned land.

Population density is much higher near the coast. In sims without water access, population density is higher when there is a road nearby.


Satori Network the roads of Satori

[2] - list of airports

[3] - geographic features

List Of Continents

Second Life Geography