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Revision as of 03:42, 29 January 2008



Welcome I come from the land down under. Australian and proud of it

About Me

I specialise in Conflict Resolution, Public Relations, and Event Planning.
My SL background is colourful and varied. Started off as a basic and within two weeks was well and truly hooked. 

Have owned a number of Malls, then decided to throw all that away and started promoting my CAG group and the talents of the membership. I used regular exhibits.

Joined the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as an adminn for their sim here in SL.

Helping anyone is a passion so, the obvious course was mentoring.

Give away more than I sell, if my SL was about turning a fast dollar, I would have left ages ago.

People are more important than money, making SL safe for all is a gaol. I practice what I preach, I willingly help anyone who asks for assistance or guidence, even the bad guys.

Learning in my mind has no boundaries, it doesnt matter if a resident has chosen a good path or a bad path, there is always hope that things can be turned around.

Personal preference

like being thrown in the deep end, prefer field work.

Personal philosophies

  1. Protect your mates,
  2. there are no problems - only solutions, miracles take longer.

Mentor Positions I Hold

  1. Second Life Mentor
  2. Second Life Buddy
  3. Second Life Coach
  4. Second Life Mentor Orientation Coach

Recent Challenges

On Friday 4th Janaury 2008, I was given Ownership of the Mental Mentors Group, reason being, Jayjay could no longer give the group his total commitment due to Real Life commitments.

Approximately 40 hours of continual activity occurred on my part. I introduced a formal charter for Mental Mentors and reduced the number of the officer stream from 71 to down to approximately 25.

Some tweaking took place during the course of the reorganisation of the group.

Retired Mentors will be allowed to stay in Mental Mentors, as a form of recognition for their invaluable help to the SL community at large, and as a extensive knowledge base for the mentals group.

Other Wiki Pages

  1. redirect Mental Mentors