Volunteer-sponsored Classes

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Mentor Coaches: Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line after reviewing the guidelines for hosting the sessions at Mentors Teaching Mentors

Mentor Apprentices: Please scroll to the bottom of this wiki page to view a list of official Orientation sessions that you may take to transfer into the official Mentor group. Feel free to check out the other classes offered by Mentor Coaches as well!

You can request a class at: Mentor Coach Class Request

For other events, please review the Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule and Volunteer-sponsored Events.

Upcoming Class Listings: January

These are optional classes that we highly recommend for new and old Mentors

Hosted By: Myria Boa

Class Title: Intermediate Sculpting with Sculptypaint

Start Time: Thursday, January 24 11:00 am SLT

Length: 60 Minutes

Location: SLVEC


In this class I'll show you the basics of Sculptypaint, a resident made tool to create sculpted prims. You will learn how to build sculpted rocks, stairs and flowers.

Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge about sculpted prims, you should know how to apply a sculpt map and a texture map and you need to download the following free software:[1]

Hosted By: Simon Kline

Class Title: Adjusting to mentor life for new mentors

Start Time: Friday, January 25 18:00 (6:30 pm) SLT

Length: 60 Minutes

Location: SLVEC

Description: Joining the mentors is a huge step in someone's Second Life, come and share your good and bad experiences, your questions and answers as we work together to make volunteering more fun and enjoyable for you and the people you assist.

Hosted By: Simon Kline

Class Title: Basic Scripting - Why do we sit on things strange?

Start Time: Saturday, January 26 13:00 (1:00 pm) SLT

Length: 60 Minutes

Location: SLVEC


This class is aimed at people who want to script but been too scared or put off by the jargon! Be scared no more!! (I've taught this to ppl that can't rez a box before).

The class involves exploring how avatars sit on objects by default, and ways to make them sit on things a bit nicer. We also learn how to make many people sit on the same object in a uniform wat. Great for people making furniture or for people who want to learn more about basic scripting.

Hosted By: ToThePoint Garfield

Class Title: Scripting inside out.

Start Time: Monday, January 28 12:00 PM (noon sl time, 8 pm GMT) SLT

Length: 120 Minutes

Location: SL VEC sandbox.

Description: More info after Monday 21th class.

Upcoming Orientation Session Listings: January

Attendance at one orientation session is required for Apprentice Mentors in order to be moved into the main Mentors group

The following list contains the available Second Life Volunteer Orientation session offerings. Please choose one orientation date and mark your calendar! If you cannot attend these times, please check back next week for a list of new times or contact a VTeam member during office hours (information for that is at the bottom of this page.) We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Please Note - You no longer need to do a sign up process through a survey for orientation. Just pick a date and attend!

Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 - 9AM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan

Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 - 1:30PM SL Time - In SPANISH - hosted by Irene Muni/Eva Nowicka

Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 - 6PM SL Time hosted by Indego Hax

Friday, Jan 25, 2008 - 9AM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan

Friday, Jan 25, 2008 - 2PM SL Time - IN ITALIAN - hosted ny Aliceinwire Bleac

Friday, Jan 25, 2008 - 8PM SL Time hosted by CallieDel Boa

Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 - 8AM SL Time - In SPANISH - hosted by Irene Muni/Eva Nowicka

Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 - 6PM SL Time hosted by Indego Hax

Sunday, Jan 27, 2008 - 2PM SL Time hosted by Aliceinwire Bleac

Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - 10PM SL Time hosted by Simon Kline

Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - 2PM SL Time hosted by Meghan Dench

Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 - 10PM SL Time hosted by Simon Kline

VTEAM OFFICE HOURS: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

This is the SLURL for the location of orientation. There is a TP object located near port in location to help you locate the orientation classroom


Thanks, and welcome aboard!