User:Sierra Larsen

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Revision as of 08:20, 15 April 2008 by Sierra Larsen (talk | contribs)
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My Secondlife name is Sierra Larsen. Currently a Secondlife Mentor :)

IN RL my occupation is visual arts teacher with a graphic design/film background, so you can imagine then, that what I make the most of in SL is skins, clothes and textures.

I like totally random clothing that do not fit neatly into a recognisable genre. I am eclectic in both my taste in clothing and in the things I like to build.

Did I mention I sometimes build? I have made houses, shoes, AV's, belts, furniture, random strange characters etc etc

I can also modify scripts to make them more ebils or nicer :)and some simple scripts that do other things. Scripting really isn't my thing as I don't have patience.

The very first script I made was a particle emitter that when you touched the prim it played music and said stuffs in chat. The next script I made was for an object once it was rezzed kept bumping into the closest AV. made me laugh for days (I am easily amused) I recently made a bug thing with a huge tongue that when you touched it "he" played a sound grab from 70's pron and said "Mr Buggy Bugz loves to lick "insert name here "'s tummy. Well it made me laugh anyway!

I take LOADS of photos in SL and I have started posting some images at flickr Sierra Larsen on flickr although I am not obsessive with posting them.

As a mentor,you can find me on one of the orientation islands wrangling the naughtiest of newbie, or hanging out with friends. I prefer talking in voice most of the time as I am a lazy typer!

Be good!


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