User:Torley Linden/RKI

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Rapid Knowledge Iteration

In-progress... always.


Time-effective, Resident-guided, incremental updating of Second Life help based on what Residents can practically and really use, as opposed to what hypothetically might be important. Quick adjustments are done to swiftly evolve an article into a much higher state so the answers are available JIT. Philosophy, we be rockin kaizen!

This is also how the wiki general model works, as opposed to old-skool "Release a new set of encyclopedias every year".


  1. Scan Second Life Answers daily.
    • Observe patterns (like that show Fringe) and clusters around a focused topic.
    • Are there hot threads where answers ARE NOT or are PARTIALLY in the Knowledge Base?
    • What about other opportunities to "connect the dots" and expose existing resources? For example, a Resi may have a great tip we didn't include.
  2. Prepare to edit/add appropriate KB article. Take notes, fact-check.
  3. Update the KB article. In some cases, additional pictures and/or videos "fill the gap".
  4. Post in the thread and contact awesome helpful volunteers to let them know, the next time this question comes up, our knowledge base article will be better! Encourage volunteers to QUOTE article snippets and LINK TO sources — and emphasize that "If this helped you, share it with a friend!" to get the word out.
  5. Lather, rinse, repeat to continually improve article.


Articles where this worked awesomely (see page histories for evolution):

... and others highlighted on