Open Source Meeting/Agenda

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< Open Source Meeting
Revision as of 03:46, 11 May 2010 by Boroondas Gupte (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda Tuesday, 11 May 2010: wikify, mentioning what SNOW-646 is about)
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Open source meeting - Tuesday and Thursday, 2pm PST

Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.

Please try to add your items as early as possible in the week to give Merov a chance to round up any Lindens that may be appropriate to the discussion. Please also bring large or contentious items up on OpenSource-Dev before or concurrently with adding them as agenda items.

Agendas for upcoming meetings

KBnote.png Note: See this page's history for past agendas. Some transcript subpages might include the respective agendas, too.

Agenda Tuesday, 11 May 2010

  1. Weekly Snowglobe update - Merov Linden
  2. SNOW-646 SG 2.0.1, VC90, runtime error "The following Media Plugin has failed: media_plugin_webkit"
    • Possible Solutions? ---Nicky Perian 02:20, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
  3. SNOW-643 Discuss possible solutions to enum 33bit problem
  4. Your topic here!

If we run out of topics before the end of the meeting, we'll triage Snowglobe or Open Source specific Jira Issues from the list below.

Agenda Thursday, 13 May 2010

  1. Weekly Snowglobe update - Merov Linden
  2. Your topic here!

If we run out of topics before the end of the meeting, we'll triage Snowglobe or Open Source specific Jira Issues from the list below.

Jira Issues

  1. SNOW-649 Changeset 3349 added unit test to llplugin but forgot LL_TESTS, resulting in a build failure in lltut.cpp
  2. SNOW-650 Tries to build pulseaudio when pulseaudio not found.
  3. SNOW-651 Standalone build failure r3349, cmake error on SLPlugin
  4. Your issue here!
  5. Unscheduled SNOW issues triage: would be good to go with the community through those and decide for some what we should take immediately (2.0 or 1.4) or later.

If you think an issue warrants a deeper discussion, please add it as topic to one of the agendas above.

Test Sprint

What to do in RC Test Sprints (template, should move to a different wiki page):

Default agenda

(after agenda above):