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SL Marketplace logo 180 pixels wide.jpg

The Second Life Marketplace is the website to buy an amazing assortment of virtual items sold by fellow Residents. (It's replacing Xstreet.) In preparation, get started with what you need to know on these help pages!

KBcaution.png Important: The Marketplace has exited beta, and we're continuing to collect Resident feedback and improve stuff.
Early image of the SL Marketplace, see more here


2010-10-06 - SL Marketplace is Open and Ready for Business

From the Commerce blog:

KBtip2.png Tip: To see our specific progress, check out Popular Issues on the Marketplace. You can click "resolved issues" to see what we've already fixed.


Spot something missing? Let Bea Linden know (Torley's passing the documentation to her care), or you can help your fellow Residents and directly contribute to many of these help pages! Learn more.

Found a Marketplace bug?