Coordinator TestUnits.lsl

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///////            Coordinator_TestUnits
///////  This is the coordinator script that maintains the record of testUnits. It should be 
///////  included in the coordinator.  

//Coordinator_TestUnits    .1 -> initial framework  6.28.2007
//Coordinator_Coordinator  .2 -> bug fixing and testing  7.8.2007

//                  Command Protocol
//   All commmands will be :: seperated 
//   lists in string form.
//        LINK MESSAGE commands
//  link message commands will be recieved and sent on the toAllChannel
//////// INPUT ///////////
// Reset - resets this script
// format example -> Reset
// ClearAll - empties all lists 
// format example -> ClearAll
// AddUnitToList - provides unit information of newly registered list 
// format example -> AddUnitToList::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
// UpdateUnitStatus - provides unit status information
// format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::PASS
// ReportUnitStats - initiates a ReportStats output 
// format example -> ReportUnitStats
// RequestUnitCount - request for number of units registered
// format example -> RequestUnitCount
//////// OUTPUT ///////////
//  ReportStats - sends out unit information including status
//  format example -> ReportStats::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1::status::PASS
// SetUnitCount - provides number of registered units
// format example -> SetUnitCount::1

// Global Variables

integer toAllChannel = 255;           // general channel - linked message

integer debug = 0;                     // level of debug message
integer debugChannel = DEBUG_CHANNEL;  // output channel for debug messages

      // The following lists are parameters associated with registered test units.
      // A specific unit will have the same list index on all of the lists. 

list unitKeys = [];                    // object keys list of registered test units
list unitNames = [];                   // list of registered unit names
list unitGroups = [];                  // list of registered unit group

list statusOfUnits = [];               // status of the registered test unit
                                       // PASS - unit completed test process successfully
                                       // FAIL - unit did not complete the process successfully
                                       // REGISTERED - unit is now ready for test

//////////      Function:   ParseCommand
//////////      Input:      string message - command to be parsed
//////////      Output:     no return value
//////////      Purpose:    This function calls various other functions or sets globals
//////////                    depending on message string. Allows external command calls
//////////                  from chat controlChannel
//////////      Issues:        no known issues 
ParseCommand(string message)
    if(debug > 1)llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ "->ParseCommand: " + message);
    //reset all scripts 
    if(message == "reset")
        //reset this script 
    else if(message == "ClearAll")
        //reset the lists to an empty state
        unitKeys = [];                    
        unitNames = [];                   
        unitGroups = [];                  
        statusOfUnits = [];

    // AddUnitToList()
    // format example -> AddUnitToList::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
    else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "AddUnitToList::") != -1)
        //parse string command into a list of elements
        list unitParameters = llParseString2List( message, ["::"], [""] );
        //find first variable name of concern - unitKey
        integer index = llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitKey"] );
        //use the posistion of the variable name to update unitKey list 
        unitKeys += llList2List( unitParameters, index + 1, index + 1);                    
        //find variable name of concern - unitName
        index = llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitName"] );
        //use the posistion of the variable name to update unitName list 
        unitNames += llList2List( unitParameters, index + 1, index + 1);                    
        //find variable name of concern - groupName
        index = llListFindList( unitParameters, ["groupName"] );
        //use the posistion of the variable name to update unitName list 
        unitGroups += llList2List( unitParameters, index + 1, index + 1);                   
        //add first status indication for unit
        statusOfUnits += ["REGISTERED"];

    // UpdateUnitStatus()
    // format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::PASS
    else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "UpdateUnitStatus::") != -1)
        //parse string command into a parameter list
        list unitStatusParameters = llParseString2List( message, ["::"], [""] );
        //use variable name to find first variable of concern - unitKey
        integer commandIndex = llListFindList( unitStatusParameters, ["unitKey"] );
        //pull the unitKey value from the parameter list
        list CurrentUnitKey = llList2List( unitStatusParameters, commandIndex + 1, commandIndex + 1 );
        //use the unitKey to find the index for all the lists of the test unit
        integer keyIndex = llListFindList( unitKeys, CurrentUnitKey );
        //find the index of the unitStatus variable
        commandIndex = llListFindList( unitStatusParameters, ["unitStatus"] );
        // if unit met the registration time line
        if( llList2String( statusOfUnits, keyIndex ) != "LATE_REGISTRATION" )
           //update the status list with the unitStatus provided by the command string               
           statusOfUnits = llListReplaceList( statusOfUnits, llList2List( unitStatusParameters, commandIndex + 1, commandIndex + 1) , keyIndex, keyIndex);

    //  ReportUnitStats()
    //  format example -> ReportStats::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1::unitStatus::PASS
    else if(message == "ReportUnitStats")
        //send link message on general channel reporting unit stats
        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetUnitCount::" + (string)llGetListLength( unitKeys ), NULL_KEY );
        //initialze counter to zero to use as list index
        integer increment = 0;
        //get the size of the lists
        integer count = llGetListLength( unitKeys );
        //iterate through the lists reporting the unit parameters for them all, one at a time
        while( increment < count )
           //send link message on general channel reporting unit stats
           llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "ReportStats::unitKey::" + llList2String( unitKeys, increment)
                                                            + "::unitName::" + llList2String( unitNames, increment)
                                                            + "::groupName::" + llList2String( unitGroups, increment)
                                                            + "::unitStatus::" + llList2String( statusOfUnits, increment)
                                    , NULL_KEY);
          //increment index counter
        } // end while
    // RequestUnitCount - request for number of units registered
    // format example -> RequestUnitCount
    else if(message == "RequestUnitCount")
        //send link message on general channel reporting unit stats
        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetUnitCount::" + (string)llGetListLength( unitKeys ), NULL_KEY );
} //end ParseCommand

//////////      Function:   Initialize
//////////      Input:      no input paramaters
//////////      Output:     no return value
//////////      Purpose:    This function initializes any variables or functions necessary
//////////                  to get us started
//////////      Issues:        no known issues 


//                                                                                   //
//                                                                                   //
//                          DEFAULT STATE                                            //
//                                                                                   //
//                                                                                   //
//  State Entry of default state                     //
//  On Rez of default state                           //
    on_rez(integer start_param)

//  Link Message of default state                    //
    link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
        //if link message is on the correct channel
        if(number == toAllChannel)
            ParseCommand( message );
    } //end of link message

} // end default