Debug Settings

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Access debug settings from Advanced menu > Debug Settings. The debug settings include unsupported hidden features that are not exposed in the standard user interface, in addition to settings that are exposed through the Preferences window.

Most of the setting values persist between sessions, but some are not persistent.

See also

Settings reference

Because of the very large number of these settings, they are divided in the following tables alphabetically to make them more manageable.

This information was derived from the app_settings/settings.xml file of Second Life Release Viewer 4.1.1.

For old Viewer 1.x debug settings, see Debug Settings/1.21.

KBcaution.png Important: Periodically this table may be replaced by a new version. Any changes you make here will be overwritten.


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
AFKTimeout Signed 32-bit integer 300.0 Yes
AckCollectTime Ack messages collection and grouping time Floating point 0.1 Yes
ActiveFloaterTransparency Floating point 1.0 Yes
AdminMenu Boolean False No
AdvanceOutfitSnapshot Boolean True Yes
AdvanceSnapshot Display advanced parameter settings in snaphot interface Boolean True Yes
AgentPause Boolean False No
AlertChannelUUID String F3E07BC8-A973-476D-8C7F-F3B7293975D1 No
AlertedUnsupportedHardware Boolean False Yes
AllowBottomTrayButtonReordering Allow user to move and hide bottom tray buttons Boolean True Yes
AllowMultipleViewers Allow multiple viewers. Boolean False Yes
AllowTapTapHoldRun Boolean True Yes
Always_showable_floaters Floaters that can be shown despite mouselook mode LLSD Yes
AnalyzePerformance Request performance analysis for a particular viewer run Boolean False No
AnimateTextures Enable texture animation (debug) Boolean True Yes
AnimationDebug Show active animations in a bubble above avatars head Boolean False Yes
AppearanceCameraMovement Boolean True Yes
ApplyColorImmediately Preview selections in color picker immediately Boolean True Yes
ArrowKeysAlwaysMove Boolean False Yes
AskedAboutCrashReports Boolean False Yes
AuctionShowFence Boolean True Yes
AudioLevelAmbient Audio level of environment sounds Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelDoppler Floating point 1.0 Yes
AudioLevelMaster Master audio level, or overall volume Floating point 1.0 Yes
AudioLevelMedia Audio level of Quicktime movies Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelMic Audio level of microphone input Floating point 1.0 Yes
AudioLevelMusic Audio level of streaming music Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelRolloff Floating point 1.0 Yes
AudioLevelSFX Audio level of in-world sound effects Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelUI Audio level of UI sound effects Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelUnderwaterRolloff Floating point 5.0 Yes
AudioLevelVoice Audio level of voice chat Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioLevelWind Audio level of wind noise when standing still Floating point 0.5 Yes
AudioStreamingMedia Enable streaming Boolean True Yes
AudioStreamingMusic Enable streaming audio Boolean True Yes
AutoAcceptNewInventory Automatically accept new notecards/textures/landmarks Boolean False Yes
AutoDisengageMic Boolean True Yes
AutoLeveling Keep Flycam level. Boolean True Yes
AutoLoadWebProfiles Boolean False Yes
AutoLogin Boolean False No
AutoMimeDiscovery Enable viewer mime type discovery of media URLs Boolean False Yes
AutoPilotLocksCamera Boolean False Yes
AutoReplace Replaces keywords with a configured word or phrase Boolean False Yes
AutoSnapshot Boolean False Yes
AutomaticFly Boolean True Yes
AvalinePhoneSeparator String - Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone0 Avatar axis 0 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone1 Avatar axis 1 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone2 Avatar axis 2 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone3 Avatar axis 3 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone4 Avatar axis 4 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisDeadZone5 Avatar axis 5 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
AvatarAxisScale0 Avatar axis 0 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarAxisScale1 Avatar axis 1 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarAxisScale2 Avatar axis 2 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarAxisScale3 Avatar axis 3 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarAxisScale4 Avatar axis 4 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarAxisScale5 Avatar axis 5 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
AvatarBacklight Boolean True Yes
AvatarBakedLocalTextureUpdateTimeout Unsigned 32-bit integer 10 Yes
AvatarBakedTextureUploadTimeout Unsigned 32-bit integer 60 Yes
AvatarFeathering Avatar feathering (less is softer) Floating point 16.0 Yes
AvatarInspectorTooltipDelay Seconds before displaying avatar inspector tooltip Floating point 0.35 Yes
AvatarNameTagMode Select Avatar Name Tag Mode Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
AvatarPhysics Enable avatar physics. Boolean True Yes
AvatarPickerSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 2 Yes
AvatarPickerURL Avatar picker contents String Yes
AvatarPosFinalOffset After-everything-else fixup for avatar position. Vector3 Yes
AvatarRotateThresholdFast Floating point 2 Yes
AvatarRotateThresholdSlow Floating point 60 Yes
AvatarSex Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 No


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
BackgroundYieldTime Signed 32-bit integer 40 Yes
BingTranslateAPIKey Bing AppID to use with the Microsoft Translator API String Yes
BlockAvatarAppearanceMessages Ignores appearance messages (for simulating Ruth) Boolean False Yes
BlockPeopleSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
BlockSomeAvatarAppearanceVisualParams Boolean False Yes
BottomPanelNew Enable the new bottom panel Boolean False Yes
BrowserEnableJSObject Boolean False No
BrowserHomePage [NOT USED] String Yes
BrowserIgnoreSSLCertErrors Boolean False Yes
BrowserJavascriptEnabled Enable Javascript in the built-in Web browser? Boolean True Yes
BrowserPluginsEnabled Enable Web plugins in the built-in Web browser? Boolean True Yes
BrowserProxyAddress Address for the Web Proxy] String Yes
BrowserProxyEnabled Use Web Proxy Boolean False Yes
BrowserProxyExclusions [NOT USED] String Yes
BrowserProxyPort Port for Web Proxy Signed 32-bit integer 3128 Yes
BrowserProxySocks45 [NOT USED] Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone0 Build axis 0 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone1 Build axis 1 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone2 Build axis 2 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone3 Build axis 3 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone4 Build axis 4 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisDeadZone5 Build axis 5 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
BuildAxisScale0 Build axis 0 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildAxisScale1 Build axis 1 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildAxisScale2 Build axis 2 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildAxisScale3 Build axis 3 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildAxisScale4 Build axis 4 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildAxisScale5 Build axis 5 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
BuildFeathering Build feathering (less is softer) Floating point 16.0 Yes
BulkChangeEveryoneCopy Bulk changed objects can be copied by everyone Boolean False Yes
BulkChangeIncludeAnimations Bulk permission changes affect animations Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeBodyParts Bulk permission changes affect body parts Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeClothing Bulk permission changes affect clothing Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeGestures Bulk permission changes affect gestures Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeNotecards Bulk permission changes affect notecards Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeObjects Bulk permission changes affect objects Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeScripts Bulk permission changes affect scripts Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeSounds Bulk permission changes affect sounds Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeIncludeTextures Bulk permission changes affect textures Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeNextOwnerCopy Bulk changed objects can be copied by next owner Boolean False Yes
BulkChangeNextOwnerModify Bulk changed objects can be modified by next owner Boolean False Yes
BulkChangeNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
BulkChangeShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
ButtonHPad Default horizontal spacing between buttons (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
ButtonHeight Default height for normal buttons (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 23 Yes
ButtonHeightSmall Default height for small buttons (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 23 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
CacheLocation Controls the location of the local disk cache String Yes
CacheLocationTopFolder String Yes
CacheNumberOfRegionsForObjects Controls number of regions to be cached for objects. Unsigned 32-bit integer 128 Yes
CacheSize Unsigned 32-bit integer 512 Yes
CacheValidateCounter Used to distribute cache validation Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
CallLogSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
CameraAngle Camera field of view angle (Radians) Floating point 1.047197551 Yes
CameraAspectRatio Camera aspect ratio for DoF effect Floating point 1.5 Yes
CameraDoFResScale Floating point 0.7 Yes
CameraFNumber Camera f-number value for DoF effect Floating point 9.0 Yes
CameraFieldOfView Vertical camera field of view for DoF effect (in degrees) Floating point 60.0 Yes
CameraFocalLength Camera focal length for DoF effect (in millimeters) Floating point 50 Yes
CameraFocusTransitionTime Floating point 0.5 Yes
CameraMaxCoF Maximum camera circle of confusion for DoF effect Floating point 10.0 Yes
CameraMouseWheelZoom Camera zooms in and out with mousewheel Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
CameraOffset Boolean False Yes
CameraOffsetBuild Vector3 Yes
CameraOffsetFrontView Initial camera offset from avatar in Front View Vector3 Yes
CameraOffsetGroupView Initial camera offset from avatar in Group View Vector3 Yes
CameraOffsetRearView Initial camera offset from avatar in Rear View Vector3 Yes
CameraOffsetScale Scales the default offset Floating point 1.0 Yes
CameraPosOnLogout Camera position when last logged out (global coordinates) Vector3D Yes
CameraPositionSmoothing Smooths camera position over time Floating point 1.0 Yes
CameraPreset Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
CertStore String default Yes
ChannelBottomPanelMargin Space from a lower toast to the Bottom Tray Signed 32-bit integer 35 Yes
ChatBarCustomWidth Stores customized width of chat bar. Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
ChatBarStealsFocus Boolean True Yes
ChatBubbleOpacity Floating point 0.5 Yes
ChatFontSize Size of chat text in chat console (0 =3D small, 1 =3D big) Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
ChatFullWidth Chat console takes up full width of SL window Boolean True Yes
ChatHistoryTornOff Boolean False Yes
ChatLoadGroupMaxMembers Signed 32-bit integer 100 Yes
ChatLoadGroupTimeout Floating point 10.0 Yes
ChatOnlineNotification Boolean True Yes
ChatPersistTime Time for which chat stays visible in console (seconds) Floating point 20.0 Yes
ChatShowTimestamps Show timestamps in chat Boolean True Yes
CheesyBeacon Enable cheesy beacon effects Boolean False Yes
ClickActionBuyEnabled Enable click to buy actions in tool pie menu Boolean True Yes
ClickActionPayEnabled Enable click to pay actions in tool pie menu Boolean True Yes
ClickToWalk Click in world to walk to location Boolean True Yes
ClientSettingsFile Client settings file name (per install). String No
CloseChatOnReturn Close chat after hitting return Boolean False Yes
ClothingLoadingDelay Floating point 10.0 Yes
CmdLineChannel Command line specified channel name String No
CmdLineDisableVoice Disable Voice. Boolean False No
CmdLineGridChoice The user's grid choice or ip address. String No
CmdLineHelperURI Command line specified helper web CGI prefix to use. String No
CmdLineLoginLocation Startup destination requested on command line String No
CmdLineLoginURI LLSD No
CmdLineUpdateService Override the url base for the update query. String No
ConnectAsGod Log in a god if you have god access. Boolean False Yes
ConnectionPort Custom connection port number Unsigned 32-bit integer 13000 Yes
ConnectionPortEnabled Use the custom connection port? Boolean False Yes
ConsoleBackgroundOpacity Floating point 0.700 Yes
ConsoleBufferSize Size of chat console history (lines of chat) Signed 32-bit integer 40 Yes
ConsoleMaxLines Max number of lines of chat text visible in console. Signed 32-bit integer 40 Yes
ContactsTornOff Show contacts window separately from Communicate window. Boolean False Yes
ContextConeFadeTime Cone Fade Time Floating point .08 No
ContextConeInAlpha Cone In Alpha Floating point 0.0 No
ContextConeOutAlpha Cone Out Alpha Floating point 1.0 No
ConversationHistoryPageSize Signed 32-bit integer 100 Yes
ConversationSortOrder Specifies sort key for conversations Unsigned 32-bit integer 131073 Yes
CookiesEnabled Accept cookies from Web sites? Boolean True Yes
CoroutineStackSize Size (in bytes) for each coroutine stack Signed 32-bit integer 262144 No
CrashHostUrl String Yes
CrashOnStartup User-requested crash on viewer startup Boolean False No
CreateToolCopyCenters Boolean True No
CreateToolCopyRotates Boolean False No
CreateToolCopySelection Boolean False No
CreateToolKeepSelected After using create tool, keep the create tool active Boolean False Yes
CurlMaximumNumberOfHandles Maximum number of handles curl can use (requires restart) Signed 32-bit integer 256 Yes
CurlRequestTimeOut Floating point 120.0 Yes
CurlUseMultipleThreads Boolean True Yes
CurrentGrid Currently Selected Grid String Yes
CurrentMapServerURL Current Session World map URL String No
Cursor3D Treat Joystick values as absolute positions (not deltas). Boolean True Yes
CustomServer String Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
DayCycleName Day cycle to use. May be superseded by region settings. String Default Yes
DebugAvatarAppearanceMessage Dump a bunch of XML files when handling appearance messages Boolean False Yes
DebugAvatarAppearanceServiceURLOverride String Yes
DebugAvatarCompositeBaked Colorize avatar meshes based on baked/composite state. Boolean False Yes
DebugAvatarExperimentalServerAppearanceUpdate Boolean False Yes
DebugAvatarLocalTexLoadedTime Display time for loading avatar local textures. Boolean True Yes
DebugAvatarRezTime Display times for avatars to resolve. Boolean False Yes
DebugBeaconLineWidth Size of lines for Debug Beacons Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
DebugForceAppearanceRequestFailure Boolean False Yes
DebugHideEmptySystemFolders Hide empty system folders when on Boolean True Yes
DebugInventoryFilters Turn on debugging display for inventory filtering Boolean False Yes
DebugPermissions Log permissions for selected inventory items Boolean False Yes
DebugPluginDisableTimeout Boolean False Yes
DebugSession Request debugging for a particular viewer session Boolean False No
DebugShowAvatarRenderInfo Show avatar render cost information Boolean False Yes
DebugShowColor Show color under cursor Boolean False Yes
DebugShowMemory Show Total Allocated Memory Boolean False Yes
DebugShowPrivateMem Show Private Mem Info Boolean False Yes
DebugShowRenderInfo Show stats about current scene Boolean False Yes
DebugShowRenderMatrices Display values of current view and projection matrices. Boolean False Yes
DebugShowTextureInfo Show inertested texture info Boolean False Yes
DebugShowTime Show time info Boolean False Yes
DebugShowUploadCost Show mesh upload cost Boolean True Yes
DebugShowXUINames Show tooltips with XUI path to widget Boolean False No
DebugSlshareLogTag Request slshare-service debug logging String No
DebugStatMode Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeActualIn Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeActualOut Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeAgentUpdatesSec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeAsset Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeBandwidth Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeBoundMem Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeChildAgents Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeFPS Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeFormattedMem Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeGLMem Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeKTrisDrawnFr Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeKTrisDrawnSec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeLayers Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeLowLODObjects Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeMainAgents Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeMemoryAllocated Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeNewObjs Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeObjects Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModePacketLoss Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModePacketsIn Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModePacketsOut Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModePhysicsFPS Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModePinnedObjects Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeRawCount Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeRawMem Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimActiveObjects Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimActiveScripts Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimAgentMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimFPS Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimFrameMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimImagesMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimInPPS Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimNetMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimObjects Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimOutPPS Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimPendingDownloads Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimPumpIOMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimScriptEvents Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimScriptMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSimOtherMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsOtherMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsShapeUpdateMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsStepMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSleepMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimSpareMsec Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeSimTotalUnackedBytes Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeTexture Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeTextureCount Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeTimeDialation Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeTotalObjs Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugStatModeVFSPendingOps Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
DebugViews Display debugging info for views. Boolean False Yes
DebugWindowProc Log windows messages Boolean False Yes
DefaultBlankNormalTexture String 5b53359e-59dd-d8a2-04c3-9e65134da47a Yes
DefaultFemaleAvatar Default Female Avatar String Female Shape & Outfit Yes
DefaultLoginLocation String No
DefaultMaleAvatar Default Male Avatar String Male Shape & Outfit Yes
DefaultObjectNormalTexture String 85f28839-7a1c-b4e3-d71d-967792970a7b Yes
DefaultObjectSpecularTexture String 87e0e8f7-8729-1ea8-cfc9-8915773009db Yes
DefaultObjectTexture String 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f Yes
DefaultUploadCost Unsigned 32-bit integer 10 Yes
DefaultUploadPermissionsConverted Boolean False Yes
DestinationGuideHintTimeout Floating point 1200.0 Yes
DestinationGuideURL Destination guide contents String Yes
DisableAllRenderFeatures Disables all rendering features. Boolean False No
DisableAllRenderTypes Disables all rendering types. Boolean False No
DisableCameraConstraints Boolean False Yes
DisableCrashLogger Do not send crash report to Linden server Boolean False No
DisableExternalBrowser Disable opening an external browser. Boolean False Yes
DisableMouseWarp Boolean False Yes
DisablePrecacheDelayAfterTeleporting Boolean False No
DisableTextHyperlinkActions Boolean False Yes
DisableVerticalSync Boolean True Yes
DisplayAvatarAgentTarget Show avatar positioning locators (animation debug) Boolean False Yes
DisplayChat Display Latest Chat message on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayDebug Display Network Information on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayDebugConsole Display Console Debug Information on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayIM Display Latest IM message on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayLinden Display Account Information on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayRegion Display Location information on LCD Boolean True Yes
DisplayTimecode Display timecode on screen Boolean False Yes
Disregard128DefaultDrawDistance Whether to use the auto default to 128 draw distance Boolean True Yes
Disregard96DefaultDrawDistance Whether to use the auto default to 96 draw distance Boolean True Yes
DoubleClickAutoPilot Enable double-click auto pilot Boolean False Yes
DoubleClickShowWorldMap Enable double-click to show world map from mini map Boolean True Yes
DoubleClickTeleport Enable double-click to teleport where allowed Boolean False Yes
DragAndDropDistanceThreshold Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
DragAndDropToolTipDelay Floating point 0.10000000149 Yes
DropShadowButton Drop shadow width for buttons (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
DropShadowFloater Drop shadow width for floaters (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
DropShadowSlider Drop shadow width for sliders (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
DropShadowTooltip Drop shadow width for tooltips (pixels) Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
DumpVFSCaches Dump VFS caches on startup. Boolean False Yes
DynamicCameraStrength Floating point 2.0 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
EditCameraMovement When entering build mode, camera moves up above avatar Boolean False Yes
EditLinkedParts Select individual parts of linked objects Boolean False No
EffectScriptChatParticles Boolean True Yes
EnableAltZoom Use Alt+mouse to look at and zoom in on objects Boolean True Yes
EnableAppearance Enable opening appearance from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableAvatarPay Enable paying other avatars from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableAvatarShare Enable sharing from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableButtonFlashing Allow UI to flash buttons to get your attention Boolean True Yes
EnableClassifieds Enable creation of new classified ads from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableGestureSounds Play sounds from gestures Boolean True Yes
EnableGrab Use Ctrl+mouse to grab and manipulate objects Boolean True Yes
EnableGroupChatPopups Enable Incoming Group Chat Popups Boolean True Yes
EnableGroupInfo Enable viewing and editing of group info from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableIMChatPopups Enable Incoming IM Chat Popups Boolean True Yes
EnableInventory Enable opening inventory from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableMouselook Boolean True Yes
EnablePicks Enable editing of picks from web link Boolean True Yes
EnablePlaceProfile Enable viewing of place profile from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableSearch Enable opening search from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableUIHints Toggles UI hint popups Boolean False Yes
EnableVisualLeakDetector EnableVisualLeakDetector Boolean False Yes
EnableVoiceCall Enable voice calls from web link Boolean True Yes
EnableVoiceChat Enable talking to other residents with a microphone Boolean True Yes
EnableWorldMap Enable opening world map from web link Boolean True Yes
EnergyFromTop Signed 32-bit integer 20 No
EnergyHeight Signed 32-bit integer 40 No
EnergyWidth Signed 32-bit integer 175 No
EnvironmentPersistAcrossLogin Keep Environment settings consistent across sessions Boolean False Yes
EventURL URL for Event website, displayed in the event floater String No
EveryoneCopy (obsolete) Everyone can copy the newly created objects Boolean False Yes
ExternalEditor String Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
FMODExDecodeBufferSize Sets the streaming decode buffer size (in milliseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer 1000 Yes
FMODExProfilerEnable Enable profiler tool if using FMOD Ex Boolean False Yes
FMODExStreamBufferSize Sets the streaming buffer size (in milliseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer 7000 Yes
FPSLogFrequency Seconds between display of FPS in log (0 for never) Floating point 10.0 Yes
FastCacheFetchEnabled Enable texture fast cache fetching if set Boolean True Yes
FeatureManagerHTTPTable Base directory for HTTP feature/gpu table fetches String Yes
FilterItemsMaxTimePerFrameUnvisible Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
FilterItemsMaxTimePerFrameVisible Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
FindLandArea Enables filtering of land search results by area Boolean False Yes
FindLandPrice Enables filtering of land search results by price Boolean True Yes
FindLandType String All Yes
FindPeopleOnline Limits people search to only users who are logged on Boolean True Yes
FindPlacesPictures Display only results of find places that have pictures Boolean True Yes
FirstLoginThisInstall Boolean True Yes
FirstName Login first name String Yes
FirstPersonAvatarVisible Boolean False Yes
FirstRunThisInstall Boolean True Yes
FirstSelectedDisabledPopups Boolean False No
FirstSelectedEnabledPopups Boolean False No
FixedWeather Weather effects do not change over time Boolean False Yes
FlashCount Number of flashes of item. Requires restart. Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
FlashPeriod Period at which item flash (seconds). Requires restart. Floating point 0.5 Yes
FloaterActiveSpeakersSortAscending Whether to sort up or down Boolean True Yes
FloaterActiveSpeakersSortColumn Column name to sort on String speaking_status Yes
FloaterMapEast Floater Map East Label String E Yes
FloaterMapNorth Floater Map North Label String N Yes
FloaterMapNorthEast Floater Map North-East Label String NE Yes
FloaterMapNorthWest Floater Map North-West Label String NW Yes
FloaterMapSouth Floater Map South Label String S Yes
FloaterMapSouthEast Floater Map South-East Label String SE Yes
FloaterMapSouthWest Floater Map South-West Label String SW Yes
FloaterMapWest Floater Map West Label String W Yes
FloaterStatisticsRect Rectangle for chat history Rect Yes
FlycamAbsolute Treat Flycam values as absolute positions (not deltas). Boolean False Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone0 Flycam axis 0 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone1 Flycam axis 1 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone2 Flycam axis 2 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone3 Flycam axis 3 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone4 Flycam axis 4 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone5 Flycam axis 5 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisDeadZone6 Flycam axis 6 dead zone. Floating point 0.1 Yes
FlycamAxisScale0 Flycam axis 0 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale1 Flycam axis 1 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale2 Flycam axis 2 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale3 Flycam axis 3 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale4 Flycam axis 4 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale5 Flycam axis 5 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamAxisScale6 Flycam axis 6 scaler. Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamBuildModeScale Floating point 1.0 Yes
FlycamFeathering Flycam feathering (less is softer) Floating point 16.0 Yes
FlycamZoomDirect Map flycam zoom axis directly to camera zoom. Boolean False Yes
FlyingAtExit Was flying when last logged out, so fly when logging in Boolean False Yes
FocusOffsetFrontView Vector3D Yes
FocusOffsetGroupView Vector3D Yes
FocusOffsetRearView Vector3D Yes
FocusPosOnLogout Vector3D Yes
FolderAutoOpenDelay Floating point 0.75 Yes
FolderLoadingMessageWaitTime Floating point 0.5 Yes
FontScreenDPI Font resolution, higher is bigger (pixels per inch) Floating point 96.0 Yes
ForceAssetFail Force wearable fetches to fail for this asset type. Unsigned 32-bit integer 255 Yes
ForceLoginURL String Yes
ForceMandatoryUpdate For QA: On next startup, forces the auto-updater to run Boolean False Yes
ForcePeriodicRenderingTime Floating point -1.0 Yes
ForceShowGrid Always show grid dropdown on login screen Boolean False Yes
FreezeTime Boolean False No
FriendsListHideUsernames Show both Display name and Username in Friend list Boolean False Yes
FriendsListShowIcons Show/hide online and all friends icons in the friend list Boolean True Yes
FriendsListShowPermissions Show/hide permission icons in the friend list Boolean True Yes
FriendsSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
FullScreen run a fullscreen session Boolean False Yes
FullScreenAspectRatio Aspect ratio of fullscreen display (width / height) Floating point 3.0 Yes
FullScreenAutoDetectAspectRatio Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
GenericErrorPageURL String Yes
GesturesEveryoneCopy Everyone can copy the newly created gesture Boolean False Yes
GesturesMarketplaceURL URL to the Gestures Marketplace String No
GesturesNextOwnerCopy Newly created gestures can be copied by next owner Boolean True Yes
GesturesNextOwnerModify Newly created gestures can be modified by next owner Boolean True Yes
GesturesNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
GesturesShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
GoogleTranslateAPIKey Google Translate API key String Yes
GridCrossSections Boolean False Yes
GridDrawSize Visible extent of 2D snap grid (meters) Floating point 12.0 Yes
GridMode Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
GridOpacity Floating point 0.699999988079 Yes
GridResolution Size of single grid step (meters) Floating point 0.5 Yes
GridSubUnit Display fractional grid steps, relative to grid size Boolean False Yes
GridSubdivision Signed 32-bit integer 32 Yes
GroupListShowIcons Show/hide group icons in the group list Boolean True Yes
GroupMembersSortOrder String name Yes
GroupNotifyBoxHeight Height of group notice messages Signed 32-bit integer 260 Yes
GroupNotifyBoxWidth Width of group notice messages Signed 32-bit integer 305 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
HeadlessClient Boolean False Yes
HeightUnits Boolean True Yes
HelpFloaterOpen Show Help Floater on login? Boolean False Yes
HelpURLFormat String Yes
HideSelectedObjects Hide Selected Objects Boolean False Yes
HideUIControls Hide all menu items and buttons Boolean False No
HighResSnapshot Boolean False Yes
HomeSidePanelURL URL for the web page to display in the Home side panel String Yes
HostID Machine identifier for hosted Second Life instances String No
HowToHelpURL URL for How To help content String Yes
HtmlHelpLastPage Last URL visited via help system String Yes
HttpPipelining If true, viewer will attempt to pipeline HTTP requests. Boolean True Yes
HttpProxyType Proxy type to use for HTTP operations String Socks Yes
HttpRangeRequestsDisable Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
IMShowContentPanel Show Toolbar and Body Panels Boolean True Yes
IMShowControlPanel Show IM Control Panel Boolean True Yes
IMShowNamesForP2PConv Enable(disable) showing of a names in the chat. Boolean True Yes
IMShowTime Enable(disable) timestamp showing in the chat. Boolean True Yes
IMShowTimestamps Show timestamps in IM Boolean True Yes
IgnoreAllNotifications Boolean False Yes
IgnorePixelDepth Ignore pixel depth settings. Boolean False Yes
ImagePipelineUseHTTP If TRUE use HTTP GET to fetch textures from the server Boolean True Yes
ImporterDebug Boolean False Yes
ImporterLegacyMatching Enable index based model matching. Boolean False Yes
ImporterModelLimit Limits amount of importer generated models for dae files Unsigned 32-bit integer 768 Yes
ImporterPreprocessDAE Boolean True Yes
InBandwidth Incoming bandwidth throttle (bps) Floating point 0.0 Yes
InactiveFloaterTransparency Floating point 0.95 Yes
IndirectMaxComplexity Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 No
IndirectMaxNonImpostors Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 No
InspectorFadeTime Fade out timing for inspectors Floating point 0.5 Yes
InspectorShowTime Stay timing for inspectors Floating point 3.0 Yes
InstallLanguage Language passed from installer (for UI) String default Yes
InterpolationPhaseOut Seconds to phase out interpolated motion Floating point 1 Yes
InterpolationTime Floating point 3 Yes
InventoryAutoOpenDelay Floating point 1.0 Yes
InventoryDebugSimulateLateOpRate Floating point 0.0 Yes
InventoryDebugSimulateOpFailureRate Floating point 0.0 Yes
InventoryDisplayInbox Override received items inventory inbox display Boolean False No
InventoryInboxToggleState Boolean False Yes
InventoryLinking Boolean False Yes
InventoryOutboxDisplayBoth Boolean False Yes
InventoryOutboxLogging Boolean False Yes
InventoryOutboxMakeVisible Boolean False Yes
InventoryOutboxMaxFolderCount Unsigned 32-bit integer 20 No
InventoryOutboxMaxFolderDepth Unsigned 32-bit integer 4 No
InventoryOutboxMaxItemCount Unsigned 32-bit integer 200 No
InventoryOutboxMaxStockItemCount Maximum number of items allowed in a stock folder. Unsigned 32-bit integer 200 No
InventorySortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 7 Yes
InventoryTrashMaxCapacity Unsigned 32-bit integer 5000 Yes
InvertMouse Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
JoystickAvatarEnabled Enables the Joystick to control Avatar movement. Boolean True Yes
JoystickAxis0 Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
JoystickAxis1 Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
JoystickAxis2 Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
JoystickAxis3 Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
JoystickAxis4 Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
JoystickAxis5 Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
JoystickAxis6 Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
JoystickBuildEnabled Enables the Joystick to move edited objects. Boolean False Yes
JoystickEnabled Enables Joystick Input. Boolean False Yes
JoystickFlycamEnabled Enables the Joystick to control the flycam. Boolean True No
JoystickInitialized String Yes
JoystickMouselookYaw Pass joystick yaw to scripts in Mouselook. Boolean True Yes
JoystickRunThreshold Input threshold to initiate running Floating point 0.25 Yes
Jpeg2000AdvancedCompression Boolean False Yes
Jpeg2000BlocksSize Signed 32-bit integer 64 Yes
Jpeg2000PrecinctsSize Signed 32-bit integer 256 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
KeepAspectForSnapshot Boolean True Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
LCDDestination Which LCD to use Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LSLFindCaseInsensitivity Use case insensitivity when searching in LSL editor Boolean False Yes
LagMeterShrunk Last large/small state for lag meter Boolean False Yes
LandBrushForce Multiplier for land modification brush force. Floating point 1.0 Yes
LandBrushSize Size of affected region when using teraform tool Floating point 2.0 Yes
LandmarksSortedByDate Reflects landmarks panel sorting order. Boolean True Yes
Language Language specifier (for UI) String default Yes
LanguageIsPublic Let other residents see our language information Boolean True Yes
LastFeatureVersion Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LastFindPanel String find_all_panel Yes
LastGPUString String Yes
LastMediaSettingsTab Last selected tab in media settings window Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LastName Login last name String Yes
LastPrefTab Last selected tab in preferences window Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LastRunVersion String 0.0.0 Yes
LastSnapshotToDiskHeight The height of the last disk snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 768 Yes
LastSnapshotToDiskWidth The width of the last disk snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
LastSnapshotToEmailHeight The height of the last email snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 768 Yes
LastSnapshotToEmailWidth The width of the last email snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
LastSnapshotToInventoryHeight The height of the last texture snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 512 Yes
LastSnapshotToInventoryWidth The width of the last texture snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 512 Yes
LastSnapshotToProfileHeight The height of the last profile snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 768 Yes
LastSnapshotToProfileWidth The width of the last profile snapshot, in px Signed 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
LeapCommand LLSD No
LeapPlaybackEventsCommand LLSD No
LeaveMouselook Boolean False Yes
LeftClickShowMenu Boolean False Yes
LetterKeysFocusChatBar Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LimitDragDistance Limit translation of object via translate tool Boolean True Yes
LimitSelectDistance Disallow selection of objects beyond max select distance Boolean True Yes
LipSyncAah Aah (jaw opening) babble loop String 257998776531013446642343 Yes
LipSyncAahPowerTransfer String 0000123456789 Yes
LipSyncEnabled 0 disable lip-sync, 1 enable babble loop Boolean True Yes
LipSyncOoh Ooh (mouth width) babble loop String 1247898743223344444443200000 Yes
LipSyncOohAahRate Rate to babble Ooh and Aah (/sec) Floating point 24.0 Yes
LipSyncOohPowerTransfer String 0012345566778899 Yes
LocalCacheVersion Version number of cache Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
LocalFileSystemBrowsingEnabled Boolean True Yes
LogInventoryDecline Boolean True Yes
LogMessages Log network traffic Boolean False Yes
LogMetrics Log viewer metrics String No
LogPerformance Log performance analysis for a particular viewer run Boolean False No
LogTextureDownloadsToSimulator Send a digest of texture info to the sim Boolean False Yes
LogTextureDownloadsToViewerLog Send texture download details to the viewer log Boolean False Yes
LogTextureNetworkTraffic Log network traffic for textures Boolean False Yes
LoginAsGod Attempt to login with god powers (Linden accounts only) Boolean False Yes
LoginContentVersion Version of login page web based content to display String 2 No
LoginLocation Default Login location ('last', 'home') preference String last Yes
LoginPage Login authentication page. String Yes
LoginSRVPump Name of the message pump that handles SRV request String LLAres No
LoginSRVTimeout Duration in seconds of the login SRV request timeout Floating point 10.0 No
LosslessJ2CUpload Use lossless compression for small image uploads Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
MainloopTimeoutDefault Timeout duration for mainloop lock detection, in seconds. Floating point 60.0 Yes
MapOverlayIndex Currently selected world map type Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
MapScale World map zoom level (pixels per region) Floating point 128.0 Yes
MapServerURL World map URL template for locating map tiles String No
MapShowEvents Show events on world map Boolean True Yes
MapShowInfohubs Show infohubs on the world map Boolean True Yes
MapShowLandForSale Show land for sale on world map Boolean False Yes
MapShowPeople Show other users on world map Boolean True Yes
MapShowTelehubs Show telehubs on world map Boolean True Yes
Marker [NOT USED] String Yes
MarketplaceListingsLogging Boolean False Yes
MarketplaceListingsSortOrder Specifies sort for marketplace listings Unsigned 32-bit integer 2 Yes
MarketplaceURL URL to the Marketplace String No
MarketplaceURL_bodypartFemale URL to the Marketplace Bodyparts Female String No
MarketplaceURL_bodypartMale URL to the Marketplace Bodyparts Male String No
MarketplaceURL_clothingFemale URL to the Marketplace Clothing Female String No
MarketplaceURL_clothingMale URL to the Marketplace Clothing Male String No
MarketplaceURL_eyesFemale URL to the Marketplace Eyes Female String No
MarketplaceURL_eyesMale URL to the Marketplace Eyes Male String No
MarketplaceURL_glovesFemale URL to the Marketplace Gloves Female String No
MarketplaceURL_glovesMale URL to the Marketplace Gloves Male String No
MarketplaceURL_hairFemale URL to the Marketplace Hair Female String No
MarketplaceURL_hairMale URL to the Marketplace Hair Male String No
MarketplaceURL_jacketFemale URL to the Marketplace Jacket Female String No
MarketplaceURL_jacketMale URL to the Marketplace Jacket Male String No
MarketplaceURL_objectFemale URL to the Marketplace Attachments Female String No
MarketplaceURL_objectMale URL to the Marketplace Attachments Male String No
MarketplaceURL_pantsFemale URL to the Marketplace Pants Female String No
MarketplaceURL_pantsMale URL to the Marketplace Pants Male String No
MarketplaceURL_shapeFemale URL to the Marketplace Shape Female String No
MarketplaceURL_shapeMale URL to the Marketplace Shape Male String No
MarketplaceURL_shirtFemale URL to the Marketplace Shirt Female String No
MarketplaceURL_shirtMale URL to the Marketplace Shirt Male String No
MarketplaceURL_shoesFemale URL to the Marketplace Shoes Female String No
MarketplaceURL_shoesMale URL to the Marketplace Shoes Male String No
MarketplaceURL_skinFemale URL to the Marketplace Skin Female String No
MarketplaceURL_skinMale URL to the Marketplace Skins Male String No
MarketplaceURL_skirtFemale URL to the Marketplace Skirt Female String No
MarketplaceURL_skirtMale URL to the Marketplace Skirt Male String No
MarketplaceURL_socksFemale URL to the Marketplace Socks Female String No
MarketplaceURL_socksMale URL to the Marketplace Socks Male String No
MarketplaceURL_tattooFemale URL to the Marketplace Tattoo Female String No
MarketplaceURL_tattooMale URL to the Marketplace Tattoo Male String No
MarketplaceURL_underpantsFemale URL to the Marketplace Underwear Female String No
MarketplaceURL_underpantsMale URL to the Marketplace Underwear Male String No
MarketplaceURL_undershirtFemale URL to the Marketplace Undershirt Female String No
MarketplaceURL_undershirtMale URL to the Marketplace Undershirt Male String No
MaxDragDistance Floating point 48.0 Yes
MaxFPS OBSOLETE UNUSED setting. Floating point -1.0 Yes
MaxHeapSize Maximum heap size (GB) Floating point 1.6 Yes
MaxPersistentNotifications Maximum amount of persistent notifications Signed 32-bit integer 250 Yes
MaxSelectDistance Maximum allowed selection distance (meters from avatar) Floating point 128.0 Yes
MaxWearableWaitTime Max seconds to wait for wearable assets to fetch. Floating point 60.0 Yes
Max_texture_dimension_X Maximum texture width for user uploaded textures Signed 32-bit integer 2048 Yes
Max_texture_dimension_Y Maximum texture height for user uploaded textures Signed 32-bit integer 2048 Yes
MePanelOpened Boolean False Yes
MediaBrowserWindowLimit Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
MediaControlFadeTime Amount of time (in seconds) that the media control fades Floating point 1.5 Yes
MediaControlTimeout Floating point 3.0 Yes
MediaEnablePopups Boolean False Yes
MediaOnAPrimUI Whether or not to show the "link sharing" UI Boolean True Yes
MediaPerformanceManagerDebug Boolean False Yes
MediaPluginDebugging Boolean False Yes
MediaRollOffMax Distance at which media volume is set to 0 Floating point 30.0 Yes
MediaRollOffMin Adjusts the distance at which media attentuation starts Floating point 10.0 Yes
MediaRollOffRate Multiplier to change rate of media attenuation Floating point 0.125 Yes
MediaShowOnOthers Whether or not to show media on other avatars Boolean False Yes
MediaShowOutsideParcel Boolean True Yes
MediaShowWithinParcel Whether or not to show media within the current parcel Boolean True Yes
MediaTentativeAutoPlay Boolean True No
MemProfiling You want to use tcmalloc's memory profiling options. Boolean False Yes
MemoryFailurePreventionEnabled Boolean False Yes
MemoryLogFrequency Floating point 600.0 Yes
MemoryPrivatePoolEnabled Enable the private memory pool management Boolean False Yes
MemoryPrivatePoolSize Size of the private memory pool in MB (min. value is 256) Unsigned 32-bit integer 512 Yes
MenuAccessKeyTime Floating point 0.25 Yes
MenuBarHeight Signed 32-bit integer 18 No
MenuBarWidth Signed 32-bit integer 410 No
Mesh2MaxConcurrentRequests Number of connections to use for loading meshes. Unsigned 32-bit integer 8 Yes
MeshBytesPerTriangle Unsigned 32-bit integer 16 Yes
MeshEnabled Boolean True Yes
MeshImportUseSLM Boolean True Yes
MeshMaxConcurrentRequests Unsigned 32-bit integer 32 Yes
MeshMetaDataDiscount Unsigned 32-bit integer 384 Yes
MeshMinimumByteSize Unsigned 32-bit integer 16 Yes
MeshTriangleBudget Unsigned 32-bit integer 250000 Yes
MeshUploadFakeErrors Force upload errors (for testing) Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
MeshUploadLogXML Verbose XML logging on mesh upload Boolean False Yes
MeshUploadTimeOut Signed 32-bit integer 600 Yes
MeshUseGetMesh1 Boolean False Yes
MeshUseHttpRetryAfter Boolean True Yes
MigrateCacheDirectory Boolean True Yes
MinObjectsForUnlinkConfirm Signed 32-bit integer 6 Yes
MinWindowHeight SL viewer minimum window height in pixels Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
MinWindowWidth SL viewer minimum window width in pixels Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
MiniMapAutoCenter Center the focal point of the minimap. Boolean True Yes
MiniMapPrimMaxRadius Floating point 256.0 Yes
MiniMapRotate Rotate miniature world map to avatar direction Boolean True Yes
MiniMapScale Miniature world map zoom level (pixels per region) Floating point 128.0 Yes
Moapbeacon Beacon / Highlight media on a prim sources Boolean False Yes
MouseSensitivity Floating point 3.0 Yes
MouseSmooth Smooths out motion of mouse when in mouselook mode. Boolean False Yes
MouseSun Boolean False No
MuteAmbient Boolean False Yes
MuteAudio Boolean False Yes
MuteMedia Boolean False Yes
MuteMusic Boolean False Yes
MuteSounds Sound effects play at 0 volume Boolean False Yes
MuteUI UI sound effects play at 0 volume Boolean False Yes
MuteVoice Boolean False Yes
MuteWhenMinimized Mute audio when SL window is minimized Boolean False Yes
MyOutfitsAutofill Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
NameTagShowDisplayNames Show display names in name labels Boolean True Yes
NameTagShowFriends Highlight the name tags of your friends Boolean False Yes
NameTagShowGroupTitles Show group titles in name labels Boolean True Yes
NameTagShowUsernames Show usernames in avatar name tags Boolean True Yes
NavBarShowCoordinates Show coordinates in navigation bar Boolean False Yes
NavBarShowParcelProperties Show parcel property icons in navigation bar Boolean True Yes
NearByChatChannelUUID String E1158BD6-661C-4981-9DAD-4DCBFF062502 No
NearMeRange Search radius for nearby avatars Floating point 130 Yes
NearbyListHideUsernames Show both Display name and Username in Nearby list Boolean False Yes
NearbyListShowIcons Show/hide people icons in nearby list Boolean True Yes
NearbyListShowMap Show/hide map above nearby people list Boolean True Yes
NearbyPeopleSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 4 Yes
NearbyToastFadingTime Number of seconds while a nearby chat toast is fading Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
NearbyToastLifeTime Number of seconds while a nearby chat toast exists Signed 32-bit integer 23 Yes
NewCacheLocation Change the location of the local disk cache to this String Yes
NewCacheLocationTopFolder String Yes
NewObjectCreationThrottle Signed 32-bit integer 200 Yes
NewObjectCreationThrottleDelayTime Floating point 2.0 Yes
NextLoginLocation String Yes
NextOwnerCopy Boolean False Yes
NextOwnerModify Boolean False Yes
NextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
NoAudio Disable audio playback. Boolean False Yes
NoHardwareProbe Disable hardware probe. Boolean False Yes
NoInventoryLibrary Do not request inventory library. Boolean False Yes
NoPreload Disable sound and image preload. Boolean False Yes
NoQuickTime Disable QuickTime for a particular viewer run Boolean False No
NoVerifySSLCert Do not verify SSL peers. Boolean False Yes
NonvisibleObjectsInMemoryTime Unsigned 32-bit integer 300 Yes
NotMovingHintTimeout Floating point 120.0 Yes
NotecardsEveryoneCopy Everyone can copy the newly created notecard Boolean False Yes
NotecardsNextOwnerCopy Newly created notecards can be copied by next owner Boolean True Yes
NotecardsNextOwnerModify Newly created notecards can be modified by next owner Boolean True Yes
NotecardsNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
NotecardsShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
NotificationChannelHeightRatio Floating point 0.5 Yes
NotificationChannelRightMargin Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
NotificationChannelUUID String AEED3193-8709-4693-8558-7452CCA97AE5 No
NotificationConferenceIMOptions String toast Yes
NotificationFriendIMOptions String toast Yes
NotificationGroupChatOptions String toast Yes
NotificationNearbyChatOptions String toast Yes
NotificationNonFriendIMOptions String toast Yes
NotificationObjectIMOptions String toast Yes
NotificationTipToastLifeTime Number of seconds while a notification tip toast exist Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
NotificationToastLifeTime Number of seconds while a notification toast exists Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
NotifyBoxHeight Height of notification messages Signed 32-bit integer 200 Yes
NotifyBoxWidth Width of notification messages Signed 32-bit integer 305 Yes
NotifyMoneyChange Pop up notifications for all L$ transactions Boolean True Yes
NotifyMoneyReceived Pop up notifications when receiving L$ Boolean True Yes
NotifyMoneySpend Pop up notifications when spending L$ Boolean True Yes
NotifyTipDuration Floating point 4.0 Yes
NumSessions Number of successful logins to Second Life Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
ObjectCacheEnabled Enable the object cache. Boolean True Yes
ObjectCostHighColor Color for object a high object cost. Color4 Yes
ObjectCostHighThreshold Floating point 50.0 Yes
ObjectCostLowColor Color for object with a low object cost. Color4 Yes
ObjectCostMidColor Color for object with a medium object cost. Color4 Yes
ObjectInspectorTooltipDelay Seconds before displaying object inspector tooltip Floating point 0.35 Yes
ObjectsEveryoneCopy Everyone can copy the newly created object Boolean False Yes
ObjectsNextOwnerCopy Newly created objects can be copied by next owner Boolean False Yes
ObjectsNextOwnerModify Newly created objects can be modified by next owner Boolean False Yes
ObjectsNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
ObjectsShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
OctreeAlphaDistanceFactor Vector3 Yes
OctreeAttachmentSizeFactor Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
OctreeDistanceFactor Multiplier on distance for determining octree node size Vector3 Yes
OctreeMaxNodeCapacity Maximum number of elements to store in a single octree node Unsigned 32-bit integer 128 Yes
OctreeMinimumNodeSize Minimum size of any octree node Floating point 0.01 Yes
OctreeStaticObjectSizeFactor Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
OpenDebugStatAdvanced Expand advanced performance stats display Boolean False Yes
OpenDebugStatBasic Expand basic performance stats display Boolean True Yes
OpenDebugStatNet Expand network stats display Boolean True Yes
OpenDebugStatPhysicsDetails Expand Physics Details performance stats display Boolean False Yes
OpenDebugStatRender Expand render stats display Boolean True Yes
OpenDebugStatSim Expand simulator performance stats display Boolean True Yes
OpenDebugStatSimTime Expand Simulator Time performance stats display Boolean False Yes
OpenDebugStatSimTimeDetails Expand Simulator Time Details performance stats display Boolean False Yes
OpenDebugStatTexture Expand Texture performance stats display Boolean False Yes
OpenIMOnVoice Boolean False Yes
OpenSidePanelsInFloaters Boolean False Yes
OutBandwidth Outgoing bandwidth throttle (bps) Floating point 0.0 Yes
OutfitGallerySortByName Always sort outfits by name in Outfit Gallery Boolean False Yes
OutfitOperationsTimeout Timeout for outfit related operations. Signed 32-bit integer 180 Yes
OverflowToastHeight Height of an overflow toast Signed 32-bit integer 72 Yes
OverlayTitle String Set_via_OverlayTitle_in_settings.xml Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
PTTCurrentlyEnabled Use Push to Talk mode Boolean True No
PacketDropPercentage Percentage of packets dropped by the client. Floating point 0.0 Yes
ParcelMediaAutoPlayEnable Auto play parcel media when available Boolean True Yes
ParticipantListShowIcons Show/hide people icons in participant list Boolean True Yes
Particlesbeacon Beacon / Highlight particle generators Boolean False Yes
PathfindingAmbiance Ambiance of lit pathfinding navmesh displays. Floating point 0.5 No
PathfindingBoundaryEdge Color4 No
PathfindingConnectedEdge Color4 No
PathfindingExclusion Color4 No
PathfindingFaceColor Color4 No
PathfindingHeatColorBase Color4 No
PathfindingHeatColorMax Color4 No
PathfindingLineOffset Depth offset of volume outlines in pathfinding display. Floating point 2.3 No
PathfindingLineWidth Width of volume outlines in pathfinding navmesh display. Floating point 2.0 No
PathfindingMaterial Color4 No
PathfindingNavMeshClear Background color when displaying pathfinding navmesh. Color4 No
PathfindingObstacle Color4 No
PathfindingRetrieveNeighboringRegion Unsigned 32-bit integer 99 Yes
PathfindingTestPathColor Color4 No
PathfindingTestPathInvalidEndColor Color4 No
PathfindingTestPathValidEndColor Color4 No
PathfindingWalkable Color4 No
PathfindingWaterColor Color of water plane when displaying pathfinding navmesh. Color4 No
PathfindingXRayOpacity Opacity of xray lines in pathfinding display. Floating point 0.25 No
PathfindingXRayTint Floating point 0.8 No
PathfindingXRayWireframe Render pathfinding navmesh xray as a wireframe. Boolean False No
PerAccountSettingsFile Persisted client settings file name (per user). String No
PermissionsCautionEnabled Boolean True No
PermissionsCautionNotifyBoxHeight Height of caution-style notification messages Signed 32-bit integer 344 No
Physicalbeacon Beacon / Highlight physical objects Boolean True Yes
PickerContextOpacity Floating point 0.34999999404 Yes
PicksPerSecondMouseMoving Floating point 5.0 Yes
PicksPerSecondMouseStationary Floating point 0.0 Yes
PieMenuLineWidth Width of lines in pie menu display (pixels) Floating point 2.5 Yes
PingInterpolate Boolean False Yes
PitchFromMousePosition Floating point 90.0 Yes
PlainTextChatHistory Enable/Disable plain text chat history style Boolean False Yes
PlayChatAnim Boolean True Yes
PlaySoundConferenceIM Plays a sound when conference IM received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundFriendIM Plays a sound when friend's IM received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundGroupChatIM Plays a sound when group chat IM received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundIncomingVoiceCall Plays a sound when have an incoming voice call. Boolean True Yes
PlaySoundInventoryOffer Plays a sound when have an inventory offer. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundNearbyChatIM Plays a sound when nearby chat IM received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundNewConversation Plays a sound when have a new conversation. Boolean True Yes
PlaySoundNonFriendIM Plays a sound when non-friend's IM received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundObjectIM Plays a sound when IM fom an object received. Boolean False Yes
PlaySoundTeleportOffer Plays a sound when have a teleport offer. Boolean False Yes
PlayTypingAnim Boolean True Yes
PluginAttachDebuggerToPlugins Boolean False Yes
PluginInstancesCPULimit Floating point 0.9 Yes
PluginInstancesLow Unsigned 32-bit integer 4 Yes
PluginInstancesNormal Unsigned 32-bit integer 2 Yes
PluginInstancesTotal Unsigned 32-bit integer 8 Yes
PluginUseReadThread Boolean False Yes
PoolSizeAIS Coroutine Pool size for AIS Unsigned 32-bit integer 1
PoolSizeUpload Coroutine Pool size for Upload Unsigned 32-bit integer 1
PostFirstLoginIntroURL String Yes
PostFirstLoginIntroViewed Boolean False Yes
PrecachingDelay Floating point 6.0 Yes
PreferredBrowserBehavior Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
PreferredMaturity Unsigned 32-bit integer 13 Yes
PresetGraphicActive Name of currently selected preference String Yes
PreviewAmbientColor Ambient color of preview render. Color4 Yes
PreviewDiffuse0 Diffise color of preview light 0. Color4 Yes
PreviewDiffuse1 Diffise color of preview light 1. Color4 Yes
PreviewDiffuse2 Diffise color of preview light 2. Color4 Yes
PreviewDirection0 Direction of light 0 for preview render. Vector3 Yes
PreviewDirection1 Direction of light 1 for preview render. Vector3 Yes
PreviewDirection2 Direction of light 2 for preview render. Vector3 Yes
PreviewSpecular0 Diffise color of preview light 0. Color4 Yes
PreviewSpecular1 Diffise color of preview light 1. Color4 Yes
PreviewSpecular2 Diffise color of preview light 2. Color4 Yes
PrimMediaControlsUseHoverControlSet Boolean False Yes
PrimMediaDragNDrop Enable drag and drop of URLs onto prim faces Boolean True Yes
PrimMediaMasterEnabled Whether or not Media on a Prim is enabled. Boolean True Yes
PrimMediaMaxRetries Maximum number of retries for media queries. Unsigned 32-bit integer 4 Yes
PrimMediaMaxRoundRobinQueueSize Unsigned 32-bit integer 100000 Yes
PrimMediaMaxSortedQueueSize Unsigned 32-bit integer 100000 Yes
PrimMediaRequestQueueDelay Floating point 1.0 Yes
PrimMediaRetryTimerDelay Timer delay for retrying on media queries (in seconds). Floating point 5.0 Yes
ProbeHardwareOnStartup Boolean True Yes
PurgeCacheOnNextStartup Clear local file cache next time viewer is run Boolean False Yes
PurgeCacheOnStartup Clear local file cache every time viewer is run Boolean False Yes
PushToTalkButton Which button or keyboard key is used for push-to-talk String MiddleMouse Yes
PushToTalkToggle Should the push-to-talk button behave as a toggle Boolean True Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
QAMode Enable Testing Features. Boolean False Yes
QAModeEventHostPort DEPRECATED: Port on which lleventhost should listen Signed 32-bit integer -1 No
QAModeMetrics Boolean False Yes
QAModeTermCode Signed 32-bit integer -1 No
QueueInventoryFetchTimeout Floating point 300.0 Yes
QuickBuyCurrency Boolean False Yes
QuietSnapshotsToDisk Take snapshots to disk without playing animation or sound Boolean False Yes
QuitAfterSeconds The duration allowed before quitting. Floating point 0.0 Yes
QuitOnLoginActivated Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
RadioLandBrushAction Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RadioLandBrushSize Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RecentItemsSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
RecentListShowIcons Show/hide people icons in recent list Boolean True Yes
RecentPeopleSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 2 Yes
RectangleSelectInclusive Boolean True Yes
RegInClient Experimental: Embed registration in login screen Boolean False Yes
RegionCheckTextureHeights Don't allow user to set low heights greater than high Boolean True Yes
RegionTextureSize Terrain texture dimensions (power of 2) Unsigned 32-bit integer 256 Yes
RememberPassword Keep password (in encrypted form) for next login Boolean True Yes
RenderAnimateRes Animate rezing prims. Boolean False Yes
RenderAnisotropic Render textures using anisotropic filtering Boolean False Yes
RenderAppleUseMultGL Boolean False Yes
RenderAttachedLights Render lighted prims that are attached to avatars Boolean True Yes
RenderAttachedParticles Boolean True Yes
RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit Floating point 10.0E6 Yes
RenderAutoMaskAlphaDeferred Boolean True Yes
RenderAutoMaskAlphaNonDeferred Boolean True Yes
RenderAutoMuteByteLimit OBSOLETE and UNUSED. Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 No
RenderAutoMuteLogging Boolean False Yes
RenderAutoMuteRenderWeightLimit Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 No
RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit Floating point 1000.0 Yes
RenderAvatar Render Avatars Boolean True No
RenderAvatarCloth Controls if avatars use wavy cloth Boolean True Yes
RenderAvatarLODFactor Floating point 0.5 Yes
RenderAvatarMaxComplexity Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RenderAvatarMaxNonImpostors Unsigned 32-bit integer 12 Yes
RenderAvatarMaxVisible OBSOLETE and UNUSED. See RenderAvatarMaxNonImpostors Signed 32-bit integer 0 No
RenderAvatarPhysicsLODFactor Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderAvatarVP Boolean True Yes
RenderBakeSunlight Bake sunlight into vertex buffers for static objects. Boolean False Yes
RenderBumpmapMinDistanceSquared Floating point 100.0 Yes
RenderComplexityColorMax Unused obsolete setting Color4 Yes
RenderComplexityColorMid Unused obsolete setting Color4 Yes
RenderComplexityColorMin Unused obsolete setting Color4 Yes
RenderComplexityStaticMax Unused obsolete setting Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
RenderComplexityThreshold Unused obsolete setting Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
RenderCompressTextures Boolean False Yes
RenderCubeMap Whether we can render the cube map or not Boolean True Yes
RenderDebugAlphaMask Test Alpha Masking Cutoffs. Floating point 0.5 Yes
RenderDebugGL Enable strict GL debugging. Boolean False Yes
RenderDebugNormalScale Scale of normals in debug display. Floating point 0.03 Yes
RenderDebugPipeline Enable strict pipeline debugging. Boolean False Yes
RenderDebugTextureBind Enable texture bind performance test. Boolean False Yes
RenderDeferred Use deferred rendering pipeline (Advanced Lighting Model). Boolean False Yes
RenderDeferredAlphaSoften Scalar for softening alpha surfaces (for soft particles). Floating point 0.75 Yes
RenderDeferredAtmospheric Execute atmospheric shader in deferred renderer. Boolean True Yes
RenderDeferredBlurLight Execute shadow softening shader in deferred renderer. Boolean True Yes
RenderDeferredDisplayGamma Floating point 2.2 Yes
RenderDeferredNoise Noise scalar to hide banding in deferred render. Floating point 4.0 Yes
RenderDeferredSSAO Boolean True Yes
RenderDeferredSpotShadowBias Bias value for spot shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point -64.0 Yes
RenderDeferredSpotShadowOffset Offset value for spot shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point 0.8 Yes
RenderDeferredSun Execute sunlight shader in deferred renderer. Boolean True Yes
RenderDeferredSunWash Amount local lights are washed out by sun. Floating point 0.5 Yes
RenderDeferredTreeShadowBias Bias value for tree shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderDeferredTreeShadowOffset Offset value for tree shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderDelayCreation Throttle creation of drawables. Boolean False Yes
RenderDelayVBUpdate Delay vertex buffer updates until just before rendering Boolean False Yes
RenderDepthOfField Boolean False Yes
RenderDepthOfFieldInEditMode Whether to use depth of field effect when in edit mode Boolean False Yes
RenderDepthPrePass Boolean False Yes
RenderDynamicLOD Dynamically adjust level of detail. Boolean True Yes
RenderEdgeDepthCutoff Cutoff for depth difference that amounts to an edge. Floating point 0.01 Yes
RenderEdgeNormCutoff Cutoff for normal difference that amounts to an edge. Floating point 0.25 Yes
RenderFSAASamples Number of samples to use for FSAA (0 =3D no AA). Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RenderFarClip Distance of far clip plane from camera (meters) Floating point 256.0 Yes
RenderFlexTimeFactor Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderFogRatio Floating point 4.0 Yes
RenderGLCoreProfile Boolean False Yes
RenderGamma Sets gamma exponent for renderer Floating point 0.0 Yes
RenderGammaFull Boolean 1.0 Yes
RenderGlow Render bloom post effect. Boolean True Yes
RenderGlowIterations Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
RenderGlowLumWeights Vector3 Yes
RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha Floating point 0.25 Yes
RenderGlowMinLuminance Floating point 9999 Yes
RenderGlowResolutionPow Glow map resolution power of two. Signed 32-bit integer 9 Yes
RenderGlowStrength Additive strength of glow. Floating point 0.35 Yes
RenderGlowWarmthAmount Floating point 0.0 Yes
RenderGlowWarmthWeights Vector3 Yes
RenderGlowWidth Floating point 1.3 Yes
RenderGround Determines whether we can render the ground pool or not Boolean True Yes
RenderHUDInSnapshot Display HUD attachments in snapshot Boolean False Yes
RenderHUDParticles Boolean False Yes
RenderHiddenSelections Boolean False Yes
RenderHideGroupTitle Don't show my group title in my name label Boolean False Yes
RenderHighlightBrightness Brightness of mouseover highlights. Floating point 4.0 Yes
RenderHighlightColor Brightness of mouseover highlights. Color4 Yes
RenderHighlightFadeTime Transition time for mouseover highlights. Floating point 0.1 Yes
RenderHighlightSelections Show selection outlines on objects Boolean True No
RenderHighlightThickness Thickness of mouseover highlights. Floating point 0.6 Yes
RenderHoverGlowEnable Show glow effect when hovering on interactive objects. Boolean False Yes
RenderInitError Error occured while initializing GL Boolean False Yes
RenderLightRadius Render the radius of selected lights Boolean False Yes
RenderLocalLights Whether or not to render local lights. Boolean True Yes
RenderMaxNodeSize Maximum size of a single node's vertex data (in KB). Signed 32-bit integer 65536 Yes
RenderMaxPartCount Maximum number of particles to display on screen Signed 32-bit integer 4096 Yes
RenderMaxTextureIndex Maximum texture index to use for indexed texture rendering. Unsigned 32-bit integer 16 Yes
RenderMaxVBOSize Maximum size of a vertex buffer (in KB). Signed 32-bit integer 512 Yes
RenderMinimumLODTriangleCount Unsigned 32-bit integer 16 Yes
RenderNameFadeDuration Time interval over which to fade avatar names (seconds) Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderNameShowSelf Display own name above avatar Boolean True Yes
RenderNameShowTime Fade avatar names after specified time (seconds) Floating point 10.0 Yes
RenderNoAlpha Boolean False Yes
RenderNormalMapScale Scaler applied to height map when generating normal maps Floating point 64.0 Yes
RenderObjectBump Show bumpmapping on primitives Boolean True Yes
RenderParcelSelection Display selected parcel outline Boolean True Yes
RenderPerformanceTest Boolean False Yes
RenderPreferStreamDraw Use GL_STREAM_DRAW in place of GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW Boolean False Yes
RenderQualityPerformance Which graphics settings you've chosen Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
RenderReflectionDetail Detail of reflection render pass. Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
RenderReflectionRes Reflection map resolution. Signed 32-bit integer 64 Yes
RenderResolutionDivisor Divisor for rendering 3D scene at reduced resolution. Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
RenderSSAOEffect Vector3 Yes
RenderSSAOFactor Floating point 0.30 Yes
RenderSSAOMaxScale Maximum screen radius for sampling (pixels) Unsigned 32-bit integer 200 Yes
RenderSSAOScale Floating point 500.0 Yes
RenderShaderLODThreshold Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderShaderLightingMaxLevel Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
RenderShaderParticleThreshold Fraction of draw distance to not use shader on particles Floating point 0.25 Yes
RenderShadowBias Bias value for shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point -0.008 Yes
RenderShadowBiasError Error scale for shadow bias (based on altitude). Floating point -0.007 Yes
RenderShadowBlurDistFactor Distance scaler for shadow blur. Floating point 0 Yes
RenderShadowBlurSamples Unsigned 32-bit integer 4 Yes
RenderShadowBlurSize Scale of shadow softening kernel. Floating point 1.4 Yes
RenderShadowClipPlanes Near clip plane split distances for shadow map frusta. Vector3 Yes
RenderShadowDetail Detail of shadows. Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
RenderShadowErrorCutoff Floating point 5.0 Yes
RenderShadowFOVCutoff Cutoff FOV to use ortho instead of perspective projection. Floating point 0.8 Yes
RenderShadowGaussian Vector3 Yes
RenderShadowNearDist Vector3 Yes
RenderShadowNoise Magnitude of noise on shadow samples. Floating point -0.0001 Yes
RenderShadowOffset Offset value for shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point 0.01 Yes
RenderShadowOffsetError Error scale for shadow offset (based on altitude). Floating point 0.0 Yes
RenderShadowOrthoClipPlanes Vector3 Yes
RenderShadowProjExponent Floating point 0.5 Yes
RenderShadowProjOffset Floating point 2.0 Yes
RenderShadowResolutionScale Scale of shadow map resolution vs. screen resolution Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderShadowSlopeThreshold Floating point 0.0 Yes
RenderShadowSplitExponent Vector3 Yes
RenderSpecularExponent Specular exponent for generating spec map Floating point 368.0 Yes
RenderSpecularPrecision Force 32-bit floating point LUT Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RenderSpecularResX Spec map resolution. Unsigned 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
RenderSpecularResY Spec map resolution. Unsigned 32-bit integer 256 Yes
RenderSpotLightsInNondeferred Boolean False Yes
RenderSpotShadowBias Bias value for shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point -0.001 Yes
RenderSpotShadowOffset Offset value for shadows (prevent shadow acne). Floating point 0.04 Yes
RenderSunDynamicRange Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderSynchronousOcclusion Boolean True Yes
RenderTerrainDetail Detail applied to terrain texturing (0 =3D none, 1 =3D full) Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
RenderTerrainLODFactor Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderTerrainScale Terrain detail texture scale Floating point 12.0 Yes
RenderTextureMemoryMultiple Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderTrackerBeacon Boolean True Yes
RenderTransparentWater Boolean True Yes
RenderTreeLODFactor Floating point 0.5 Yes
RenderUIBuffer Cache ui render in a screen aligned buffer. Boolean False Yes
RenderUIInSnapshot Display user interface in snapshot Boolean False Yes
RenderUnloadedAvatar Show avatars which haven't finished loading Boolean False Yes
RenderUseFarClip If false, frustum culling will ignore far clip plane. Boolean True Yes
RenderUseImpostors Boolean False No
RenderUseStreamVBO Use VBO's for stream buffers Boolean True Yes
RenderUseTransformFeedback Boolean False Yes
RenderUseTriStrips Use triangle strips for rendering prims. Boolean False Yes
RenderUseVAO [EXPERIMENTAL] Use GL Vertex Array Objects. Boolean False Yes
RenderVBOEnable Use GL Vertex Buffer Objects Boolean True Yes
RenderVBOMappingDisable Disable VBO glMapBufferARB Boolean True Yes
RenderVolumeLODFactor Floating point 1.0 Yes
RenderWater Display water Boolean True Yes
RenderWaterMaterials Water planar reflections include materials rendering. Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
RenderWaterMipNormal Use mip maps for water normal map. Boolean True Yes
RenderWaterRefResolution Water planar reflection resolution. Signed 32-bit integer 512 Yes
Renderbeacons Beacon / Highlight particle generators Boolean False Yes
Renderhighlights Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function Boolean True Yes
ReplaySession Request replay of previously-recorded pilot file Boolean False No
ReportBugURL URL used for filing bugs from viewer String Yes
RequestFullRegionCache Boolean True Yes
RestoreCameraPosOnLogin Reset camera position to location at logout Boolean False Yes
RevokePermsOnStopAnimation Boolean True Yes
RotateRight Make the agent rotate to its right. Boolean False Yes
RotationStep Floating point 1.0 Yes
RunMultipleThreads If TRUE keep background threads active during render Boolean False Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
SLURLDragNDrop Enable drag and drop of SLURLs onto the viewer Boolean True Yes
SLURLPassToOtherInstance Boolean True Yes
SLURLTeleportDirectly Boolean False Yes
SafeMode Reset preferences, run in safe mode. Boolean False Yes
SaveMinidump Save minidump for developer debugging on crash Boolean True Yes
ScaleShowAxes Show indicator of selected scale axis when scaling Boolean False Yes
ScaleStretchTextures Stretch textures along with object when scaling Boolean True Yes
ScaleUniform Scale selected objects evenly about center of selection Boolean False Yes
SceneLoadFrontPixelThreshold Floating point 100.0 Yes
SceneLoadHighMemoryBound Unsigned 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
SceneLoadLowMemoryBound Unsigned 32-bit integer 750 Yes
SceneLoadMinRadius Floating point 32.0 Yes
SceneLoadRearMaxRadiusFraction Floating point 75.0 Yes
SceneLoadRearPixelThreshold Floating point 400.0 Yes
SceneLoadingMonitorEnabled Enabled scene loading monitor if set Boolean False No
SceneLoadingMonitorPixelDiffThreshold Floating point 0.02 Yes
SceneLoadingMonitorSampleTime Floating point 0.25 Yes
ScriptDialogLimitations Limits amount of dialogs per script (0 - Per object, 1 - per channel, 2 - per channel for attachments, 3 - per channel for HUDs, 4 - unconstrained for HUDs) Integer 0 Yes
ScriptHelpFollowsCursor Boolean False Yes
ScriptsCanShowUI Boolean True Yes
ScriptsEveryoneCopy Everyone can copy the newly created script Boolean False Yes
ScriptsNextOwnerCopy Newly created scripts can be copied by next owner Boolean False Yes
ScriptsNextOwnerModify Newly created scripts can be modified by next owner Boolean False Yes
ScriptsNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
ScriptsShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
Scriptsbeacon Beacon / Highlight scripted objects Boolean False Yes
Scripttouchbeacon Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function Boolean True Yes
SearchFromAddressBar Can enter search queries into navigation address bar Boolean True Yes
SearchURL URL for Search website, displayed in the Find floater String No
SecondLifeEnterprise Enables Second Life Enterprise features Boolean False Yes
SelectMovableOnly Select only objects you can move Boolean False Yes
SelectOwnedOnly Select only objects you own Boolean False Yes
SelectionHighlightAlpha Floating point 0.40000000596 Yes
SelectionHighlightAlphaTest Floating point 0.1 Yes
SelectionHighlightThickness Floating point 0.00999999977648 Yes
SelectionHighlightUAnim Floating point 0.0 Yes
SelectionHighlightUScale Floating point 0.1 Yes
SelectionHighlightVAnim Floating point 0.5 Yes
SelectionHighlightVScale Floating point 1.0 Yes
ServerChoice [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls which grid you connect to Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
SessionSettingsFile Settings that are a applied per session (not saved). String No
ShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultClassifieds Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultEvents Display results of find events that are flagged as adult Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultGroups Display results of find groups that are flagged as adult Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultLand Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultSearchAll Display results of search All that are flagged as adult Boolean False Yes
ShowAdultSims Boolean False Yes
ShowAllObjectHoverTip Boolean False Yes
ShowAxes Render coordinate frame at your position Boolean False Yes
ShowBanLines Show in-world ban/access borders Boolean True Yes
ShowBetaGrids Display the beta grids in the grid selection control. Boolean True Yes
ShowBuildButton Shows/hides build button in the bottom tray. Boolean False Yes
ShowCameraButton Show/hide view button in the bottom tray. Boolean True Yes
ShowConsoleWindow Show log in separate OS window Boolean False Yes
ShowCrosshairs Display crosshairs when in mouselook mode Boolean True Yes
ShowDebugConsole Show log in SL window Boolean False Yes
ShowDeviceSettings Show device settings Boolean False Yes
ShowEmptyFoldersWhenSearching Boolean False Yes
ShowEventRecorderMenuItems Boolean False No
ShowGestureButton Shows/hides gesture button in the bottom tray. Boolean True Yes
ShowHelpOnFirstLogin Show Help Floater on first login Boolean False Yes
ShowHoverTips Boolean True Yes
ShowInInventory Boolean True Yes
ShowLandHoverTip Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over land Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureClassifieds Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureEvents Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureGroups Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureLand Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureSearchAll Boolean False Yes
ShowMatureSims Boolean False Yes
ShowMiniLocationPanel Show/hide mini-location panel Boolean False Yes
ShowMiniMapButton Shows/hides mini-map button in the bottom tray. Boolean False Yes
ShowMoveButton Shows/hides move button in the bottom tray. Boolean True Yes
ShowMyComplexityChanges Unsigned 32-bit integer 10 Yes
ShowNavbarFavoritesPanel Show/hide navigation bar favorites panel Boolean True Yes
ShowNavbarNavigationPanel Show/hide navigation bar navigation panel Boolean True Yes
ShowNearClip Boolean False No
ShowNetStats Boolean False Yes
ShowNewInventory Automatically views new notecards/textures/landmarks Boolean True Yes
ShowObjectRenderingCost Show the object rendering cost in build tools Boolean True Yes
ShowObjectUpdates Boolean False No
ShowOfferedInventory Boolean True Yes
ShowOverlayTitle Prints watermark text message on screen Boolean False Yes
ShowPGClassifieds Boolean True Yes
ShowPGEvents Boolean True Yes
ShowPGGroups Boolean True Yes
ShowPGLand Boolean True Yes
ShowPGSearchAll Display results of search All that are flagged as general Boolean True Yes
ShowPGSims Boolean True Yes
ShowParcelOwners Boolean False No
ShowPermissions Boolean False No
ShowPropertyLines Show line overlay demarking property boundaries Boolean False Yes
ShowScriptErrors Show script errors Boolean True Yes
ShowScriptErrorsLocation Show script error in chat (0) or window (1). Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
ShowSearchButton Shows/hides search button in the bottom tray. Boolean True Yes
ShowSelectionBeam Boolean True Yes
ShowSnapshotButton Shows/hides snapshot button button in the bottom tray. Boolean True Yes
ShowStartLocation Display starting location menu on login screen Boolean False Yes
ShowTangentBasis Render normal and binormal (debugging bump mapping) Boolean False Yes
ShowToolBar Show toolbar at bottom of screen Boolean True Yes
ShowTutorial Show tutorial window on login Boolean False Yes
ShowVoiceChannelPopup Boolean False Yes
ShowVoiceVisualizersInCalls Boolean False Yes
ShowVolumeSettingsPopup Boolean False Yes
ShowWorldMapButton Shows/hides map button in the bottom tray. Boolean False Yes
SidePanelHintTimeout Floating point 300.0 Yes
SimPendingUploads Mode of stat in Statistics floater Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
SimulateFBOFailure Boolean False No
SkinCurrent The currently selected skin. String default Yes
SkinningSettingsFile Client skin color setting file name (per install). String No
SkyAmbientScale Floating point 0.300000011921 Yes
SkyNightColorShift Color3 Yes
SkyOverrideSimSunPosition Boolean False No
SkyPresetName String Default Yes
SkySunDefaultPosition Vector3 Yes
SnapEnabled Enable snapping to grid Boolean True Yes
SnapMargin Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
SnapToMouseCursor Boolean False Yes
SnapshotFormat Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
SnapshotQuality Signed 32-bit integer 75 Yes
SocialPhotoResolution String [i800,i600] Yes
Socks5AuthType Selected Auth mechanism for Socks5 String None Yes
Socks5ProxyEnabled Use Socks5 Proxy Boolean False Yes
Socks5ProxyHost Socks 5 Proxy Host String Yes
Socks5ProxyPort Socks 5 Proxy Port Unsigned 32-bit integer 1080 Yes
SortFriendsFirst Boolean True Yes
Soundsbeacon Beacon / Highlight sound generators Boolean False Yes
Sourceid Identify referring agency to Linden web servers String Yes
SpeakerParticipantRemoveDelay Floating point 10.0 Yes
SpeedTest Performance testing mode, no network Boolean False Yes
SpellCheck Enable spellchecking on line and text editors Boolean True Yes
SpellCheckDictionary String English (United States),Second Life Glossary Yes
StartUpChannelUUID String B56AF90D-6684-48E4-B1E4-722D3DEB2CB6 No
StartUpToastLifeTime Number of seconds while a StartUp toast exist Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
StatsAutoRun Play back autopilot Boolean False Yes
StatsFile Filename for stats logging output String fs.txt Yes
StatsNumRuns Loop autopilot playback this number of times Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
StatsPilotFile Filename for stats logging autopilot path String pilot.txt Yes
StatsPilotXMLFile Filename for stats logging extended autopilot path String pilot.xml Yes
StatsQuitAfterRuns Boolean False Yes
StatsSessionTrackFrameStats Track rendering and network statistics Boolean False Yes
StatsSummaryFile Filename for stats logging summary String fss.txt Yes
SystemLanguage Language indicated by system settings (for UI) String en Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
TabToTextFieldsOnly Boolean False Yes
TeleportArrivalDelay Floating point 2.0 Yes
TeleportLocalDelay Floating point 1.0 Yes
Teleport_offer_invitation_max_length Signed 32-bit integer 178 Yes
TerrainColorHeightRange Floating point 60.0 Yes
TerrainColorStartHeight Starting altitude for terrain texturing (meters) Floating point 20.0 Yes
TexelPixelRatio texel pixel ratio =3D texel / pixel Floating point 1.0 Yes
TextureCameraMotionBoost Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
TextureCameraMotionThreshold Floating point 0.2 Yes
TextureDecodeDisabled If TRUE, do not fetch and decode any textures Boolean False Yes
TextureDisable If TRUE, do not load textures for in-world content Boolean False Yes
TextureDiscardLevel Specify texture resolution (0 =3D highest, 5 =3D lowest) Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
TextureFetchConcurrency Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
TextureFetchDebuggerEnabled Enable the texture fetching debugger if set Boolean False Yes
TextureFetchFakeFailureRate Simulate HTTP fetch failures for some server bake textures. Floating point 0.0 Yes
TextureFetchSource Debug use: Source to fetch textures Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
TextureFetchUpdateHighPriority Number of high priority textures to update per frame Signed 32-bit integer 32 Yes
TextureFetchUpdateMaxMediumPriority Signed 32-bit integer 256 Yes
TextureFetchUpdateMinMediumPriority Signed 32-bit integer 32 Yes
TextureFetchUpdatePriorities Number of priority texture to update per frame Signed 32-bit integer 32 Yes
TextureFetchUpdatePriorityThreshold Floating point 0.0 Yes
TextureFetchUpdateSkipLowPriority Boolean False Yes
TextureLivePreview Preview selections in texture picker immediately Boolean True Yes
TextureLoadFullRes Boolean False Yes
TextureLoggingThreshold Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
TextureMemory Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
TextureNewByteRange Boolean True Yes
TexturePickerShowFolders Show folders with no texures in texture picker Boolean True Yes
TexturePickerSortOrder Unsigned 32-bit integer 2 Yes
TextureReverseByteRange Signed 32-bit integer 50 Yes
ThrottleBandwidthKBPS Floating point 500.0 Yes
TipToastMessageLineCount Max line count of text message on tip toast. Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
ToastButtonWidth Signed 32-bit integer 90 Yes
ToastFadingTime Number of seconds while a toast is fading Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
ToastGap Gap between toasts on a screen (min. value is 5) Signed 32-bit integer 7 Yes
ToolTipDelay Floating point 0.699999988079 Yes
ToolTipFadeTime Seconds over which tooltip fades away Floating point 0.2 Yes
ToolTipFastDelay Floating point 0.1 Yes
ToolTipVisibleTimeFar Floating point 1.0 Yes
ToolTipVisibleTimeNear Floating point 10.0 Yes
ToolTipVisibleTimeOver Floating point 1000.0 Yes
ToolboxAutoMove [NOT USED] Boolean False Yes
TrackFocusObject Camera tracks last object zoomed on Boolean True Yes
TranslateChat Translate incoming chat messages Boolean False Yes
TranslateLanguage Translate Language specifier String default Yes
TranslationService bing) String bing Yes
TutorialURL String No
TypeAheadTimeout Floating point 1.5 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
UIAutoScale Keep UI scale consistent across different resolutions Boolean True Yes
UIButtonOrigHPad UI Button Original Horizontal Pad Signed 32-bit integer 6 Yes
UICheckboxctrlBtnSize UI Checkbox Control Button Size Signed 32-bit integer 13 Yes
UICheckboxctrlHPad UI Checkbox Control Horizontal Pad Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
UICheckboxctrlHeight UI Checkbox Control Height Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UICheckboxctrlSpacing UI Checkbox Control Spacing Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
UICheckboxctrlVPad UI Checkbox Control Vertical Pad Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
UICloseBoxFromTop Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
UIExtraTriangleHeight UI extra triangle height Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
UIExtraTriangleWidth UI extra triangle width Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UIFloaterCloseBoxSize Size of UI floater close box size Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UIFloaterHPad Size of UI floater horizontal pad Signed 32-bit integer 6 Yes
UIFloaterTestBool Example saved setting for the test floater Boolean False Yes
UIFloaterTitleVPad Signed 32-bit integer 7 Yes
UIImgDefaultAlphaUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultEyesUUID String 6522e74d-1660-4e7f-b601-6f48c1659a77 No
UIImgDefaultGlovesUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultHairUUID String 7ca39b4c-bd19-4699-aff7-f93fd03d3e7b No
UIImgDefaultJacketUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultPantsUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultShirtUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultShoesUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultSkirtUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultSocksUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UIImgWhiteUUID String 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f No
UILineEditorCursorThickness UI Line Editor Cursor Thickness Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
UIMaxComboWidth Maximum width of combo box Signed 32-bit integer 500 Yes
UIMinimizedWidth Size of UI floater minimized width Signed 32-bit integer 160 Yes
UIMultiSliderctrlSpacing UI multi slider ctrl spacing Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UIMultiTrackHeight UI multi track height Signed 32-bit integer 6 Yes
UIPreeditMarkerBrightness UI Preedit Marker Brightness Floating point 0.4 Yes
UIPreeditMarkerGap UI Preedit Marker Gap Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
UIPreeditMarkerPosition UI Preedit Marker Position Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UIPreeditMarkerThickness UI Preedit Marker Thickness Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
UIPreeditStandoutBrightness UI Preedit Standout Brightness Floating point 0.6 Yes
UIPreeditStandoutGap UI Preedit Standout Gap Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
UIPreeditStandoutPosition UI Preedit Standout Position Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UIPreeditStandoutThickness UI Preedit Standout Thickness Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
UIResizeBarHeight Size of UI resize bar height Signed 32-bit integer 3 Yes
UIScaleFactor Size of UI relative to default layout on 1024x768 screen Floating point 1.0 Yes
UIScrollbarSize UI scrollbar size Signed 32-bit integer 15 Yes
UISliderctrlHeight UI slider ctrl height Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UISliderctrlSpacing UI slider ctrl spacing Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UISndAlert Sound file for alerts (uuid for sound asset) String ed124764-705d-d497-167a-182cd9fa2e6c Yes
UISndBadKeystroke Sound file for invalid keystroke (uuid for sound asset) String 2ca849ba-2885-4bc3-90ef-d4987a5b983a Yes
UISndClick Sound file for mouse click (uuid for sound asset) String 4c8c3c77-de8d-bde2-b9b8-32635e0fd4a6 Yes
UISndClickRelease String 4c8c3c77-de8d-bde2-b9b8-32635e0fd4a6 Yes
UISndDebugSpamToggle Log UI sound effects as they are played Boolean False Yes
UISndHealthReductionF Sound file for female pain (uuid for sound asset) String 219c5d93-6c09-31c5-fb3f-c5fe7495c115 Yes
UISndHealthReductionM Sound file for male pain (uuid for sound asset) String e057c244-5768-1056-c37e-1537454eeb62 Yes
UISndHealthReductionThreshold Floating point 10.0 Yes
UISndInvalidOp Sound file for invalid operations (uuid for sound asset) String 4174f859-0d3d-c517-c424-72923dc21f65 Yes
UISndMoneyChangeDown Sound file for L$ balance increase (uuid for sound asset) String 104974e3-dfda-428b-99ee-b0d4e748d3a3 Yes
UISndMoneyChangeThreshold Floating point 50.0 Yes
UISndMoneyChangeUp Sound file for L$ balance decrease(uuid for sound asset) String 77a018af-098e-c037-51a6-178f05877c6f Yes
UISndNewIncomingIMSession String 67cc2844-00f3-2b3c-b991-6418d01e1bb7 Yes
UISndObjectCreate Sound file for object creation (uuid for sound asset) String f4a0660f-5446-dea2-80b7-6482a082803c Yes
UISndObjectDelete Sound file for object deletion (uuid for sound asset) String 0cb7b00a-4c10-6948-84de-a93c09af2ba9 Yes
UISndObjectRezIn Sound file for rezzing objects (uuid for sound asset) String 3c8fc726-1fd6-862d-fa01-16c5b2568db6 Yes
UISndObjectRezOut Sound file for derezzing objects (uuid for sound asset) String 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Yes
UISndRestart Sound file for region restarting (uuid for sound asset) String b92a0f64-7709-8811-40c5-16afd624a45f Yes
UISndSnapshot Sound file for taking a snapshot (uuid for sound asset) String 3d09f582-3851-c0e0-f5ba-277ac5c73fb4 Yes
UISndStartIM String c825dfbc-9827-7e02-6507-3713d18916c1 Yes
UISndTeleportOut Sound file for teleporting (uuid for sound asset) String d7a9a565-a013-2a69-797d-5332baa1a947 Yes
UISndTyping String 5e191c7b-8996-9ced-a177-b2ac32bfea06 Yes
UISndWindowClose Sound file for closing a window (uuid for sound asset) String 2c346eda-b60c-ab33-1119-b8941916a499 Yes
UISndWindowOpen Sound file for opening a window (uuid for sound asset) String c80260ba-41fd-8a46-768a-6bf236360e3a Yes
UISpinctrlBtnHeight UI spin control button height Signed 32-bit integer 11 Yes
UISpinctrlBtnWidth UI spin control button width Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UISpinctrlDefaultLabelWidth UI spin control default label width Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
UISpinctrlSpacing UI spin control spacing Signed 32-bit integer 2 Yes
UITabCntrArrowBtnSize UI Tab Container Arrow Button Size Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UITabCntrButtonPanelOverlap UI Tab Container Button Panel Overlap Signed 32-bit integer 1 Yes
UITabCntrCloseBtnSize UI Tab Container Close Button Size Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UITabCntrTabHPad UI Tab Container Tab Horizontal Pad Signed 32-bit integer 4 Yes
UITabCntrTabPartialWidth UI Tab Container Tab Partial Width Signed 32-bit integer 12 Yes
UITabCntrVertTabMinWidth UI Tab Container Vertical Tab Minimum Width Signed 32-bit integer 100 Yes
UITabCntrvArrowBtnSize UI Tab Container V Arrow Button Size Signed 32-bit integer 16 Yes
UITabCntrvPad UI Tab Container V Pad Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
UITabPadding UI Tab Padding Signed 32-bit integer 15 Yes
UpdaterMaximumBandwidth Floating point 500.0 Yes
UpdaterServiceCheckPeriod Default period between update checking. Unsigned 32-bit integer 3600 Yes
UpdaterServicePath Path on the update server host. String update No
UpdaterServiceSetting Configure updater service. Unsigned 32-bit integer 3 Yes
UpdaterServiceURL Default location for the updater service. String No
UpdaterWillingToTest Boolean True Yes
UploadBakedTexOld Boolean False Yes
UploadsEveryoneCopy Everyone can copy the newly uploaded item Boolean False Yes
UploadsNextOwnerCopy Newly uploaded items can be copied by next owner Boolean False Yes
UploadsNextOwnerModify Newly uploaded items can be modified by next owner Boolean False Yes
UploadsNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
UploadsShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
UseAltKeyForMenus Access menus via keyboard by tapping Alt Boolean False Yes
UseChatBubbles Show chat above avatars head in chat bubbles Boolean False Yes
UseCircuitCodeMaxRetries Max timeout count for the initial UseCircuitCode message Signed 32-bit integer 3 No
UseCircuitCodeTimeout Floating point 5.0 No
UseDayCycle Whether to use use a day cycle or a fixed sky. Boolean True Yes
UseDebugLogin Provides extra control over which grid to connect to Boolean False Yes
UseDebugMenus Turns on "Debug" menu Boolean False Yes
UseDefaultColorPicker Use color picker supplied by operating system Boolean False Yes
UseDisplayNames Use new, changeable, unicode names Boolean True Yes
UseEnergy Boolean True No
UseEnvironmentFromRegion Boolean True Yes
UseExternalBrowser Boolean True Yes
UseFreezeFrame Freeze time when taking snapshots. Boolean False Yes
UseNewWalkRun Replace standard walk/run animations with new ones. Boolean True Yes
UseObjectCacheOcclusion Boolean True Yes
UseOcclusion Boolean True Yes
UsePeopleAPI Boolean True Yes
UseStartScreen Whether to load a start screen image or not. Boolean True Yes
UseWebPagesOnPrims [NOT USED] Boolean False Yes
UserConnectionPort Port that this client transmits on. Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
UserLogFile User specified log file name. String Yes
UserLoginInfo User login data. LLSD Yes
UserSessionSettingsFile User settings that are a applied per session (not saved). String No


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
VFSOldSize [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls resizing of local file cache Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 Yes
VFSSalt [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls local file caching behavior Unsigned 32-bit integer 1 Yes
VelocityInterpolate Boolean True Yes
VerboseLogs Boolean False Yes
VersionChannelName Version information generated by running the viewer String Yes
VertexShaderEnable Enable/disable all GLSL shaders (debug) Boolean False Yes
VivoxAutoPostCrashDumps Boolean False Yes
VivoxDebugLevel Logging level to use when launching the vivox daemon String 0 Yes
VivoxDebugSIPURIHostName String Yes
VivoxDebugVoiceAccountServerURI String Yes
VivoxLogDirectory String Yes
VivoxShutdownTimeout String 5 Yes
VivoxVoiceHost Client SLVoice host to connect to String Yes
VivoxVoicePort Client SLVoice port to connect to Unsigned 32-bit integer 44125 Yes
VoiceCallsFriendsOnly Boolean False Yes
VoiceCallsRejectGroup Silently reject all incoming group voice calls. Boolean False Yes
VoiceDisableMic Completely disable the ability to open the mic. Boolean False Yes
VoiceEarLocation Location of the virtual ear for voice Signed 32-bit integer 0 Yes
VoiceEffectExpiryWarningTime Signed 32-bit integer 259200 Yes
VoiceHost Client SLVoice host to connect to String Yes
VoiceImageLevel0 Texture UUID for voice image level 0 String 041ee5a0-cb6a-9ac5-6e49-41e9320507d5 Yes
VoiceImageLevel1 Texture UUID for voice image level 1 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceImageLevel2 Texture UUID for voice image level 2 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceImageLevel3 Texture UUID for voice image level 3 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceImageLevel4 Texture UUID for voice image level 4 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceImageLevel5 Texture UUID for voice image level 5 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceImageLevel6 Texture UUID for voice image level 6 String 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 Yes
VoiceInputAudioDevice Audio input device to use for voice String Default Yes
VoiceLogFile Log file to use when launching the voice daemon String Yes
VoiceMorphingEnabled Whether or not to enable Voice Morphs and show the UI. Boolean True No
VoiceOutputAudioDevice Audio output device to use for voice String Default Yes
VoiceParticipantLeftRemoveDelay Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
VoicePort Client SLVoice port to connect to Unsigned 32-bit integer 44125 Yes
VoiceServerType The type of voice server to connect to. String vivox No


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
WLSkyDetail Unsigned 32-bit integer 64 Yes
WarningsAsChat Display warning messages in chat history Boolean False Yes
WatchdogEnabled Signed 32-bit integer 0
WaterGLFogDensityScale Maps shader water fog density to gl fog density Floating point 0.02 Yes
WaterGLFogDepthFloor Controls how dark water gl fog can get Floating point 0.25 Yes
WaterGLFogDepthScale Controls how quickly gl fog gets dark under water Floating point 50.0 Yes
WaterPresetName String Default Yes
WearFolderLimit Unsigned 32-bit integer 125 Yes
WearablesEveryoneCopy Boolean False Yes
WearablesNextOwnerCopy Boolean False Yes
WearablesNextOwnerModify Boolean False Yes
WearablesNextOwnerTransfer Boolean True Yes
WearablesShareWithGroup Boolean False Yes
WebContentWindowLimit Signed 32-bit integer 5 Yes
WebProfileFloaterRect Web profile floater dimensions Rect Yes
WebProfileNonProductionURL URL for Web Profiles on Non-Production grids String[AGENT_NAME] No
WebProfileURL URL for Web Profiles String[AGENT_NAME] No
WindLightUseAtmosShaders Boolean True Yes
WindowHeight SL viewer window height Unsigned 32-bit integer 738 Yes
WindowMaximized SL viewer window maximized on login Boolean False Yes
WindowWidth SL viewer window width Unsigned 32-bit integer 1024 Yes
WindowX Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes
WindowY Signed 32-bit integer 10 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
XferThrottle Floating point 150000.0 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
YawFromMousePosition Floating point 90.0 Yes
YieldTime Yield some time to the local host. Signed 32-bit integer -1 Yes
YouAreHereDistance Floating point 10.0 Yes


Setting Description Data type Default Persist
ZoomDirect Map Joystick zoom axis directly to camera zoom. Boolean False Yes
ZoomTime Floating point 0.40000000596 Yes