Doc Team/2009-10-21

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[13:00] Niky Zenovka: Hello Arawn
[13:00] Arawn Spitteler: Welcome back, Niky. It's one PM, and I'm wondering where the lindens are
[13:00] Jeremy Linden: Ayuh!
[13:00] Arawn Spitteler: Hey, Marianne
[13:01] Marianne McCann: Hiya
[13:01] Daniel Voyager: hiya Marianne
[13:01] Jeremy Linden: It's looking like no Jon and no Torley today... they're both way busy :-(
[13:01] Arawn Spitteler: Oh, Kate? Sweet Kate?
[13:01] Jeremy Linden puts Faux-Jon on his pedestal.
[13:02] Bronson Blackadder: hello Jeremy
[13:02] Bronson Blackadder has pinged you.
[13:02] Arawn Spitteler: Without Torley's Tweet, it'll be quieter.
[13:02] Bronson Blackadder: Nyx and Papi in the hot seat today I tell ya
[13:02] Jeremy Linden: Hello! Welcome to Documentation Office hours, where we ostensibly discuss all things SL-help related :-)
[13:03] Jeremy Linden: Uh oh... avatar troubles?
[13:03] Niky Zenovka: Or we can Tweet and mention @Torley... LOL... will reach the crowd...
[13:03] Bronson Blackadder: the encryption issue
[13:03] Bronson Blackadder: clent registry
[13:03] Bronson Blackadder: some peopel can be very touchy
[13:03] Arawn Spitteler quietly spams about the Burning Life - Second Sumerian Bank of Decommodification, at the top of his picks: Encryption? Sumerian Crypts were another issue
[13:03] Bronson Blackadder: now I cant spell
[13:03] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:04] Arawn Spitteler: I spell just fine, but my keyboard lags with most clients, and it's too long in back spacing
[13:04] Jeremy Linden: Hm. I wasn't aware of the issue you're talking about. I trust Nyx and BigPapi were able to answer professionally!
[13:05] Bronson Blackadder: yeah they were holding thier own
[13:05] Marianne McCann is mostly listening while working on some Bay City "paperwork"
[13:06] Bronson Blackadder: well I have a tip
[13:06] Jeremy Linden: Go for it!
[13:06] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Greetings
[13:06] Bronson Blackadder: seems to work with a few people that have missing body parts issues
[13:06] Jeremy Linden: Heya.
[13:06] Bronson Blackadder: you know when you meet a person who have missing heads
[13:06] Bronson Blackadder: you can only see prim parts
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: or eyes
[13:07] Arawn Spitteler: I haven't seen much of that lately
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: you have to go into the advanced menu
[13:07] Niky Zenovka: ouch... usually I see the opposite...
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: character
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: character tests
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: test male
[13:07] Bronson Blackadder: or test female
[13:08] Bronson Blackadder: resets to teh nooby look
[13:08] Bronson Blackadder: then you can re wear what you had on before
[13:08] Arawn Spitteler: Doesn't that effect your own avie?
[13:08] Jeremy Linden: Oh, I've seen that, yes. One classic, unexplained workaround for that is to switch your active group. I really confused BigPapi when I told him about that one.
[13:08] Bronson Blackadder: yes
[13:08] Youri Ashton: finnally.. finished that... hi all!
[13:08] Bronson Blackadder: but it resets your av
[13:09] Bronson Blackadder: works better then rebake
[13:09] Niky Zenovka: What about the flying feather de-ruth function? WOuldn't work as well?
[13:09] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Your Client does send Data to the others in View
[13:09] Youri Ashton: alone today jeremy?
[13:09] Youri Ashton has pinged you.
[13:09] Jeremy Linden: It's starting to look that way :-)
[13:09] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:09] Jeremy Linden: Er, :-O
[13:09] Youri Ashton: i do see kate online :)
[13:10] Jeremy Linden: Jon and Torley definitely can't make it... I haven't heard from Kate.
[13:10] Youri Ashton: ill bugger her in im :p
[13:10] Jeremy Linden: How's everyone finding the new official knowledge base?
[13:10] Arawn Spitteler wonders if that terminology is uniform in application
[13:10] Bronson Blackadder: havent tried it yet
[13:10] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:11] XLR8RRICK Hudson: not too bad
[13:11] Youri Ashton: i did receive one from kate, but havnt checked it yet
[13:11] Bronson Blackadder: wow
[13:11] Arawn Spitteler: Should I see what happens, when I click F1?
[13:12] Bronson Blackadder: this is quiet in comparison to Nyx's office hours
[13:12] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:12] Jeremy Linden: Yeah, this is what happens when Torley's not here :-)
[13:12] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:12] XLR8RRICK Hudson: although I did try and get info on Black Avatar and it says No Pages Found
[13:12] Jeremy Linden: Uh oh!
[13:12] Jeremy Linden: We used to have an article on that... I think it went into detail about running SL on a secondary monitor.
[13:12] Marianne McCann: I usually fix that with a rebake or two
[13:13] Youri Ashton: you would say you are not as populair jeremy?
[13:13] Youri Ashton has pinged you.
[13:13] Arawn Spitteler: Black vatar meaning you ave a econd monitor?
[13:13] XLR8RRICK Hudson: yes but the search should point to that
[13:13] Jeremy Linden: Sadly, I am not quite the force of personality that Torley is :-P
[13:13] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:13] Jeremy Linden: However, this attendance is way up from what we had before Torley came to our team!
[13:13] Bronson Blackadder: but we love you all the same
[13:13] Youri Ashton: hey fisher :)
[13:13] Jeremy Linden: Some weeks, Lindens outnumbered Residents :-P
[13:14] Youri Ashton: lol
[13:14] Youri Ashton: in some meetings its still more lindens then residents
[13:14] Niky Zenovka: Perhaps next office hours could be embedded in one of the Burning Life sims... :-D
[13:14] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:14] Niky Zenovka: Catch passing by people... lol
[13:14] Jeremy Linden: That could be fun... are there any documentation-themed exhibits?
[13:14] Bronson Blackadder: chat lag would kill it
[13:15] Marianne McCann: Burning Life willbe history by the next Office Hour
[13:15] Niky Zenovka: There are some nice sculpty places... Burning Life 2009 is really nice...
[13:15] Jeremy Linden: Heya Kate!
[13:15] Youri Ashton: hey kate! :p
[13:15] Marianne McCann: Hey Kate!
[13:15] Niky Zenovka: When it ends?
[13:15] Marianne McCann: Sunday
[13:15] Youri Ashton: read my im i see :p
[13:15] Kate Linden: Hi! My apologies for being late. Busy day!
[13:16] Youri Ashton: dont worry kate, great having you here as well :)
[13:16] Niky Zenovka: Hi Kate...
[13:16] Jeremy Linden: We've got a more laid-back feel this week!
[13:16] Kate Linden: Hi Niky :)
[13:16] Bronson Blackadder: less anger here
[13:16] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:16] Kate Linden: I love a peaceful moment :)
[13:16] Bronson Blackadder: I really dont see marianne getting uppity
[13:17] Arawn Spitteler: Welcome, Kate. Jeremy ws getting lonly, wondering if he wasn't as popular, but we all know, You, Jon and Jeremy aren't as nnearly mass market as Torly by himself
[13:17] Arawn Spitteler has pinged you.
[13:17] Marianne McCann grins
[13:17] Kate Linden: What was the topic before I arrived?
[13:17] Arawn Spitteler: Black Avatar should redirect to!
[13:17] Marianne McCann: I've been known to
[13:17] Jeremy Linden: However, we were at SLCC!
[13:17] Marianne McCann: Honest!
[13:17] Youri Ashton: ask jeremy :)
[13:17] Youri Ashton has pinged you.
[13:17] Bronson Blackadder: fixing a black avatar
[13:17] Bronson Blackadder: missing body parts
[13:17] Niky Zenovka: For black Avie, I tried switching skins a couple times...
[13:17] Arawn Spitteler: Actually, that page might as well redirect to Black Avatar
[13:18] Jeremy Linden: We're working on getting a Google search field into the public wiki... once that's in place, I would hope that searching will become much easier.
[13:18] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I go into Appearance and do a Rebake
[13:19] Bronson Blackadder: there seems to be a few good fixes for that
[13:19] Arawn Spitteler: I don't think I've even seen that one, but have only a simple system
[13:19] Niky Zenovka: For missing parts or non-full rezz, I use de-ruth on Flying Feather... that push Avi to a 1000/2000 m altitude and brings back
[13:19] Niky Zenovka: Some times works....
[13:20] Jeremy Linden: I wonder if that works because it sends your avatar so far away it needs to re-render when it gets back?
[13:20] XLR8RRICK Hudson: as a Mentor I hear that problem on people
[13:20] Bronson Blackadder: thats a clear visible cache function right?
[13:20] Youri Ashton: google search option should either do one of the following things: 1. open a new window showing the results, or 2. have a intergrated search on wiki itself which will cutt down lag as well
[13:20] Niky Zenovka: Think so, as it forces the re-render.
[13:20] Bronson Blackadder: sounds about right
[13:21] Jeremy Linden: As I understand it, Youri, there will be an additional search box on the left side of the page for searching the wiki with Google.
[13:21] Youri Ashton: searching the SL wiki? or all the internet?
[13:21] Jeremy Linden: Just the wiki :-)
[13:21] Kate Linden: There is a custom google search link on the KB page, that searches that can be used in the meanwhile:
[13:22] Youri Ashton: then i think it needs to be intergrated to be easier for everyone to use
[13:22] Marianne McCann: I would prefer integrated, myself
[13:22] Youri Ashton: a external result page only makes it less likely to be liked
[13:23] Youri Ashton: intergrated google search also opens up a lot more options in the future
[13:23] XLR8RRICK Hudson: the KB should follow the KIS Rule
[13:23] Niky Zenovka: Would be nice if the search was linked to the Search within the Viewer.... like you Search Places, People, etc and could search on Wiki... just top right there...
[13:24] Arawn Spitteler: KIS,S?
[13:24] Kate Linden: You can get to it quickly by using "" in your browser window also. (KB and google search link)
[13:24] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Keep It Simple
[13:24] Jeremy Linden: Heh. I'm not the one doing the implementation, but if it's anything like what we've got set up on our internal wiki, I think Google search on the public wiki will be exactly what you're asking for.
[13:26] Youri Ashton: well, if intergrated, then yes
[13:26] Niky Zenovka: Blond moment... take back what I said...
[13:26] Niky Zenovka: It is there
[13:26] Melchizedek Blauvelt: What about an SL search feature which makes a distinction between government sanctioned projects (colleges, universities) and others? Would that be a good idea?
[13:26] XLR8RRICK Hudson: try Invisable Avatar thats been happening a lot lately
[13:26] Arawn Spitteler: Violates the 1st amendment
[13:27] Jeremy Linden: That's starting to wander outside Documentation's sphere of influence... we're mostly concerned with instructional information about Second Life, and how people access that information.
[13:27] Youri Ashton: or try avitars that get cutt in half when your cam is to far away, happens with snowglobe and ALL 1.23 versions
[13:28] Arawn Spitteler: Sounds like an expansion of searching PG - M - Adult - Endorsed
[13:28] Melchizedek Blauvelt: Ah, alright Jeremy - apologies
[13:28] Melchizedek Blauvelt has pinged you.
[13:28] Future Adamski: hello
[13:28] Jeremy Linden: Hello!
[13:28] Arawn Spitteler: Greetings, Future, you've arrived
[13:28] Bronson Blackadder: hey the future arrived
[13:28] Future Adamski: yes here I am
[13:28] Future Adamski: :)
[13:29] Kate Linden: Glad you could join us today :)
[13:29] Jeremy Linden: No worries, Melchizedek... I'm happy to chat about it, but I can't guarantee any satisfying answers about things outside documentation :-)
[13:29] Future Adamski: you are a real Linden?
[13:29] Arawn Spitteler: It's too bad, that tommorrow never comes.
[13:29] Kate Linden: lol yes
[13:29] Bronson Blackadder: yes they are real lindens
[13:29] Jeremy Linden: I don't think anyone's ever called me fake...
[13:29] Youri Ashton: Kate and Jeremy are Lindens yeah
[13:29] Youri Ashton has pinged you.
[13:29] Bronson Blackadder: but you cant spend them
[13:29] Future Adamski: cool
[13:29] Tillie Ariantho: Fake Linden? :)
[13:29] Youri Ashton: Fisher is one as well
[13:29] Kate Linden: Well wait, the jello is a prim.
[13:30] Niky Zenovka: Guess I never saw Fisher before... Hi Fisher.
[13:30] Arawn Spitteler: Most with the Linden Name are real Lindens, they get annointed by the Linden Department of Personell, and get to use God-Mode and stuff
[13:30] Fisher Linden: Hey
[13:30] Jeremy Linden: Maybe I'm "not real" in the "life is just a dream" sense...
[13:30] Youri Ashton: if someone has the last name "Linden", you know you got a real Linden infront of you
[13:30] Future Adamski: wow
[13:30] Arawn Spitteler: Fisher Linden here? I never see him, somehow
[13:30] Future Adamski: I am honour
[13:30] Marianne McCann: Hey Fisher who still doesnt have a bear to his name
[13:30] Marianne McCann giggles
[13:30] Youri Ashton: if somoene claims to be a Linden, but does not have that name, its a fake
[13:30] Future Adamski: :)
[13:30] Fisher Linden: :-)
[13:30] Fisher Linden: sorry
[13:31] Kate Linden: The best way to identify an employee of Linden Lab inworld is to check the Profile.
[13:31] Youri Ashton: there are however Linden's, that have a test avi with lastname "Test" or several bots
[13:31] Future Adamski: so how is the future of SL?
[13:31] Future Adamski: :)
[13:31] Marianne McCann: "Tester"
[13:31] Bronson Blackadder: tester
[13:31] kestryl Appin: And there are some Lindens who aren't
[13:31] Bronson Blackadder: yep
[13:31] Arawn Spitteler: Lindens do walk about without their Linden Identities, and should, but we try to be polite and not notice
[13:31] Jeremy Linden: Tester accounts shouldn't be doing any Linden business besides testing, though!
[13:32] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:32] Youri Ashton: lol, yup jeremy
[13:32] Youri Ashton has pinged you.
[13:32] Fisher Linden: and usually on other grids
[13:32] Bronson Blackadder: so if you see one at a brothel testing.... in adult land
[13:32] Bronson Blackadder: feel free to send a message telling him to get back to work
[13:32] Kate Linden: More info:
[13:32] kestryl Appin: *coughs* Cyn...*cough*
[13:32] Kate Linden: +1 for easy linking to KB articles. I'm elated.
[13:33] Jeremy Linden: Gasp!
[13:33] Youri Ashton: think that name isnt alloud by LL bronson :)
[13:33] Youri Ashton: for lindens at least...
[13:33] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:33] Youri Ashton: i did see a lot residents with names like that
[13:34] Youri Ashton: for example: Heil Hiller (which can obviously be translated to a RL name)
[13:34] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:34] Bronson Blackadder: god
[13:34] Youri Ashton: no joke
[13:35] Bronson Blackadder: BOO!!
[13:35] Future Adamski: it is laggy
[13:35] Tillie Ariantho: Only kiddies or brown shitbags would choose a name like that.
[13:35] XLR8RRICK Hudson: its the 20 min silence thing
[13:35] Bronson Blackadder: oh for lag
[13:36] Bronson Blackadder: you can set your draw distance down
[13:36] Bronson Blackadder: that will help a little bit
[13:36] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I turn off a lot of Rendering Types and Features
[13:36] Youri Ashton: not just kiddies or brown shitbags. also any idiot that comes on which happens to be griefer as well get such names
[13:36] Bronson Blackadder: I think in debug settings youcan make the far clip less then 64
[13:37] Kate Linden: Lowering particle count (to 256) helps also.
[13:37] Bronson Blackadder: yeah
[13:37] Niky Zenovka: 256! Qoq
[13:37] Future Adamski: ok
[13:37] Niky Zenovka: Wow
[13:37] Bronson Blackadder: pratrtical can be a killer
[13:37] Tillie Ariantho: Youri: thats kiddies or brown shitbags mostoftn probably, too. ^^
[13:37] Niky Zenovka: That would destroy the effects
[13:37] Bronson Blackadder: what the hell di dI just type
[13:37] Niky Zenovka: Next turn shaders off and kill glow
[13:37] Kate Linden: Today's Second LIfe knowledge tip was about Show Updates. Do you use that feature?
[13:37] Youri Ashton: dont have to put draw distance that low
[13:37] Bronson Blackadder: particals can be a killer
[13:37] Youri Ashton: I got almost everything on max
[13:38] Marianne McCann: Kate - rarely. Usually when checking performance issues in a region
[13:38] Niky Zenovka: You can temporarily disable particles at
[13:38] Tillie Ariantho: Show Updates is helpful sometimes. :) For scripters.
[13:38] Marianne McCann: (Great for finding temp rezzers)
[13:38] Tillie Ariantho: Yah, for finding lag. ,)
[13:38] Niky Zenovka: View | HIde Particles
[13:38] Niky Zenovka: Embrace lag, could be worse, one could crash
[13:39] Youri Ashton: for even a better tip, dont go to sims that have a lot of residents
[13:39] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:39] Kate Linden: Yes, even for your own avatar when heading to a crowded location. It gives you a good idea of the data packets sent from any attachments you might be wearing.
[13:39] Bronson Blackadder: yep
[13:39] Arawn Spitteler: View| Hide PArticles <ctrl><alt><shft>=
[13:39] Youri Ashton: the more reidents, the more lag
[13:39] XLR8RRICK Hudson: No crashing SL is stable now
[13:39] Marianne McCann: Lag is love!
[13:39] Tillie Ariantho: Here I can see that Arawn is a constant source of updates. :P
[13:39] Bronson Blackadder: avoid office hours
[13:39] Niky Zenovka: "I lag, therefore I am"
[13:39] Bronson Blackadder: too many lindens
[13:39] Kate Linden: Advanced > Show updates
[13:39] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:39] Jeremy Linden: Hah! I can just imagine, "Lag is other people."
[13:39] Arawn Spitteler: It might be my tail, which reshapes, rather than just playing with alpha
[13:40] Tillie Ariantho: ^^
[13:40] XLR8RRICK Hudson: lol
[13:40] kestryl Appin: Iunno, changing those setting in the middle of lag doesnt seem to help, and nothing short of a relog or boot seems to help
[13:40] Marianne McCann: Amazes me how many here do update frequently
[13:41] Future Adamski: maybe it is the region?
[13:41] Bronson Blackadder: sometimes
[13:41] XLR8RRICK Hudson: anyone on Emerald will be updating a lot
[13:41] Arawn Spitteler welcomes all to Second Life/Lag/Laugh/Love: Where we laugh at life, and love lag, is the edge of Technology
[13:41] Bronson Blackadder: the number of running scripts in a region
[13:41] Bronson Blackadder: how many people in a region
[13:41] Bronson Blackadder: teh rendering cost of each person
[13:41] Kate Linden: This particular feature, Bronson, shows updates to objects.
[13:42] Bronson Blackadder: number of prims
[13:42] Bronson Blackadder: etc etc
[13:42] Marianne McCann: Avatars, scripts (and how involved + how compiled), physics, etc. A whole lot of elements. but even an empty sim will start to lag with even a handful of avatars
[13:42] Arawn Spitteler: My lagometer says RYG, which is usual. Scripts would cause the Server to lag, and prims could lag viewers withing draw distance, or the server.
[13:43] Bronson Blackadder: oh whats the feature I think I missed it
[13:43] Kate Linden: Show Updates
[13:43] Bronson Blackadder: advanced
[13:43] Bronson Blackadder: show updates
[13:43] Youri Ashton: to kill more lag, you can also try to turn off "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" which you can find under Hardware options
[13:43] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I think there is some Throttling going on
[13:43] Bronson Blackadder: holy cow
[13:43] Youri Ashton: HOLY SHIT!!! cow? where?
[13:43] Marianne McCann: Best way to not experience lag is to not log in.
[13:43] XLR8RRICK Hudson: lol
[13:43] Bronson Blackadder: looks like a lot of people with gas
[13:44] Youri Ashton: darned gesture...
[13:44] Jeremy Linden: Ooh, when I'm not typing, I don't update at all :-D
[13:44] Bronson Blackadder: lol
[13:44] Marianne McCann: but what's the fun in that?
[13:44] Bronson Blackadder: youri I love that gestuer where did you get it
[13:44] Bronson Blackadder: ?
[13:44] Future Adamski: bise
[13:44] Bronson Blackadder: that was too funny
[13:44] XLR8RRICK Hudson: just remember this ... There are No Problems ... Only opportunities to fix things
[13:44] Youri Ashton: lol, dont hear it myself, sound is muted for me
[13:45] Youri Ashton: lemme see which one it is
[13:45] Bronson Blackadder: cant stop laughing
[13:45] Jeremy Linden: Sounds like Unreal Tournament... but I don't remember that particular line.
[13:45] Future Adamski: where do Linden live?
[13:45] Youri Ashton: I'm Torley Linden, and BOY do I have a treat for you!!!
[13:45] Youri Ashton says "OMG!!!! Fleas!!!!"
[13:45] Youri Ashton: Hey, those fleas are LINDEN FLEAS, give them back!!!!
[13:45] Bronson Blackadder: between the update clouds and that gesture....
[13:46] Future Adamski: in the cloud?
[13:46] Jeremy Linden: Where do Lindens live? We are everywhere!
[13:46] XLR8RRICK Hudson: No Fleas for me please
[13:46] Youri Ashton: think that is the one
[13:46] Arawn Spitteler: Lindens live under our beds
[13:46] Future Adamski: but where did you start to live?
[13:46] Bronson Blackadder: oh man thanks youri :)
[13:46] Youri Ashton: np
[13:46] XLR8RRICK Hudson: they live Here right now
[13:46] Future Adamski: on a small cloud?
[13:46] Bronson Blackadder: I'll wait before making that active
[13:46] Jeremy Linden: Oh!
[13:47] Jeremy Linden: Well, Torley once told me he just sort of woke up under a tree here in SL one day.
[13:47] Youri Ashton: you are in the linden village, you can find most lindens here
[13:47] Bronson Blackadder: oh I'm sorry Future
[13:47] Arawn Spitteler: I think they live in states where hiring is allowed, now that Prospero's left
[13:47] Bronson Blackadder: I wasn;t saying the lindens live betewteen update clouds and a gesture
[13:47] Youri Ashton: I wake up every day somewhere else :)
[13:47] Future Adamski: under a tree?
[13:47] Future Adamski: but who made the tree?
[13:47] Future Adamski: :)
[13:47] Lenaic Lane: first time I come here... I am freanch... what is the aim of this meeting ?
[13:47] Jeremy Linden: Hey, his words, not mine. And this was before he was a Linden!
[13:48] Arawn Spitteler: I think most trees were made by jack Linden
[13:48] Kate Linden: Lenaic, welcome to the Documentation Team office hour.
[13:48] Jeremy Linden: Hi Lenaic! This meeting is mostly to discuss Second Life-related documentation, such as the Knowledge Base or the wiki.
[13:48] Lenaic Lane: thanks kate
[13:48] Lenaic Lane: ah ok
[13:48] Future Adamski: are there so many Linden?
[13:49] Lenaic Lane: the wiki, yes, I use it when I make scripts
[13:49] Bronson Blackadder: or how it spirals out of control on off topic subjects
[13:49] Youri Ashton: i got over 160 Linden bears
[13:49] Arawn Spitteler: Help -> About Second Life
[13:49] XLR8RRICK Hudson: How many are there
[13:49] Youri Ashton: and still havnt found them all
[13:49] XLR8RRICK Hudson: 200
[13:49] XLR8RRICK Hudson: 300
[13:49] Future Adamski: wow
[13:49] Marianne McCann: Only 160? N00b
[13:49] Kate Linden: Futre, since this is our team office hour, usually Jon, Jeremy, Torley and myself are here. We also love when other Lindens come by to join us.
[13:49] Marianne McCann giggles
[13:49] Kate Linden has pinged you.
[13:49] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I like this Impromtu format
[13:49] Niky Zenovka: When new Lindens are born, they appear in a Welcome Area?
[13:49] Youri Ashton: i only started April this year :)
[13:50] Future Adamski: i think it is good you are here to chat with the basis
[13:50] Lenaic Lane: so you are here to collect some information from the SL users
[13:50] Jeremy Linden: We try to keep it pretty informal, since we don't often have major upcoming features to discuss (the last few months being an exception)
[13:50] Youri Ashton: I see Nyx Linden usually popin a new test avi all the time, not sure where they start out
[13:50] Kate Linden: We're here to provide an opportunity for talking about topics related to Doc Team's work.
[13:51] Lenaic Lane: ok
[13:51] Future Adamski: Doc Teams work is?
[13:51] Arawn Spitteler: How to spend Office Hours is pretty much a personal preference. Some prepare, others play with trains
[13:51] Kate Linden: We create and maintain the Knowledge Base, primarily. We have other internal projects we provide documentation for as well.
[13:51] Arawn Spitteler: Documentation
[13:51] Youri Ashton: fisher sure loves meetings, so you may find more Linden's near office hours
[13:52] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I use the KB a lot helping new people and try to direct them to it
[13:52] kestryl Appin: I thin, riht after they are born, well, when they turn 18 they now take new Lindens to Zindra
[13:52] Lenaic Lane: in fact I have not use it so much
[13:52] Bronson Blackadder: it should be easier to navigate now
[13:52] Kate Linden: XLR8RRICK has using the KB on the wiki been easier for you when helping new Residents?
[13:52] kestryl Appin: Or the places that havent complied *she grumbles
[13:52] Jeremy Linden doesn't know any Lindens who have been Lindens for 18 years :-O
[13:53] Arawn Spitteler: That's right, lindens have to show their I-9 Info, before coming in world as Lindens, so they'd ahve to be Age Qualified Ab Initio
[13:53] Lenaic Lane: sometimes, I think it is like a mess... difficult to find the accurate informaton
[13:53] XLR8RRICK Hudson: for me yes but it is somewhat difficult for new people
[13:53] Youri Ashton: perhaps becouse Linden's were not called Lindens for that long :)
[13:53] Marianne McCann: Gotta scoot along. Have fun, all!
[13:53] Youri Ashton: 1998 it all started
[13:53] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
[13:53] Lenaic Lane: bye
[13:53] Future Adamski: bye Marianne
[13:53] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Do you have Teen Lindens on the Teen Grid
[13:53] Future Adamski: 11 years?
[13:53] Youri Ashton: they have
[13:54] kestryl Appin: Only took Neva a month and a half to comply *she grumbles under her breath
[13:54] Kate Linden: Have you tried showing them how to use ALL search to get to KB articles? I know you can't get them a link that way, but it's also good teaching them to "fish" on their own.
[13:54] Youri Ashton: euhm... think tomorrow there is a meeting on teen grid
[13:54] Youri Ashton: Blue pops in @ teengrid to my knowlage as well
[13:54] Youri Ashton: he got his avi actually from teengrid
[13:54] Jeremy Linden: Kate and I have office hours there!
[13:54] Youri Ashton: as he told me
[13:55] kestryl Appin: Do the teen grid only sell teen avi's?
[13:55] kestryl Appin: Does*
[13:55] XLR8RRICK Hudson: and George goes there too
[13:55] Fisher Linden: My daughter is really unhappy with the teen grid
[13:55] Arawn Spitteler: I understand there's no intergrid commerce
[13:55] Lenaic Lane: sorry I have to go too... in France it is late.... I will try to visit you next time
[13:55] Youri Ashton: teengrid is not allowed to sell/buy things
[13:55] Youri Ashton: so far i know
[13:55] Lenaic Lane: bye all
[13:55] Kate Linden: Yes Blue has migrated to my TSL office hour and joins Jeremy and I there when he can :)
[13:55] Kate Linden has pinged you.
[13:55] Future Adamski: i have to go also
[13:56] Future Adamski: bye bye nice meeting you
[13:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: they are allowed to create things
[13:56] Youri Ashton: Blue is a great guy, you 2 should join his meeting later today :)
[13:56] Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming!
[13:56] Youri Ashton: bye bye future :)
[13:56] Future Adamski: bye bye
[13:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: will do Bule later
[13:56] Daniel Voyager: From what I've heard TG residents cannot access XStreet SL...
[13:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Blue
[13:56] Lenaic Lane: come on Flo
[13:56] Bronson Blackadder: and the future is now history
[13:56] Arawn Spitteler: No Buying or Selling, on Teen Grid?
[13:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: poor Hids
[13:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Kids
[13:56] Daniel Voyager: They can buy/sell stuff on TG.
[13:57] Youri Ashton: teens are not allowed to my knowlage to have the full line of things we can on adult grid
[13:57] Arawn Spitteler: All our commercials Snafus are things kids should learn not to do
[13:57] Youri Ashton: due to the ToS
[13:57] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Here is a Question Can Parents give L$ from here to Teen Grid
[13:57] Youri Ashton: not to my knowlage
[13:57] Bronson Blackadder: not that I know off
[13:57] Daniel Voyager: No.
[13:57] Bronson Blackadder: no intergrid
[13:57] Youri Ashton: think LL wont change that either
[13:58] Arawn Spitteler: Fisher would have to get a security clearence, to visit his own daughter
[13:58] Kate Linden: XLR8RRICK there is no transfer of objects or L$ between grids.
[13:58] XLR8RRICK Hudson: How do the kids get L$
[13:58] Fisher Linden: got to run!
[13:58] Youri Ashton: Fisher is great, so he will with time :)
[13:58] Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming, Fisher!
[13:58] Youri Ashton: bye bye fisher!
[13:58] Daniel Voyager: I think approved TSL adults can give teens money. Not sure...
[13:58] Melchizedek Blauvelt: bye Fisher
[13:58] Kate Linden: They can earn it in TSL just like in SL or buy L$ the same way we do.
[13:59] Youri Ashton: they can? okay... didnt know
[13:59] XLR8RRICK Hudson: CC or PP
[13:59] kestryl Appin: I was asking if they could only buy teen avatars
[13:59] XLR8RRICK Hudson: at 13
[13:59] Youri Ashton: thought they were not allowed to
[13:59] Arawn Spitteler: There might be an avenue, through Lindex, requiring conversion to U$, at 10% loss
[13:59] XLR8RRICK Hudson: are they Transfered here at 18 yrs automatically
[13:59] Daniel Voyager: TG residents can buy teen avatars etc.
[14:00] Daniel Voyager: Correct.
[14:00] Kate Linden: Thanks for joining us this week. I enjoyed talking with you :)
[14:00] kestryl Appin: Just curious, so the etc is adult avatars?
[14:00] Jeremy Linden: 2:00! Cutting here for the transcript.

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