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Usage and Description

call getGroupInfo and check that groupRequest == "1" to verify return success. Group data acquired from LL group pages and includes:

* groupTitle
* groupDescription
* groupMemberCount
* groupOpenEnroll
* groupMembershipFee
* groupFounderID
* groupFounderName
* groupImageID
* groupMaturityRating

which are put in that order into a list GROUP_INFO.

LSL Code

key getGroupInfo(key group_id)
    return llHTTPRequest("" + (string)group_id,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");
key groupRequest;
        groupRequest = getGroupInfo("a053573f-e2b3-ccb0-954a-177ad62e4d37");
    http_response(key req, integer status, list meta, string body)
        if (req == groupRequest)
            if (status == 200)
                integer posS = llSubStringIndex(body, "<title>")+7; // Find web title, which is group name
                integer posF = llSubStringIndex(body, "</title>")-1; // Find the end of the title
                string groupTitle = llGetSubString(body, posS, posF); // Set groupTitle to found title
                posS = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"")+34; // Find the start of the description
                body = llGetSubString(body, posS, -1); // Trim the beginning of the body off
                posF = llSubStringIndex(body, "\" />"); // Find first instance of />, which ends the description tag
                string groupDescription = llGetSubString(body, 0, posF); // Set groupDescription to found description
                body = llGetSubString(body, posF, -1); // Trim the title/description of the body off
                list GROUP_DATA = llParseString2List(body, ["<meta name=","content=", "/>", "\"", " ", "\n"],[]); // Break the body into a list
                // The following looks for name-value pairs in the html for each group
                // If you do not need some of the following, comment them out to avoid unnecessary processing lag.
                integer groupMemberCount =      (integer)llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["member_count"])+1);
                // This returns a binary result for comparison, Y=1 and anything else is 0.   
                integer groupOpenEnroll =       (llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["open_enrollment"])+1) == "Y");
                integer groupMembershipFee =    (integer)llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["membership_fee"])+1);
                key     groupFounderID =        (key)llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["founderid"])+1);
                // Because GROUP_DATA removed spaces, Founder Name needs special treatment. If the order of tags changes in the future,
                // groupid should be changed to whatever tag follows founder.
                string  groupFounderName =      llDumpList2String(llList2List(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["founder"])+1,
                                                                                llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["groupid"])-1), " ");;
                key     groupImageID =          (key)llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["imageid"])+1);
                string  groupMaturityRating =   llList2String(GROUP_DATA, llListFindList(GROUP_DATA, ["mat"])+1);
                GROUP_INFO = [groupTitle, groupDescription, groupMemberCount, groupOpenEnroll, groupMembershipFee, groupFounderID,
                                groupFounderName, groupImageID, groupMaturityRating];
                groupRequest = "1"; // Check if groupRequest is now "1" to verify you have valid GROUP_INFO after a request.

                llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(GROUP_INFO, "\n")); // Simple use case for info
            else llOwnerSay(0, "HTTP error in group reqeust: " + body);

--Pazako Karu (talk) 18:15, 31 March 2019 (PDT)