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Revision as of 14:08, 13 November 2011 by Kireji Haiku (talk | contribs)
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Suggest a "Stop All Animations" button be added to Animations selection frame for convenience. There are two versions of this script. The original by Kelly Linden above and a copy from Kireji Haiku below, who hasn't added anything to the script but reformatted it for better readability.

original script reformatted version


original by Kelly Linden

<lsl>// HTML Based, Single Script HUD // This is intended to be a tech demo of what html on a hud allows. // * Interaction with SL world (give items, play animations, scan nearby avatars) // * Simple, low overhead (1 scripts, 1 prim) // * Rich, dynamic interface (images, menus, flash) // Updates and improvements are welcome at

// To Use: // * Create a cube and wear it as a hud on the top-left. (script will need tweaking for other spots) // * Edit the cube while wearing it and add this script to it. // * Add any animations you want to play to the object // * Add any notecards or objects you want to give away to the object.

// License: // This script itself is free to share, modify and use without restriction. // Any linked or referenced files are not included in this license and are licensed by their respective owners under their own respective copyright and other licenses. // Created by Kelly Linden, 2011.

// CONFIG PARAMS string video_url = "";

integer display_face = 4; // The face to display HTML on integer button_face = 2; // The face that shows when hiding the HTML integer link = LINK_THIS; // The prim with media and button.

// Prim params for when media is shown. Rotates and scales to show the media. list visible = [PRIM_POS_LOCAL,<0,-0.13,-0.13>,PRIM_SIZE,<0.01,0.25,0.25>,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,<0,0,0,1>]; // Prim params for when media is hidden. Rotates and scales to show the button. list button = [PRIM_POS_LOCAL,<0,-0.04,-0.04>,PRIM_SIZE,<0.05,0.05,0.05>,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,<0,0,-1,0>]; // Initial setup: sets the button texture. list init = [PRIM_TEXTURE,ALL_SIDES,TEXTURE_BLANK,<1,1,1>,<1,1,1>,0,PRIM_TEXTURE,button_face,"0b815b79-c8f5-fc98-91fc-e77b53a468e2",<1,1,1>,<1,1,1>,0];

// INTERNAL VARS // These variables are set by the program. integer is_visible = FALSE; // Whether or not the hud is showing HTML side. list last_path; // Last visited string footer; // Footer: set in set_url string header; // Header: set in set_url key current_request; // HTTP request ID for the current request.

// Toggle between button and HTML toggle_show() {

   if (is_visible)
   is_visible = !is_visible;


// Build an image url from an avatar's key. string av_image(key id) {

   return "" + llGetUsername(id) + "/thumb_sl_image.png";


// Build an url that opens the profile for an avatar string app_profile_url(key id) {

   return "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)id + "/about";


// Setup required after getting an url. set_url(string url) {

   // Build the common header:
   // * link to the css file
   // * set a base url
   // * html boilerplate code.
   // TODO: Remove dependency on this css file.
   header = "<html><head>"
           + "<link href='' media='all' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />"
           + "<base href='" + url + "/' />"
           + "</head><body>";
   // Build the common footer
   // * Navigation menu
   // * JS helper script (for fancy buttons)
   // * html boilerplate code
   // TODO: Remove dependency on the js file

footer = "

       + "<a href=>Scan</a> | "
       + "<a href='anims'>Anims</a> | "
       + "<a href='video'>Video</a> | "
       + "<a href='config'>Config</a> | "
+ "<a href='hide'>Hide</a>


       + "<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script></body></html>";
   llSetLinkMedia(link, display_face,              // Side to display the media on.
           [PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY,TRUE,     // Show this page immediately
            PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL,url,    // The url if they hit 'home'
            PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL,url,       // The url currently showing
            PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS,256,  // Height/width of media texture will be
            PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS,256,   //   rounded up to nearest power of 2.


// Turn a number of bytes (script size) into human readable format. string bytes2str(integer b) {

   if (b < 1024 * 1024) return (string)(b / 1024) + "KB";
   return (string)(b / (1024 * 1024)) + "MB";


// Build the html for the profile thumbnail image that links to their profile. string profile_thumb_html(key agent) {

   return "<a href='" + app_profile_url(agent) + "' class='avatar avatar_thumb' rel='#sl_image_zoom' title='Click to zoom'>"
       + "<img alt='Thumb_sl_image' src='" + llGetUsername(agent) + "/sl_image.png' /></a>";


// Build the agent options menu string agent_menu_html(key agentid) {

return "



// Build an html list of items of type for the Give menu string give_list(key agentid, integer type) {

   string resp;
   integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(type);
   integer i;
   for (i=0;i<n;++i)

resp += "

  • <a href='agent/" + (string)agentid + "/give/" + llGetInventoryName(type,i) + "'>" + llGetInventoryName(type,i) + "</a>
  • "; } return resp; } // Build the html for the Give menu and fill it with notecards and objects. string give_menu_html(key agentid) { string resp = "


       return resp;


    // Strip the "Resident" last name, break long names into 2 lines if possible. string agent_name(key id) {

       string name = llList2String(llParseString2List(llKey2Name(id),[" Resident"],[]),0); 
       if (llStringLength(name) > 15)
           name = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(name,[" "],[]),"
    "); } return name;


    // Build the Agent Details page. agent_details(key request, key agent) {

       // Get the details we want.
       // Build the html.

    string resp = header + "

    " + "" + "
    " + "

    " + agent_name(agent) + "

    " + "

    " + llGetUsername(agent) + "

    " + "
    " + agent_menu_html(agent) + "
    " + give_menu_html(agent) + "
    " + profile_thumb_html(agent) + "" + "
      " + "
    • Scripts:" + "
        " + "
      • " + (string)llList2Integer(r,1) + " total
      • " + "
      • " + bytes2str(llList2Integer(r,2)) + "
      • " + "
      • " + (string)((integer)(llList2Float(r,3) * 1000000.0)) + "us
      • " + "

    " + footer;

       // Send the response.
       llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
       // Uncomment this to debug memory usage.
       // Done here as this is the largest, most complex page.
       // llOwnerSay("Memory used: " + (string)llGetUsedMemory() + ", response size: " + (string)llStringLength(resp));


    // Build up an animation menu with any animations in the object. string anim_menu_html() {

    string resp = "


       return resp;


    // Play an animation given the name. play_anim(string anim) {



    // Build the anims page. anims_page() {

    string resp = header + "


    Choose an animation:

    " + "

    " + anim_menu_html() + "

    " + footer;

       llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);


    // Build the configuration page. config_page() {

    string resp = header + "



           + "<form action='config/set' method='get'>"
           + "Video URL: <input type='text' name='video' value='" + video_url + "' />"
           + "<input type='submit' value='Set' /></form>"
           + footer;
       llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);


    // Process a get request with a path. GET(key request, list path) {

       current_request = request;
       integer path_segments = llGetListLength(path);
       if (path_segments == 0)
           // Home page is handled in the sensor response.
           // Set the last_path incase the next request is a hide
           last_path = [];
       string p0 = llList2String(path,0);
       if (p0 == "hide")
           // We need to send back a page to show otherwise the
           // the next time the hud is shown there will be an error.
           // So we loop back in here with our last path.
           // Effectively this just refreshes the page we were already on.
           // Do *not* set the last_path here to avoid any infinite loops.
       // Set the last path here, after the recursive hide call.
       last_path = path;
       if (p0 == "agent")
           if (path_segments == 1)
               // <url>/agent
               // Show owner details.
           // p1 should be an agent id
           key agent = (key)llList2String(path,1);
           if (path_segments == 2)
               // <url>/agent/<id>
               // Show the details for the agent.
           if (path_segments == 4)
               // <url>/agent/<id>/<cmd>/<option>
               string cmd = llList2String(path,2);
               if (cmd == "give")
                   string object_name = llUnescapeURL(llList2String(path,3));
                   llOwnerSay("Giving " + object_name + " to " + llKey2Name((key)agent));
       else if (p0 == "anims")
           if (path_segments == 1)
               // <url>/anims
               // Show the animation selection page
           else if (path_segments == 2)
               // <url>/anims/<anim-name>
               // Play the specified animation
       else if (p0 == "video")
           // <url>/video
           // Play a demo video
           string resp = header
               + "
    <iframe width='255' height='173' src='" + video_url + "' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>" + footer; llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML); llHTTPResponse(current_request,200,resp); return; } else if (p0 == "config") { if (path_segments == 1) { // <url>/config config_page(); return; } if (llList2String(path,1) == "set") { // Parse config args list args = llParseString2List(llGetHTTPHeader(current_request,"x-query-string"),["&","="],[]); integer i = 0; integer argn = llGetListLength(args); while(i < argn) { string var = llList2String(args,i++); string val = llUnescapeURL(llList2String(args,i++)); if (var == "video") { video_url = val; } } config_page(); } } // Unknown page. 404.

    string resp = header + "

    404 Page Not Found.

    " + footer;

       llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);


    default {

           // Set the object name so inventory offers make sense to the receiver.
           llSetObjectName(llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + "'s HUD");
           // Init button textures.
           // Reset to a hidden state
           // Request an URL.
       // We need to reset in the cases because we lose the URL.
       on_rez(integer n) { llResetScript();}
       changed(integer c)
           if (c & (CHANGED_TELEPORT | CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_REGION)) llResetScript();
       touch_start(integer total_number)
           // Handles the button case.
       http_request(key id, string method, string body)
           if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
           else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
               llOwnerSay("Unable to get url: " + body);
           if (method == "GET")
               list path = llParseString2List(llGetHTTPHeader(id,"x-path-info"),["/"],[]);
           llHTTPResponse(id,400,"Unsupported method.");
       sensor(integer n)
           // This is actually the main page.
           // Shows nearby residents for interacting with.

    string resp = header + "

    Scan Results:

             // TODO: Only fits 14 right now. Figure out how to fit all 16. 
             // TODO: Figure out how to find more than 16.
             if (n > 14) n = 14;
             for (--n; n >= 0; --n)
      resp += "
    • <a href='agent/" + (string)llDetectedKey(n) + "'>" + agent_name(llDetectedKey(n)) + "</a>
    • "; } resp += "

    " + footer;

           llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
           // No one nearby.
           // Include a link to the owner's details to make it easier to debug when no one is around.

    string resp = header + "

    Scan Results:

      "; resp += "
    • No one near by.
    • "; resp += "
    • Owner: <a href='agent/" + (string)llGetOwner() + "'>" + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + "</a>
    • "; resp += "

    " + footer;

           llSetContentType(current_request, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);


    Go to top!

    reformatted version

    <lsl> /*

    • HTML-based, single script HUD
    • To use:
    • - create a default prim (cube)
    • - wear it as a HUD on top_left (script needs tweaking for other attachment points)
    • - edit the cube while wearing
    • - add animations you want to use
    • - add notecards and objects you want to hand out
    • - add this script
    • License:
    • This script itself is free to share, modify and use without restriction.
    • Any linked or referenced files are not included in this license and are licensed by their respective owners under their own respective copyright and other licenses.
    • original by Kelly Linden and reformatted by Kireji Haiku, 2011.
    • /

    key owner; string ownerName;

    string url;

    key currentRequestID;

    integer responseStatus; string responseBody;

    list lastPath;

    string video_url;

    string header; string footer;

    string currentAnimation;

    integer isVisible;

    string exceptions;


    • user-function: init
    • - does not return anything
    • - sets initial variable values
    • - sets object's name and textures
    • - request a url to use the HUD
    • /

    init() {

       owner = llGetOwner();
       ownerName = llKey2Name(owner);
       llSetObjectName(ownerName+"'s HUD");
       video_url = "";
       //header set in set_link_media(url)
       //footer set in set_link_media(url)
       llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
           PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, TEXTURE_BLANK, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, (float)FALSE,
           PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, "0b815b79-c8f5-fc98-91fc-e77b53a468e2", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, (float)FALSE]);



    • user-function: toggle_visibility_of_HUD_button
    • - does not return anything
    • - toggle the visibility of the prim
    • - will rotate, position and scale the prim
    • /

    toggle_visibility_of_HUD_button() {

       if (isVisible)
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
               PRIM_POS_LOCAL, <0.0, -0.13, -0.13>,
               PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0>,
               PRIM_SIZE, <0.01, 0.25, 0.25>]);
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
               PRIM_POS_LOCAL, <0.0, -0.04, -0.04>,
               PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, <0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0>,
               PRIM_SIZE, <0.05, 0.05, 0.05>]);
       isVisible = !isVisible;



    • user-function: request url
    • - does not return anything
    • - make sure we drop the old url before requesting a new one
    • /

    request_url() {




    • user-function: set_link_media
    • - does not return anything
    • - set the values for the string variables 'header' and 'footer'
    • - prepare face 4 for media on a prim
    • /

    set_link_media(string scriptUrl) {

       url = scriptUrl;
       header = "<html><head><link href='' media='all' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /><base href='" + scriptUrl + "/' /></head><body>";

    footer = "

    <a href=>Scan</a> | <a href='anims'>Anims</a> | <a href='video'>Video</a> | <a href='config'>Config</a> | <a href='hide'>Hide</a>

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script></body></html>";

       llSetLinkMedia(LINK_THIS, 4, [
                               PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY, TRUE,
                               PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL, url,
                               PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL, url,
                               PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS, 256,
                               PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS, 256,
                               PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE]);



    • user-function:
    • - does not return anything
    • - used if there's not a request to the homepage of our website
    • - check where on the site we are and prepare variables for the response
    • /

    http_get(key requestID, list path) {

       currentRequestID = requestID;
       integer numOfPathsParts = llGetListLength(path);
       string firstPathPart = llList2String(path, 0);
       if (firstPathPart == "hide")
           http_get(requestID, lastPath);
       lastPath = path;
       if (firstPathPart == "agent")
           if (numOfPathsParts == 1)
               prepare_profile_overview_page(requestID, owner);
           else if (numOfPathsParts == 2)
               key id = (key)llList2String(path, 1);
               prepare_profile_overview_page(requestID, id);
           else if (numOfPathsParts == 4)
               if (llList2String(path, 2) != "give")
               key id = (key)llList2String(path, 1);
               string name = llKey2Name(id);
               string itemName = llUnescapeURL(llList2String(path, 3));
               llOwnerSay("Giving '" + itemName + "' to '" + name + "'.");
               llGiveInventory(id, itemName);
               prepare_profile_overview_page(requestID, id);
       else if (firstPathPart == "anims")
           if (numOfPathsParts == 1)
           else if (numOfPathsParts == 2)
               play_anim(llList2String(path, 1));
       else if (firstPathPart == "video")
           responseStatus = 200;
           responseBody = header + "
    <iframe width='255' height='173' src='" + video_url + "' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>" + footer; return; } else if (firstPathPart == "config") { if (numOfPathsParts == 1) { config_page(); return; } else if (llList2String(path, 1) == "set") { string queryString = llGetHTTPHeader(requestID, "x-query-string"); list args = llParseString2List(queryString, ["="], ["&"]); integer index = -llGetListLength(args); while (index) { string variable = llList2String(args, index); string value = llUnescapeURL(llList2String(args, index + 1)); if (variable == "video") video_url = value;
                   //because: var,val,&,var,val,&,...
                   index = index + 3;
       responseStatus = 404;

    responseBody = header + "

    404 Page Not Found.

    " + footer;

       throw_exception("There has been a HTTP-request to a non-existant page on your HUD's website. Please check the path of the request for mistakes.");



    • user-function: prepare_profile_overview_page
    • - does not return anything
    • - prepares a response for a page with information about a certain avatar
    • - includes profile thumbnail, name, script info, give menu
    • /

    prepare_profile_overview_page(key requestID, key id) {

       list avatarDetails = llGetObjectDetails(id, [
       responseStatus = 200;

    responseBody = header + "

    " + html_body_with_formatted_avatar_name(id) + "

    " + llGetUsername(id) + "

    " + html_body_with_links_for_interaction_with_certain_avatar(id) + "
    " + html_body_with_inventory_overview_for_give_menu(id) + "
    " + html_body_avatar_profile_pic_thumbnail(id) + "
    • Scripts:
      • " + (string)llList2Integer(avatarDetails, 1) + " total
      • " + bytes2str(llList2Integer(avatarDetails, 2)) + "
      • " + (string)((integer)(llList2Float(avatarDetails, 3) * 1000000.0)) + "us

    " + footer;



    • user-function: html_body_with_formatted_avatar_name
    • - returns the name of the avatar in html format
    • - removes the lastname if it is Resident
    • - adds a line-break for long names
    • /

    string html_body_with_formatted_avatar_name(key id) {

       string stringToReturn = llKey2Name(id);
       if (llGetSubString(stringToReturn, -9, -1) == " Resident")
           stringToReturn = llDeleteSubString(stringToReturn, -9, -1);
       if (15 < llStringLength(stringToReturn))
           stringToReturn = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(stringToReturn,[" "], []), "
       return stringToReturn;



    • user-function: html_body_with_links_for_interaction_with_certain_avatar
    • - returns html text with links for an avatar to interact with who has a certain uuid
    • /

    string html_body_with_links_for_interaction_with_certain_avatar(key id) {

    return "




    • user-function: html_body_with_inventory_overview_for_give_menu
    • - returns html text with inventory item lists
    • /

    string html_body_with_inventory_overview_for_give_menu(key id) {

    string stringToReturn = "


       return stringToReturn;



    • user-function: bytes2str
    • - returns a string with script memory info in readable format
    • /

    string bytes2str(integer bytes) {

       // 1024² = 1048576
       if (bytes < 1048576)
           return (string)(bytes / 1024) + " KB";
           return (string)(bytes / 1048576) + " MB";



    • user-function: html_body_avatar_profile_pic_thumbnail
    • - returns html text with urls to someone's profile pic
    • /

    string html_body_avatar_profile_pic_thumbnail(key id) {

       return "<a href='secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)id + "/about' class='avatar avatar_thumb' rel='#sl_image_zoom' title='Click to zoom'<img alt='Thumb_sl_image' src='" + llGetUsername(id) + "/sl_image.png' /></a>";



    • user-function: inventory_list_in_html_format_for_give_menu
    • - returns html text with inventory item list of given type
    • /

    string inventory_list_in_html_format_for_give_menu(key id, integer type) {

       string stringToReturn;
       integer index = llGetInventoryNumber(type);
       while (index)
           string name = llGetInventoryName(type, index);

    stringToReturn += "

  • <a href='agent/" + (string)id + "/give/" + name + "'>" + name + "</a>
  • "; } return stringToReturn; } /*

    • user-function: anims_page
    • - does not return anything
    • - prepares an html text overview page of animations
    • /

    anims_page() { responseStatus = 200; responseBody = header + "


    Choose an animation:

    " + html_body_animations_overview() + "

    " + footer;



    • user-function: html_body_animations_overview
    • - returns html text with a list of included animations
    • /

    string html_body_animations_overview() {

    string stringToReturn = "


       return stringToReturn;



    • user-function: play_anim
    • - does not return anything
    • - prompts a perms request to animate owner
    • /

    play_anim(string anim) {

       llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
       currentAnimation = llUnescapeURL(anim);



    • user-function: config_page
    • - does not return anything
    • - prepares page to configure youtube video link
    • /

    config_page() {

       responseStatus = 200;

    responseBody = header + "


    <form action='config/set' method='get'>Video URL: <input type='text' name='video' value='" + video_url + "' /><input type='submit' value='Set' /></form>" + footer;



    • user-function: throw_exception
    • - does not return anything
    • - logs errors into cache for later viewing and debugging
    • /

    throw_exception(string inputString) {

       if (exceptions == "")
           exceptions = "The following un-handled exception(s) occurred that are preventing this device's operation:\n";
       exceptions += "\t"+inputString+"\n";


    default {

       on_rez(integer start_param)
       changed(integer change)
           if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY))
       touch_start(integer num_detected)
       http_request(key id, string method, string body)
           integer sendResponseNow = TRUE;
           responseStatus = 400;
           responseBody = "Unsupported method";
           if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
               responseStatus = 200;
               responseBody = "OK";
           else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
               responseStatus = 400;
               responseBody = "Bad request";
               throw_exception("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
           else if (method == "GET")
               responseStatus = 200;
               responseBody = "GET";
               string pathInfoHeader = llGetHTTPHeader(id, "x-path-info");
               list path = llParseString2List(pathInfoHeader, ["/"], []);
               if (path == [])
                   sendResponseNow = FALSE;
                   llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME, 96.0, PI);
                   lastPath = [];
                   http_get(id, path);


    • check if doing a sensor sweep and if so don't send a response
    • but send the response in 'sensor event' or 'no_sensor event'
    • (time-out 30.0 seconds for response)
    • /
           if (sendResponseNow)
               llSetContentType(id, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
               llHTTPResponse(id, responseStatus, responseBody);
           if (exceptions != "")
               state error;
       run_time_permissions(integer perm)
               throw_exception("This HUD has tried to animate your avatar WITHOUT having the permissions to do so. You must grant this HUD permissions to animate your avatar for this feature to work.");
           if (exceptions != "")
               state error;
       sensor(integer num_detected)
           responseStatus = 200;

    responseBody = header + "

    Scan Results:

             if (14 < num_detected)
                 num_detected = 14;
             while (num_detected)
                 key id = llDetectedKey(num_detected);
      responseBody += "
    • <a href='agent/" + (string)id + "'>" + html_body_with_formatted_avatar_name(id) + "</a>
    • "; } responseBody += "

    " + footer;

           llSetContentType(currentRequestID, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
           llHTTPResponse(currentRequestID, responseStatus, responseBody);
           responseStatus = 200;

    responseBody = header + "

    Scan Results:

    • No one near by.
    • Owner: <a href='agent/" + (string)owner + "'>" + ownerName + "</a>

    " + footer;

           llSetContentType(currentRequestID, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
           llHTTPResponse(currentRequestID, responseStatus, responseBody);


    state error {

       on_rez(integer start_param)
       changed(integer change)
           if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY))
           llOwnerSay("========== ERROR REPORT START ==========");
           llOwnerSay("========== ERROR REPORT END ==========");
           llOwnerSay("Resetting now...");

    } </lsl>

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