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Function: rotation llDetectedRot( integer number );

Returns the rotation of detected object number.

• integer number Index of detection information

number does not support negative indexes. Returns <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> if number is not valid sensed object.


llDetected* functions only work if called from within Detection events (collision, collision_start, collision_end, sensor, touch, touch_start, touch_end) or in functions called by Detection events. They will fail silently and return unusable values if called during other events.


  • If number is out of bounds this function returns <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> and the script continues to execute without an error message.
  • Events that enable the llDetected* functions always return at least one detected item.
    • Detection events are not raised if there is nothing detected.[1]
    • The detection event's items detected parameter is initially never less than 1.[2]
All Issues ~ Search JIRA for related Bugs


<lsl>//--// get compass facing of Avatar that touches this object //--//

//-- list of compass directions starting at East, rotated clockwise

list gLstCompassPoints = [ "East", "NorthEast", "North", "NorthWest", "West", "SouthWest", "South", "SouthEast" ];

//-- convert rotation to z-axis compass direction

string CompassDirection( rotation rRotBase ) {

 integer iCountCompassPoints = llGetListLength(gLstCompassPoints);
  //-- convert rotation to a direction
 vector vDirection = <0.0, 1.0, 0.0> / rRotBase;
  //-- take the direction and determine the z rotation
 float fAngle = llAtan2(vDirection.x, vDirection.y);
  //-- take the angle and find the compass point
 integer iCompassPoint = llRound(fAngle * iCountCompassPoints / TWO_PI);
  //-- convert to string
 return llList2String( gLstCompassPoints, iCompassPoint );



   llSay( 0, "Touch me to get your compass facing" );
 touch_start( integer vIntTouchCount )
   integer vIntCounter = 0;
     llSay( 0,
            llDetectedName( vIntCounter )
            + " is facing "
             //-- next line gets avatar rotation and converts to compass direction
            + CompassDirection( llDetectedRot( vIntCounter ) ) );
   } while ( ++vIntCounter < vIntTouchCount );

See Also


•  Detected

Deep Notes

Search JIRA for related Issues


  1. ^ The exception is no_sensor but it doesn't enable llDetected* functions.
  2. ^ Like all event parameters, the user can overwrite the initial value.


function rotation llDetectedRot( integer number );