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< LlGetSunDirection
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Funktion: vector llGetSunDirection( );

gibt die Sonnenrichtung in der Region.

Die Sonnenposition kann - abhängig von den Wünschen des Simbesitzers - dynamisch oder statisch sein.


Dies kann genutzt werden um schnell zu bestimmen ob Tag oder Nacht ist (in gekürzten SL Tagen). Wenn der zurückgegebene Z Parameter des Vektors positiv ist, steht die Sonne über dem Horizont (Tag) ansonsten unter dem Horizont (Nacht).

<lsl>integer lightsOn = -1;//nicht TRUE oder FALSE

CheckSun() {

   vector sun = llGetSunDirection();
   integer turnLightsOn = (sun.z < 0);
   if(turnLightsOn != lightsOn)
       lightsOn = turnLightsOn;
       llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, lightsOn ]);


AVERAGE_SUN_TILT = -.25 * pi

So wird mSunOffset berechnet: <cpp>F64 daily_phase = DAILY_OMEGA * U64_to_F64(local_time / USEC_PER_SEC); F32 sun_phase = (F32)fmod(daily_phase, 2.0*F_PI); sun_hour -= 6.0f; mSunOffset = HOURS_TO_RADIANS * sun_hour - (0.25f * F_PI) * cosf(HOURS_TO_RADIANS * sun_hour) - sun_phase;

//Und hier steht wie die Sonnenrichtung berechnet wird:

void LLRegion::calculateSunInfo(

      U64 current_time,
      LLVector3& directionp,
      LLVector3& ang_velocityp,
      F32& sun_phase)


  U64 local_time = current_time;
      local_time = 0;
    // Sun moves (once a day) about a circle that lies on a tilted plane.
    // The angle of the plane cycles (once a year) a few radians about
    // some average.
    // These are F64's, otherwise we get rounding errors over time
  F64 daily_phase  = DAILY_OMEGA * U64_to_F64(local_time / USEC_PER_SEC) + mSunOffset;
  F64 yearly_phase = YEARLY_OMEGA * U64_to_F64(local_time / USEC_PER_SEC);
  F32 tilt = AVERAGE_SUN_TILT + SEASONAL_SUN_TILT_AMPLITUDE * (F32)sin(yearly_phase);
  sun_phase = (F32)fmod(daily_phase, 2.0*F_PI);
    // move sun around a circle
  directionp.setVec((F32)cos(-daily_phase), (F32)sin(-daily_phase), 0.0f);
    //tilt the circle about X-axis (due east)  
  directionp.rotVec(tilt, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    // calculate angular velocity (radians per second)
  ang_velocityp.setVec(0.0f, 0.0f, (F32)DAILY_OMEGA);
  ang_velocityp.rotVec((F32)tilt, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    // James wanted the night to be shorter than the day.
    // We can do this by offsetting the center of the sun's orbit in the positive
    // z-direction and normalizing the new vector.
  directionp.mV[VZ] += SUN_NORMALIZED_OFFSET;
  F32 R = directionp.normVec();
    // We also need to correct the angular velocity
    // V = W % R
    // V has constant magnitude
    // As R goes up, W must go down
    // W and R are always perpendicular
    // ===>
    // W *= 1 /

Siehe auch


•  llGetTimeOfDay

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function vector llGetSunDirection();
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