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Function: float llLog( float val );

Returns a float that is the "Wikipedia logo"natural logarithm of val.
If val <= 0 return 0.0 instead.

• float val

To get the base 10 logarithm use llLog10.


<lsl> default {

   float num1 = llFrand(100.0);
   llOwnerSay("The natural logarithm of " + (string)num1 + " is " + (string)llLog(num1));

} </lsl> <lsl> float findexp(float result, float base) {

   return llLog(result)/llLog(base);

} default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llSay(0, (string)findexp(8.0,2.0));
       //returns 3.0




There are only two log functions llLog and llLog10. Errors introduced as a result of floating-point arithmetic are most noticable when working with logarithms. llLog should be used instead of llLog10 when converting the base of the logarithm. <lsl>float LogBaseN = llLog(value) / llLog(Base); //This technique introduces errors but is the only way</lsl>

If Base is a constant, your script will run faster if you calculate it's log and divide by that constant instead.

Useful natural logarithms
Number logarithm
2 {{#ln:2}}
4 {{#ln:4}}
8 {{#ln:8}}
10 {{#ln:10}}
16 {{#ln:16}}
32 {{#ln:32}}
64 {{#ln:64}}
128 {{#ln:128}}
256 {{#ln:256}}

See Also


•  llLog10
•  llPow
•  llSqrt


•  "Wikipedia logo"Natural_logarithm

Deep Notes

Search JIRA for related Issues


function float llLog( float val );