LlOwnerSay Test

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[LENGTH] 00:05


[OVERVIEW] This test has been designed to exercise the llOwnerSay LSL function.

[SETUP] This test requires 2 users and rezzable land


[0010] Tester 1: Create a new script containing the following:

[SCRIPT] llOwnerSayScript

[0020] Tester 1: Create 2 new boxes on the ground, Named Object1 and Object2.

[0030] Tester 1: Place the script in both boxes.

[0040] Tester 1: Sets Object2 to sell Original

[0050] Tester 2: Purchase the box.

[0060] Either user touches each box.


[NOTE] Expected Results:


[0070] Tester 1: Verify you should only hear "This message should only be sent to owner" from Object1.

[0080] Tester 2: Verify you should only hear "This message should only be sent to owner" from Object2.

[0090] Verify Both Users should hear "message sent to owner" from each box.



touch_start(integer total_number) 
llOwnerSay("This message should only be sent to owner"); 
llSay(0,"message sent to owner"); 