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<blockquote> <pre>
[http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s&title=LlSculpt_mel/sculpt.mel View source to llSculpt.mel]

//  * Copyright (c) 2007-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
Added a button to flip the map horizontally. It is check by default, but it should keep people from having to use photoshop to flip it if it gets inverted. --Delerium Hannibal
//  * $License$
global proc string llFirst(string $list[])
return $list[0];
global proc llSculptExport(string $object, string $file_name, string $file_format,
  int $resolution_x, int $resolution_y,
  int $maximize_scale, int $fix_orientation)
// copy it, because we're going to mutilate it. MUHAHAHAAAaa...
string $object_copy = llFirst(duplicate($object));
// disentangle from groups
string $parents[] = listRelatives("-parent", $object_copy);
if (size($parents) != 0)
$object_copy = llFirst(parent("-world", $object_copy));
// scale it to unit cube
float $bounding_min[3];
float $bounding_max[3];
$bounding_min = getAttr($object_copy + ".boundingBoxMin");
$bounding_max = getAttr($object_copy + ".boundingBoxMax");
float $scale[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$scale[$i] = $bounding_max[$i] - $bounding_min[$i];
float $scale_max = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
if ($scale[$i] > $scale_max)
$scale_max = $scale[$i];
if ($maximize_scale)
print($object + " scale normalized - scale by " +
  $scale[0] + " " + $scale[1] + " " + $scale[2] + " inside SL to get original shape\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$scale[$i] = $scale_max;
scale("-relative", 1/$scale[0], 1/$scale[1], 1/$scale[2], $object_copy);
// position it in unit cube
$bounding_min = getAttr($object_copy + ".boundingBoxMin");
$bounding_max = getAttr($object_copy + ".boundingBoxMax");
float $center[3];
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$center[$i] = ($bounding_min[$i] + $bounding_max[$i]) / 2.0;
move("-relative", 0.5 - $center[0], 0.5 - $center[1], 0.5 - $center[2], $object_copy);
// nurbs surfaces can be adjusted to ensure correct orientation
if ($fix_orientation)
string $shape = llFirst(listRelatives("-shapes", $object_copy));
if ((nodeType($object_copy) == "nurbsSurface") ||
(($shape != "") && (nodeType($shape) == "nurbsSurface")))
// try to determine the "north pole";
float $pole[] = pointOnSurface("-turnOnPercentage", 1,
  "-parameterU", 0.5,
  "-parameterV", 0,
float $total_distance = 0;
float $v;
for ($v = 0; $v <= 1; $v += 0.1)
float $point[] = pointOnSurface("-turnOnPercentage", 1,
"-parameterU", $v,
"-parameterV", 0,
float $distance = 0;
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$distance += pow($pole[$i] - $point[$i], 2);
$distance = sqrt($distance);
$total_distance += $distance;
if ($total_distance > 0.1)  // the points don't converge on the pole - swap
print("swapping UVs to orient poles for " + $object + "\n");
reverseSurface("-direction", 3, $object_copy);
// now try to ensure the normal points "out"
// note: this could easily fail - but there's no better way (i think.)
float $total_orientation = 0;
float $u;
for ($u = 0; $u <= 1; $u += 0.1)
for ($v = 0; $v <= 1; $v += 0.1)
float $point[] = pointOnSurface("-turnOnPercentage", 1,
"-parameterU", $u,
"-parameterV", $v,
float $normal[] = pointOnSurface("-normal",
"-turnOnPercentage", 1,
"-parameterU", $u,
"-parameterV", $v,
// check the orientation of the normal w/r/t the direction from center
float $center_dir[];
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$center_dir[$i] = $point[$i] - 0.5;
float $orientation = 0;  // dot product
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$orientation += $center_dir[$i] * $normal[$i];
$total_orientation += $orientation;
if ($total_orientation > 0)  // need to invert
print("reversing V for " + $object + "\n");
reverseSurface("-direction", 1, $object_copy);
// reverse U, for compatibility with surface textures
print("reversing U for " + $object + "\n");
reverseSurface("-direction", 0, $object_copy);
warning("cannot fix orientation on non-nurbs object: " + $object);
// create temporary shading network
string $sampler_info = createNode("samplerInfo");
print("exporting sculpt map for " + $object + " into file " + $file_name + "\n");
// bake sculpt texture
string $fileNodes[] = convertSolidTx("-fileImageName", $file_name,
"-fileFormat", $file_format,
"-force", 1,
"-resolutionX", $resolution_x,
"-resolutionY", $resolution_y,
$sampler_info + ".pointWorld",
delete($fileNodes);  // we don't want 'em.  why do you make 'em?
global proc int llSculptEditorCallback()
string $objects[] = ls("-sl");
if (size($objects) == 0)
warning("please select objects to export");
return 0;
string $filename      = textFieldButtonGrp("-query", "-fileName", "llSculptEditorFilename");
int $resolution_x    = intSliderGrp("-query", "-value", "llSculptEditorResolutionX");
int $resolution_y    = intSliderGrp("-query", "-value", "llSculptEditorResolutionY");
int $fix_orientation  = checkBoxGrp("-query", "-value1", "llSculptEditorFixOrientation");
int $maximize_scale  = checkBoxGrp("-query", "-value1", "llSculptEditorMaximizeScale");
// get filetype
string $file_type;
string $file_base;
string $file_extension;
string $tokens[];
tokenize($filename, ".", $tokens);
if (size($tokens) == 1)  // no extension, default to bmp
$file_base = $filename;
$file_type = "bmp";
$file_extension = "bmp";
$file_extension = $tokens[size($tokens) - 1];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < size($tokens) - 1; $i++)
$file_base += $tokens[$i];
if ($i != size($tokens) - 2)
$file_base += ".";
if ($file_extension == "bmp")
$file_type = "bmp";
else if (($file_extension == "jpg") || ($file_extension == "jpeg"))
$file_type = "jpg";
else if (($file_extension == "tif") || ($file_extension == "tiff"))
$file_type = "tif";
else if ($file_extension == "tga")
$file_type = "tga";
warning("unknown image type (" + $file_extension + "). switching to bmp");
$file_type = "bmp";
$file_extension = "bmp";
string $object;
for ($object in $objects)
string $this_filename = $file_base;
if (size($objects) > 1)
$this_filename += "-" + $object;
$this_filename += "." + $file_extension;
llSculptExport($object, $this_filename, $file_type, $resolution_x, $resolution_y,
  $maximize_scale, $fix_orientation);
return 1;
global proc llSculptEditorSetFilenameCallback(string $filename, string $filetype)
textFieldButtonGrp("-edit", "-fileName", $filename, "llSculptEditorFilename");
global proc llSculptEditorBrowseCallback()
fileBrowser("llSculptEditorSetFilenameCallback", "Export", "image", 1);
global proc llSculptEditor()
string $commandName = "llSculptExport";
string $layout = getOptionBox();
setParent $layout;
setUITemplate -pushTemplate DefaultTemplate;
tabLayout -tabsVisible 0 -scrollable 1;
string $parent = `columnLayout -adjustableColumn 1`;
separator -height 10 -style "none";
-label "Filename"
-fileName "sculpt.bmp"
-buttonLabel "Browse"
-buttonCommand "llSculptEditorBrowseCallback"
-field on
-label "X Resolution"
-minValue 1
-maxValue 512
-fieldMinValue 1
-fieldMaxValue 4096
-value 64
-field on
-label "Y Resolution"
-minValue 1
-maxValue 512
-fieldMinValue 1
-fieldMaxValue 4096
-value 64
-label ""
-label1 "Maximize scale"
-numberOfCheckBoxes 1
-value1 off
-label ""
-label1 "Correct orientation"
-numberOfCheckBoxes 1
-value1 on
setUITemplate -popTemplate;
string $applyBtn = getOptionBoxApplyBtn();
button -edit
-label "Export"
-command "llSculptEditorCallback"
string $applyAndCloseBtn = getOptionBoxApplyAndCloseBtn();
button -edit
-label "Export and Close"
-command "llSculptEditorCallback"
setOptionBoxTitle("Export Sculpt Texture");
setOptionBoxHelpTag( "ConvertFileText" );

Latest revision as of 18:03, 20 June 2007

View source to llSculpt.mel

Added a button to flip the map horizontally. It is check by default, but it should keep people from having to use photoshop to flip it if it gets inverted. --Delerium Hannibal