RLV Collision Grabber

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This script placed in a prim makes that prim a collision detector that tries to force sit the colliding avatar on a set target using RLV.

The victim needs RLV and a relay to be grabbed by the script.

/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
 * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
 * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
 * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ 
/* Place the script in the prim you want to turn into the sensor.
 * The object will then detect collisions and tries to
 * force sit and lock the victim on the set target (see below).
 * It also tries to detect and lock people who just sit on the target
 * Feel free to contact me, Vala Vella, if you have questions 
 * If you use this in your project I'd like to hear about it :) */

key     target = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; // UUID of the target object the victim will sit on. Must contain any sit script
integer sitscan = TRUE; // try to detect and lock people who sit manually (TRUE/FALSE)
integer lockseconds = 30; // time in seconds the victim will be locked to the target
integer sleeptime = 10; // time in seconds the victim has to leave the area after being freed to avoid instant regrabbing
// do not set sleeptime to 0!


key     victim = NULL_KEY; //current victim
integer freetime; //end of timer as unix timestamp
list    queue; // list for queueing victims in case more than one walk into the trap

integer RLVchan = -1812221819; //RLV Relay channel. do NOT change!
integer commchan; // channel to listen for client answers
float   targetmass; // mass of the target to check if someone is sitting
string  locktime; // lock time in human readable format
integer locked; // TRUE if someone is locked up
integer sitting; // TRUE is the victim is sitting on target (checked via RLV) 

debug(string txt)
    // uncomment the next line to see debugging messages
    //llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL, "DEBUG-INFO: "+txt);

relay(string type,key victim,string command) //send command to relay
    llRegionSayTo(victim, RLVchan, type+","+(string)victim+","+command);

next() //process next entry in queue
    if (llGetObjectMass(target) > targetmass) //stop here if someone is sitting on the object
        debug("Someone is sitting");
        queue = [];
    if (victim == NULL_KEY && llGetListLength(queue) > 0)
        key this = llList2Key(queue, 0);
        if (llVecDist(llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(this, [OBJECT_POS]), 0), llGetPos() ) < 10.0)
            locked = FALSE;
            sitting = FALSE;
            relay("sit", llList2Key(queue, 0), "@sit:"+(string)target+"=force");
            queue = llDeleteSubList(queue, 0, 0);

        list    objectinfo = llGetObjectDetails(target, [OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_POS]);
        if (llList2Vector(objectinfo, 1) != <0,0,0>) //check if target exists
            targetmass = llGetObjectMass(target);
            locktime = (string)llFloor((float)lockseconds / 60)+" minutes";
            if (lockseconds%60) locktime += ", "+(string)(lockseconds%60)+" seconds";
            llOwnerSay("Set to target: "+llList2String(objectinfo, 0));
            llOwnerSay("Locktime: "+locktime);
            commchan = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(), 0, 6))+(integer)"0x70000000";
            debug("command channel: "+(string)commchan);
            debug("object mass: "+(string)targetmass);
            llListen(RLVchan, "", "", "");
            llListen(commchan, "", victim, "");
            llOwnerSay("Set target not found. Please edit the script and check the settings");
    on_rez(integer num)
    collision_start(integer num)
        debug ((string)num+" collisions");
        if (!locked)
            while (num)
                if (!~llListFindList(queue, [llDetectedKey(num)]) && victim == NULL_KEY) //if detected agent is not queued and no victim queue them 
                    queue += llDetectedKey(num);
                    debug (llList2CSV(queue));
                    if (llGetListLength(queue) == 1) next(); //process queue if it has one entry
    listen(integer chn, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (chn == RLVchan) //answers from relay
            list    answer = llCSV2List(msg);
            key     rkey = llList2Key(answer, 1);
            if (rkey == llGetKey())
                debug("RLV answer: "+msg);
                string  rhandle = llList2String(answer, 0);
                string  rcommand = llList2String(answer, 2);
                string  rok = llList2String(answer, 3);
                if (rhandle == "sit" && rok == "ok")
                    victim = llGetOwnerKey(id);
                    relay("sitcheck", victim, "@getsitid="+(string)commchan);
                if (rhandle == "sitlock" && rok == "ok" && llGetOwnerKey(id) == victim)
                    llRegionSayTo(victim, 0, "You are locked for "+locktime);
                if (rcommand == "!release" && rok == "ok" && llGetOwnerKey(id) == victim)
                    locked = FALSE;
                    victim = NULL_KEY;
        else if (chn == commchan) //answers from the victims client
            debug("Comm answer: "+msg);
            if ((key)msg == target) //when the victim is sitting on the target it will send the targets key on the comm channel
                if (!locked)
                    victim = id;
                    freetime = llGetUnixTime()+lockseconds;
                    relay("sitlock", victim, "@unsit=n");
                    locked = TRUE;
                sitting = TRUE;
        if (locked)
            if (llGetUnixTime() >= freetime)
                relay("release", victim, "!release");
                llRegionSayTo(victim, 0, "You are free. You have "+(string)sleeptime+" seconds to leave!");
                locked = FALSE;
            else if (sitting == TRUE)
                sitting = FALSE;
                relay("sitcheck", victim, "@getsitid="+(string)commchan);
            if (llGetObjectMass(target) > targetmass && sitscan == TRUE)  //is someone sitting?
                llSensor("", "", AGENT, llVecDist(llGetPos(), llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(target, [OBJECT_POS]), 0))+2.0, PI); // find possible victims
                queue = llDeleteSubList(queue, 0, 0);
                victim = NULL_KEY;
                locked = FALSE;
    sensor(integer num)
            if (llGetAgentInfo(llDetectedKey(num)) & AGENT_SITTING) relay("sitcheck", llDetectedKey(0), "@getsitid="+(string)commchan); // check if sitting and if so ask relay for object they are sitting on