Security Usecases

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Use Case: Asset Security

Goal in Context:

Private assests owned by an avatar (identity) should be visable but not usable by any other avatars (identities) unless the avatar chooses to change the permission. Avatars should not lose control of these assets if they move to other regions.


<what system is being considered black-box under design>


<one of: Summary, Primary task, Subfunction>=

Primary Actor:

avatar, asset


Protecting personal assests and their value is a very high priority.


Expected to happen frequently (every session).

Use Case: Region Script Secruity

Goal in Context:

Regions should be able to control the execution of Scripts brought in by assets of avatars. For example, a secure region inside a firewall should be able to prevent scripts in rez'ed assets from listening to chat or scanning for other avatars. Basically, we need to prevent spying in secure regions.


avatar operating inside a "secure" region


Primary Task

Prrimary Actor:

avatar inside a "secure" region such as behind a firewall.


This is a priority for private regions where it is important to prevent the uncontroled outward flow of information.


This is expected to be a key issue for organizations and corporations attempting to protect information.

Use Case: <the name should be the goal as a short active verb phrase>

Goal in Context:

<a longer statement of the goal, if needed>


<what system is being considered black-box under design>


<one of: Summary, Primary task, Subfunction>=

Primary Actor:

<a role name for the primary actor, or description>


<how critical to your system / organization>


<how often it is expected to happen>