Simple Texture Changer (for inventory)(certain prims & all sides).lsl

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Part of Bobbyb's texture changer collection <lsl> // //*********************************************************************************************************** // * // --Simple Texture Changer (for inventory)(certain prims & all sides)-- * // * //*********************************************************************************************************** // by Alphons van der Heijden (SL: Alphons Jano) //Creator: Bobbyb30 Swashbuckler //Attribution: None required, but it is appreciated. //Created: November 26, 2009 //Last Modified: November 26, 2009 //Released: Saturday, November 28, 2009 //License: Public Domain

//Status: Fully Working/Production Ready //Version: 1.0.2

//Name: Simple Texture Changer (for inventory)(certain prims & all sides).lsl //Purpose: To change the texture on all the sides of certain prims in a linked set. //Technical Overview: The script finds how many textures there are in inventory, and uses a timer to change the // texture on a side based on randomness or order. It takes into account inventory changes. It uses // a user defined list to determine which sides to change. //Description: A simple texture changer script that changes the texture on all the sides of a certain prims in a linked // set to those in inventory. It allows for a random order, or a logical "next up" order. //Directions: Create a prim. Place pictures in prim inventory. Place script in prim inventory. Modify script parameters // to suit your needs. If you add pictures, and the script does not reset, manually reset the script.

//Compatible: Mono & LSL compatible //Other items required: More than 1 texture in inventory. //Notes: Uses a timer event. Should be low lag. Commented for easier following. This will change the all of the // sides of certain linked prims to the *same* texture. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//Adjustable global may change these //Please note there is a .2 second delay between prims. list prims = [0,1,5,2];//which prims to change float frequency = 2.0;//how often to change the texture in seconds. Shouldn't be below 2.0

//please note that the last and first texture will be shown less frequently than those in between integer random = TRUE;//whether to show the textures randomly, or in order integer duplicatecheck = TRUE;//if random is true, this will check to make sure the random selection is a new texture

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //global not change integer numberoftextures;//number of textures in inventory integer currenttexture;//inventory number of current texture integer primslength;//length of the prims list

changetexture()//user fucntion to change texture; {

   integer counter;
   string texture = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,currenttexture);//gets texture name
   }while(++counter < primslength);


default {

   on_rez(integer start_param)//on rez reset...probably not needed.
       llOwnerSay("Simple Texture Changer (for inventory)(certain prims & all sides).lsl' (Public Domain 2009)");
       llOwnerSay("Because knowledge should be free.");
       numberoftextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);//number of textures in inventory
       primslength = llGetListLength(prims);//speed hack here
       if(numberoftextures <= 0)//no textures
           llOwnerSay("No textures were found in my inventory. Please add textures.");
       else if(numberoftextures == 1)//only 1 texture
           llOwnerSay("I only found 1 picture in my inventory. I need more in order to change them.");
       //for 2 random isn't needed...but I'm too lazy to add that in
       else//more than 1 texture found...
           llOwnerSay("I found " + (string)numberoftextures + " pictures which I will change every "
               + (string)frequency + " seconds on these prims: " + llList2CSV(prims) + ".");
       if(random)//show pics randomly
           integer randomtexture;
           if(duplicatecheck)//whether to make sure random doesn't repeat itself
                   randomtexture= llRound(llFrand(numberoftextures - 1));
                   //llOwnerSay("r" + (string)randomtexture);//debug
               }while(randomtexture == currenttexture);//make sure the random one isn't the same as the current one
           else//no duplicate check
               randomtexture = llRound(llFrand(numberoftextures - 1));//generate random texture number
           currenttexture = randomtexture;//set the current one to the random one selected
           changetexture();//change the texture
           //llOwnerSay("c" + (string)currenttexture);//debug
       else//not random, go in order
           if(currenttexture == numberoftextures)//if current texture = number of textures, reset counter
               currenttexture = 0;
           changetexture();//change the texture
           //llOwnerSay("c" + (string)currenttexture);//debug
   changed(integer change)
       if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)//new or removed inventory...update texture count
           llOwnerSay("Inventory change detected.");
           numberoftextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
           llOwnerSay("I found " + (string)numberoftextures + " pictures which I will change every "
               + (string)frequency + " seconds on these prims: " + llList2CSV(prims) +".");

} </lsl>