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Ban List Limit

This page says that the number of people in an estate ban list is limited to 500. As far as I know, it's been 300 for a year or so. Did this change recently, maybe in the RC client? Lex Neva 10:31, 5 July 2008 (PDT)

I'm not a pro on this so it is just a guess, but I would tend to think that the limit change would be connected to new simulator software, rather then to a new client, since the sim stores the list of people who aren't allowed to enter. The client is just displaying it(?)
That beeing said, please browse to SVC-747 and watch for the comment made by Seraph Linden at 11/Jan/08 07:59 AM
Because of the date, in case it was a client issue, then it should be at least fixed since 1.19
Greetz, =) Zai Lynch(talk|contribs) 11:29, 5 July 2008 (PDT)

Prim Size Limits

I once saw instructions on how to make a prim that's larger than 10x10 but that the system considers to be 10x10. It isn't a megaprim and anyone can do it. It's a flat diamond shape. Does anyone know how? --Shadoe Landman 13:04, 6 July 2008 (PDT)

You can create >10m disks from tubes, rings, and torii. Set the twist Twist at: Begin: 90, End: 90, and Hole Size at: X: 1.00, Y: 0.05. --McCabe Maxsted 23:38, 8 July 2008 (PDT)