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User-Defined Function: vector uHSL2RGB( vector vColHSL );

Returns a percentage based vector that is vColHSL converted to a RGB.

  • vColHSL: source color as percentages of range.


  • LSO: 420 bytes
  • MONO: 1536 bytes
vector uHSL2RGB( vector vColHSL ){ //-- <H, S, L>
	vector vColRGB;
	if (vColHSL.y){
		vColRGB.x = (1.0 - llFabs( 2 * vColHSL.z - 1.0 )) * vColHSL.y;                                             //-- C
		vColHSL.x = vColHSL.x * 6.0;                                                                               //-- H'
		vColRGB.y = vColRGB.x * (1.0 - llFabs( (integer)vColHSL.x % 2 + (vColHSL.x - (integer)vColHSL.x) - 1.0 )); //-- X 
		vColRGB = llList2Vector( [<vColRGB.x, vColRGB.y, vColRGB.z>,
		                          <vColRGB.y, vColRGB.x, vColRGB.z>,
		                          <vColRGB.z, vColRGB.x, vColRGB.y>,
		                          <vColRGB.z, vColRGB.y, vColRGB.x>,
		                          <vColRGB.y, vColRGB.z, vColRGB.x>,
		                          <vColRGB.x, vColRGB.z, vColRGB.y>],
		                         (integer)vColHSL.x % 6 ) + (vColHSL.z - 0.5 * vColRGB.x) * <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;
		vColRGB.x = vColRGB.y = vColRGB.z = vColHSL.z; //-- greyscale
	return vColRGB;
/*//--                       Anti-License Text                         --//*/
/*//     Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation.     //*/
/*//   2011 (CC0) [ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 ]   //*/
/*//  Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ]  //*/
/*//--                                                                 --//*/


  • This function does not check input HSL validity.
    • expected values are in percentage of range (value / range)
  • HSL is kept percentage based here for best compatibility with image mapping


  • To convert RGB or HSL values from other software to percentage based, simply divide each value by it's range
    • range is determined by subtracting the lower bound from the upper bound.
  • To convert RGB or HSL percentages to your preferred format, multiply the value by the preferred range.