User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2007 Nov 01

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[15:00] Squirrel Wood: Hi Benjamin!
[15:00] Osprey Therian: Good day.
[15:00] Jason Swain: Hello Benjamin
[15:00] Benjamin Linden: hi all
[15:00] Tillie Ariantho: Hello Ben. :)
[15:00] Wyn Galbraith: No ban RP!
[15:01] Rex Cronon: hello
[15:01] Morgaine Dinova: Maybe Ben can't get in. Squirrel, throw him a Weighted Companion Cube :-))
[15:01] Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat
[15:01] Squirrel Wood: hehe
[15:01] Benjamin Linden: ah but I'm here :-)
[15:01] Wyn Galbraith: You know I'm thinking about getting Portal.
[15:01] Morgaine Dinova: Aha! Hi Benjamin :-)
[15:01] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[15:01] Benjamin Linden: good afternoon :-)
[15:02] Wyn Galbraith: Hi Benjamin! That's why In installed Uru, cause I've had it for over a year and haven't played. Can't get a new game without finishing the last.
[15:02] Morgaine Dinova: I don't even play FPSs or anything from Valve ... and I'm already immersed in Portal. It's such a great meme :-)
[15:02] Wyn Galbraith: I like the puzzle idea of it.
[15:02] Benjamin Linden: I ordered the orange box -- very excited :-)
[15:02] Wyn Galbraith: Thinking outside of the box to come up with a solution. Don't want the Orange box, just want Portal.
[15:03] Morgaine Dinova: I've been singing "Still ALive" all morning :-)
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: god what is all this noise?
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: oh it's the video Squirrel sent :-)
[15:03] Wyn Galbraith: What noise?
[15:04] Morgaine Dinova: No media on this parcel, and I hear no noise
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: haha yeah, my mistake
[15:04] Wyn Galbraith: Ben's hearing things.
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: it was my web browser
[15:04] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[15:04] Squirrel Wood: hehe
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: so I have a couple announcements
[15:05] Jacek Antonelli: Hello, everyone!
[15:05] Osprey Therian: Hello Jacek
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: first off, in order to streamline our public triage process we're going to fold the UI triage into the main Monday triages
[15:06] Rex Cronon: hi
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: so starting next week we'll no longer have our Tuesday morning triages
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: hi Jacek
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: interesting av
[15:06] Jacek Antonelli: hehehe
[15:06] Squirrel Wood: Oh My
[15:06] Morgaine Dinova: Nice av Jacek
[15:06] Squirrel Wood: What's planned for tuesday then? ^^
[15:06] Wyn Galbraith: Oh no!
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: any questions or concerns about UI triage?
[15:06] Vash Crimson: o.o!
[15:07] Jacek Antonelli: nope
[15:07] Benjamin Linden: I'm going to cut back to once-weekly office hours discussions
[15:07] Benjamin Linden: so I can spend more time actually improving the user experience :-)
[15:08] Jacek Antonelli: 'kay! :D
[15:08] Wyn Galbraith: You improve the user experience by having meetings.
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: that's true, Wyn
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: that's why we're still going to have this meeting
[15:08] Wyn Galbraith is such a Linden junkie
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: I trust that Aric will continue doing an outstanding job filtering UI bugs down to my team so we can address them
[15:09] Morgaine Dinova: I need to talk to Aric about QA the AWG work. Does he have his own OH's?
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: ack acronym overload!
[15:10] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[15:10] Morgaine Dinova: which one failed lookup?
[15:10] Jacek Antonelli: quality assurance with respect to the architecture working group?
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: what is AWG?
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: ah
[15:10] Morgaine Dinova: Architecture Working Group
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: Aric has public triage on Monday
[15:10] Morgaine Dinova: Scalability + Interop
[15:11] Morgaine Dinova: The test side of QA
[15:11] Morgaine Dinova: Test-driven development etc, regression testing et al
[15:12] Benjamin Linden: yeah that's sort of outside the scope of this meeting :-)
[15:13] Morgaine Dinova: We'll be working on REST resource iterfaces and interop protocols in a multi-party supergrid, so test-driven dev and regression becomes more important then in the 1-party SL.
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: the other thing I wanted to bring up was the UI Refresh project we discussed last week
[15:13] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah, that's why I asked about Aric's OH
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: and to let you know we're making progress with nailing down the look and feel
[15:13] Wyn Galbraith: I was looking at that Benjamin.
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: the plan is to have a first look in mid-December
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: but I would encourage you all to download the preview files on the wiki and try it out
[15:14] Wyn Galbraith: I actually have that page up now.
[15:14] Squirrel Wood promotes and ^^ Vote if you support those ^^
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: Wyn, did you have some feedback?
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: and anyone else for that matter
[15:14] Rex Cronon: this:
[15:14] Rex Cronon: ?
[15:14] Wyn Galbraith: Not yet. Downloading the files now.
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: yes Rex, thanks for the link
[15:15] Wyn Galbraith has been reading it in and out of other things.
[15:15] Jacek Antonelli: (Morgaine: <-- Aric's not listed, so I'd guess he doesn't have hours, you could IM him)
[15:15] Rex Cronon: does it worck with rc?
[15:16] Benjamin Linden: Aric hosts triages on Monday
[15:16] Benjamin Linden: more info here:
[15:16] Benjamin Linden:
[15:16] Morgaine Dinova: Thanks Jacek
[15:16] Jacek Antonelli: yes, the UI refresh preview works with the RCs. At least, it did with
[15:16] Benjamin Linden: oh that's good news
[15:16] Jacek Antonelli: I assume it does with .1 as well
[15:16] Benjamin Linden: it's tough to tell, apparently it crashes our internal windlight builds
[15:17] Wyn Galbraith: I have 1.18.4(1)
[15:17] Vash Crimson: im new to this, now when you say triage you mean the process of saving only wich can be saved?
[15:17] Jacek Antonelli: Awwww. I'll trade your windlight build for a regular build so you can test... I'll give it back later.. >_>
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: lol Vash
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: "triage" is a term we use in the software business to review incoming bugs
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: and assign them people to get fixed
[15:17] Vash Crimson: oh x.x
[15:18] Benjamin Linden: so in a manner of speaking yes, saving only that which can be saved :-
[15:18] Benjamin Linden: :-)
[15:18] Morgaine Dinova: Ben, which Linden is the best point of contact for client restructuring to work with the changes that AWG's work will be bringing in? It will impact on UI too, inevitably, but it's the comms and facility negociation and caching that will be impacted most.
[15:19] Morgaine Dinova: Pretty much a redesign actually.
[15:20] Benjamin Linden: Morgaine, I'm not sure what you're asking
[15:20] Benjamin Linden: I imagine it would depend on which aspect of the design is being discussed
[15:20] Benjamin Linden: is Rob Linden leading that effort?
[15:21] Morgaine Dinova: The work of Zero + AWG s transforming the interface to servers into a REST architecture, so a lot is changing.
[15:21] Rex Cronon: i think that zero is more interested in that
[15:21] Morgaine Dinova: No, Zero
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli: In other news, I'm converting the Client and Server menus to XUI! It's.... very fun work. Really. >_< (Urg.)
[15:23] Morgaine Dinova: Hehe
[15:23] Tillie Ariantho: :-p
[15:23] Benjamin Linden: it's not in xui already??
[15:23] Benjamin Linden: I thought it was...
[15:23] Rex Cronon: how did u get the server code?
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli: Correct, Benjamin. All the other menus are in XUI, but not the Client or Server menus
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Rex: it's not really server code, just the "Server" debug menu in the client
[15:24] Morgaine Dinova: I love those menus ... Debug Settings and Disable Camera Constraints especially :-)
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Yes!
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Once they are XUI, they can be moved around or have the keyboard shortcuts changed \o/
[15:24] Rex Cronon: oh, ok
[15:24] Laetitia Ivory: hi all
[15:25] Rex Cronon: hi
[15:25] Laetitia Ivory: is benjamin online?
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: are you going to submit that as a patch, Jacek?
[15:25] Jacek Antonelli: yes
[15:25] Rex Cronon: thanks laetittia, but i am not interested
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: hi Laetitia
[15:25] Laetitia Ivory: ye no sorry
[15:25] Laetitia Ivory: im not making publicity
[15:25] Benjamin Linden: that's great news Jacek
[15:25] Laetitia Ivory: i wanna talk to someone rfrom linden
[15:25] Jeremiah Messerchmitt: what is this place?
[15:25] Jacek Antonelli: It's going to be a big patch, though :-X
[15:25] Laetitia Ivory: i need help
[15:26] Morgaine Dinova: Colour coordination?
[15:27] Osprey Therian gave you 2prim-pose on this L shape.
[15:27] Jacek Antonelli: This is not a very good place to get help, we're just talking about UI stuff ^_^
[15:27] Laetitia Ivory: is do someone know who i can talk to to kno wy my son have been banned from sl?
[15:27] Benjamin Linden: folks I need to step away from my desk for a moment, brb
[15:27] Wyn Galbraith: Is your son under 18?
[15:28] Vash Crimson: wach out Ben Laetitia may be an assasin
[15:29] Jacek Antonelli: Log off! NOW! (hehehe)
[15:29] Sabina Stenvaag: oh MY can i get that sound file! i LVOE it!
[15:29] Vash Crimson: >.>
[15:30] Vash Crimson: <.<
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli: *chirp chirp crickets*
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli: So.. how about that user experience?
[15:30] Benjamin Linden: ok I'm back
[15:30] Benjamin Linden: sorry about that
[15:30] Benjamin Linden: what did I miss?
[15:30] Benjamin Linden: :-)
[15:31] Wyn Galbraith: Nothing we waited.
[15:31] Laetitia Ivory: ur ims :P
[15:31] Wyn Galbraith: :D
[15:31] Vash Crimson: Aah!
[15:31] Jacek Antonelli: Oh no, I hope I haven't started a gesture storm >_<
[15:31] Benjamin Linden: sorry, Osprey here is going to take a photo of me real quick
[15:31] Wyn Galbraith: On no!
[15:31] Benjamin Linden: lol
[15:31] Osprey Therian: :D
[15:31] Benjamin Linden: hang tight!
[15:31] Laetitia Ivory: BEN ... IMS PLIZ :p
[15:32] Benjamin Linden: Laeitita, I'm not able to help you with that issue, please file a support request. Thanks!
[15:32] Rex Cronon: u r modeling during your office hours:)
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: OK SO CAN U GIVE ME
[15:32] Wyn Galbraith: Benjamin cannot help with support problems, Laetitia.
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: A N EMAIL
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: TO CONTACT
[15:32] Vash Crimson: WHY ARE WE YELLING?
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: COZ I DONT FIND ANY
[15:32] Osprey Therian: hah - see if you fit on here.
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: lokl
[15:32] Wyn Galbraith: Call the support line. and stop yelling.
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: ye sorry
[15:32] Laetitia Ivory: lol
[15:33] Laetitia Ivory: caps was on
[15:33] Laetitia Ivory: ye but im in rance hard to call usa
[15:33] Laetitia Ivory: *france
[15:33] Wyn Galbraith: Use SKype it's free.
[15:33] Laetitia Ivory: there is no email?
[15:33] Osprey Therian gave you RaiseSwordHigh.
[15:33] Osprey Therian: try that
[15:33] Wyn Galbraith: Or enter a support request.
[15:33] Morgaine Dinova: Ben's a client dev, he can't help you with account support issues.
[15:33] Benjamin Linden: does someone have the support link handy?
[15:34] Sabina Stenvaag:
[15:34] Osprey Therian: jump up a mo, B
[15:34] Laetitia Ivory: tx a lot ;) really .. didnt wanted to disturb you
[15:34] Benjamin Linden: jump up?
[15:34] Osprey Therian: or fly up a bit and land
[15:34] Laetitia Ivory: tx a lot ;) i hope too
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: i let u alone.. was nice meeting you
[15:35] Wyn Galbraith: Best bet is a report and phone call.
[15:35] Morgaine Dinova: Salut Lae
[15:35] Benjamin Linden: how's that Osprey?
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: lol salut ;)
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: ok so we will repirt anc dall
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: tx you all
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: ;)
[15:35] Laetitia Ivory: *and call
[15:36] Laetitia Ivory: cya guys
[15:36] Osprey Therian: I'll find another pose
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: I'm having a photo taken for an action collectors card :-)
[15:36] Wyn Galbraith: Use skype ;)
[15:36] Morgaine Dinova: Bye :-)
[15:36] Rex Cronon: bye
[15:36] Laetitia Ivory: yep lol i will
[15:36] Laetitia Ivory: ;)
[15:36] Wyn Galbraith: Oh no, more Linden collectables!
[15:36] Sabina Stenvaag: action collector cards?? what's that?
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: lol
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: Osprey can give you the linke
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: link
[15:36] Wyn Galbraith: For RL?
[15:36] Osprey Therian: swirl a little to get the floppies moving
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: sorry for distracting our meeting with this, we can keep chatting about UI
[15:36] Sabina Stenvaag: work it benjamin!
[15:36] Benjamin Linden: the floppies, lol
[15:36] Wyn Galbraith: Ben has floppies!
[15:37] Morgaine Dinova: S'OK, next time we'll all come in modelling getup :-)
[15:37] Sabina Stenvaag: now look 'sad'
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Pouty lips
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Err.. pouty mandibles?
[15:37] Sabina Stenvaag: blue steel! do the Blue steel look!
[15:37] Rex Cronon: have fun everybody. bye
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: bye Rex!
[15:37] Benjamin Linden: this region is so laggy my flexis aren't too flexible
[15:37] Benjamin Linden: see ya Rex!
[15:37] Morgaine Dinova: See you Rex
[15:37] Osprey Therian: that was pretty good
[15:38] Wyn Galbraith: Ok back to business.
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: oh in other news, I released a survey last night to users who logged in a few times but never came back to SL
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: trying to understand more about why they leav
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: leave
[15:38] Morgaine Dinova: Region's not laggy, time dilation 1.00
[15:38] Benjamin Linden: oh maybe it's just my pc then :-)
[15:38] Sabina Stenvaag: oh! any results--significant?
[15:39] Jason Swain: try the lag meter Ben ^^
[15:39] Jason Swain: VWR-2796
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: I was wondering, can XUI use colors defined in the global settings?
[15:39] Benjamin Linden: yes, we're getting thousands or responses to the survey
[15:39] Osprey Therian: try that
[15:39] Benjamin Linden: yes, Jacek
[15:39] Sabina Stenvaag: wow! when or will y'all publish them??
[15:39] Osprey Therian gave you katanaupswingupswing.
[15:39] Benjamin Linden: if you change the colors in colors_base.xml you can change the global color settings
[15:40] Benjamin Linden: I hadn't considered publishing the results outside of LL but that's a possibility
[15:40] Sabina Stenvaag: jsut wonderin--me i did NOT join SL for a while cause i though it was a game
[15:40] Benjamin Linden: hmm Osprey do you want me to tell you when I'm about to do that pose?
[15:40] Benjamin Linden: also, do you want me flying or on the ground?
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: Sabina, that's part of what the survey gets at -- what were people expecting
[15:41] Osprey Therian: if we can get you tutrned a bit it will work
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: ok I'm going to play it again Osprey
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: like toward you?
[15:41] Osprey Therian: yes
[15:41] Benjamin Linden: ok ready go
[15:41] Morgaine Dinova: Well all my friends except one left because "SL is too laggy". They just couldn't put up with it.
[15:42] Sabina Stenvaag has never been on a model shoot in SL
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: ok once more
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: lol @ Sabina
[15:42] Wyn Galbraith: Boy, I started it was like walking through glue.
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: that's one of the reponses also, Morgaine
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: "Second Life is too slow."
[15:42] Osprey Therian: woo
[15:42] Benjamin Linden: yes Wyn I remember a few years ago, it was really bad
[15:42] Wyn Galbraith: So SL's performance has improved 200% since then.
[15:43] Sabina Stenvaag: i met a user today having serious wireless connection issues she was bummed
[15:43] Osprey Therian: turn a weeeee bit more
[15:43] Osprey Therian: then one last go
[15:43] Morgaine Dinova: No, a few years ago it was great! I've been here 3.5 years
[15:43] Wyn Galbraith: Without a hardware upgrade, which I need a job to do.
[15:43] Benjamin Linden: ok here we go
[15:44] Benjamin Linden: hmm so you think lag's gotten worse Morgaine?
[15:44] Benjamin Linden: maybe because there's more people?
[15:44] Jason Swain: Which "lag" are we talking about?
[15:44] Osprey Therian: ok :D I could take a few more but I know you are busy.
[15:44] Vash Crimson: the annoying kind
[15:44] Wyn Galbraith can model.
[15:45] Osprey Therian: If you can try one more?
[15:45] Morgaine Dinova: Massively worse. 3 years ago SL didn't have the scaling problems it has today. We were just starting to talk about event scalability problems (Philip agreed there was an issue there 3 years ago), but the other areas of scalability weren't causing trouble yet.
[15:45] Osprey Therian gave you katanamidswing.
[15:45] Osprey Therian: you are photogenic
[15:45] Benjamin Linden: lol thanks!
[15:45] Benjamin Linden: it's just my av :-)
[15:45] Morgaine Dinova: Now SL is in scalability hell, it's quite different.
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: ok playing
[15:46] Osprey Therian: lol
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: once more
[15:46] Morgaine Dinova: WTH
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: I like that one :-)
[15:46] Osprey Therian: ok again?
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: ok
[15:47] Vash Crimson: ok i have to go, RL calls
[15:47] Jacek Antonelli: bye bye, Vash
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: thanks for coming Vash
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: be sure to check out the UI files
[15:47] Jason Swain: See you Vash, Take Care
[15:47] Vash Crimson: ill try and make the next meeting\
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: and let me know what you think or add your feedback to the wiki
[15:47] Vash Crimson: bye all
[15:47] Wyn Galbraith: To Benjamin's photo hour.
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: it'd be great to have you!
[15:47] Osprey Therian: I need to watch it w/out snapping
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: lol
[15:48] Morgaine Dinova: SL is fine now, we've sorted out the most crucial problem, Ben's image portfolio
[15:48] Osprey Therian: ok
[15:49] Osprey Therian: I think I need to go see what I have.
[15:49] Morgaine Dinova: Yes please
[15:49] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmmm. *pondering* Ok. XUI can read colors from global preferences, but not all the XUI files seem to be doing that. I'm thinking it would be very easy to make a new floater to allow people to set their own custom colors, if the XUI will use them
[15:49] Sabina Stenvaag: so wheres the best place to make comments/suggestions on the UI--at
[15:49] Benjamin Linden: please add your feedback to the discussion page, Sabina
[15:49] Sabina Stenvaag: or PJIRA/
[15:50] Sabina Stenvaag: ok-even if it's not speciffic to the dazzle one?
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: what do you mean, Sabina
[15:50] Wyn Galbraith: Ok I think I'm ready to relog with the new files. Dare I?
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: what did you have in mind?
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: yes do it Wyn :-)
[15:50] Jason Swain: Good luck Wyn
[15:51] Sabina Stenvaag: adding an option to collect a landmark form another user's profile picks tab
[15:51] Sabina Stenvaag: from*
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Oooh, I like that idea
[15:51] Osprey Therian: TY, Benjamin - I appreciate your patience :D
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: So you don't have to TP all over the place just to landmark some picks
[15:51] Osprey Therian: Bye bye everyone!
[15:52] Osprey Therian: bye!
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: Bye Osprey! Good seeing you!
[15:52] Benjamin Linden: see ya Osprey
[15:52] Sabina Stenvaag: right and i may not wann go ther NOW--soe i goota use PAPER--blech!
[15:52] Benjamin Linden: thanks for the photoshoot!
[15:52] Asset server didn't respond in a timely fashion. Object returned to sim.
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: wb Wyn!
[15:52] Jason Swain: Welcome back Wyn
[15:52] Wyn Galbraith: Looks familiar.
[15:52] Benjamin Linden: how so?
[15:52] Wyn Galbraith: OnRez
[15:53] Wyn Galbraith: The color scheme is similar.
[15:53] Wyn Galbraith: I like it.
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: ah yes
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: onrez
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: :-)
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: so not too light, Wyn?
[15:53] Wyn Galbraith: Not so drab
[15:53] Wyn Galbraith: No, I don't think so.
[15:54] Morgaine Dinova: Very light blue on white is not my idea of a good colour scheme in OnRez. Almost impossible to see UI markings.
[15:54] Wyn Galbraith finds it refreshing. "Now I need one in green.
[15:54] Benjamin Linden: we're going with slightly more toned-down colors
[15:54] Jacek Antonelli: toned-down is good
[15:54] Wyn Galbraith: I think this is different, the color choices are similar, I would have to check them out side by side. Buttons are more rounded on OnRez I think.
[15:55] Wyn Galbraith: So we can do this, Benjamin? Make our own textures?
[15:55] Benjamin Linden: yes Wyn
[15:55] Benjamin Linden: I hope as part of this to document the process we used
[15:55] Jason Swain: Own textures, neat!
[15:55] Benjamin Linden: it's sort of primitive skinning
[15:55] Wyn Galbraith wants to skin things.
[15:56] Benjamin Linden: in the future we hope to have a truly skinnable architecture
[15:56] Benjamin Linden: where the UI is completely abstracted from code
[15:57] Benjamin Linden: but that's a ways off
[15:57] Morgaine Dinova: Well decouple the UI from the rest. Some clients won't even have UIs in the new architecture.
[15:57] Benjamin Linden: right
[15:57] Wyn Galbraith: That's a good idea.
[15:57] Benjamin Linden: that will enable things like lightweight clients
[15:57] Morgaine Dinova: Yep, lot of people interested in those
[15:57] Wyn Galbraith: Very thing should be in modules that just fit together.
[15:58] Jacek Antonelli: Hehe, yep. Lots of "shoulds", not so many "will do's" ;)
[15:58] Wyn Galbraith: It's much easier to deal with a lot when it's in small packages.
[15:59] Jason Swain: There is a very nice light client with no pictures (e,g, 3D views) that works very well for IMing
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: lol yeah
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: AjaxLife?
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: folks I have to run to my next meeting
[15:59] Morgaine Dinova: Front end of client should be just a multiplexer with a number of local socket APIs on it, to which various local processes connect: UI, GL viewer, client-side script engine,audio player, etc.
[15:59] Jacek Antonelli: Fly! Fly to your next meeting. :D
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: this is all good discussion for next week
[15:59] Jacek Antonelli: Take care, Benjamin :D
[15:59] Morgaine Dinova: That'll also harness multicores well.
[15:59] Sabina Stenvaag fumblese with editing her first ever wiki entry
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: don't forget, no meeting on Tuesday
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: see you next Thursday!
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: See ya!
[16:00] Jason Swain: See you Benjamin
[16:00] Morgaine Dinova: Ta'ra
[16:00] Benjamin Linden: thanks for coming!