User:JB Kraft

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Revision as of 00:15, 9 March 2008 by JB Kraft (talk | contribs) (→‎LSL)
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c'est moi


I'm a professional programmer/musician. I'm mostly here for the code and somewhat for the insanity :) I'm literate in most major languages with a bias to C++, Python, Smalltalk and Lisp and I'm a *nix head from way back; yeah BL (Before Linux). Don't ask me anything about Windoze.


I run a scripting/gadget biz in SL under the handle Kwerks but mainly do custom work. Feel free to give me a buzz if you have something on your mind. The lab is in Alleni/66/190/31.


Some viewer patches I have lobbed at the JIRA

Load/save script files to the editor from local disk
Autosave scripts in case of crash
Line number gutter for script editor
Toggle comment selection for script editor
Preference panel for the script editor


Escape XML
Texture Cycle
Voting Script
Color Cycle
PHP5 class for the XTEA impl

Offline LSL Syntax Checker

I use this to do a quick syntax check on LSL files from my normal editors (emacs or TextMate) when I am offline. To build this you must have the viewer source installed and built on your machine. I built it on OS/X so Linux will probably be fine and I have no clue how to make it go on windows. If you get it to run on windows send me the instructions and I will post them here.

<lsl> /*

* lslcheck.cpp
* macview
* Created by JB Kraft.
* A small utility to use as a syntax check for LSL scripts outside of 
* Second Life. I built this on OS/X. YMMV.
* Building:
* - you need the source code for the viewer installed and compiled on your 
*   machine
* - create a makefile or project or whatever you do and compile this code and
*   link it against libapr-?.a, libllcommon.a
* Command line:
* ./lslchecker [FILES...]
  1. include "linden_common.h"
  1. include "lscript_bytecode.h"
  2. include "lscript_error.h"
  3. include "lscript_rt_interface.h"

const std::string ERR_FILE = "out.err"; const std::string DAT_FILE = "out.dat";



void usage( ) { std::cout << "lslchecker [FILES]" << std::endl; exit(0); }



std::string trim( std::string str ) { std::string::size_type ndx = str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n"); str.erase( ndx + 1 ); return str; }



void check( std::string fname ) { std::cout << fname << ": "; if( !lscript_compile( fname.c_str(), DAT_FILE.c_str(), ERR_FILE.c_str() )) { // spit out an the output from the error file std::ifstream err( ERR_FILE.c_str() ); if( err.is_open()) { std::string line; while( !err.eof()) { getline( err, line ); std::cout << trim(line) << std::endl; } err.close(); } else { // couldn't read it? std::cout << "!. see file: " << ERR_FILE << std::endl; } } else { // it's good std::cout << "ok" << std::endl; } }



int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if( argc == 1 ) { usage(); }

for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { check( argv[i] ); } return 0; } </lsl>