User:Jaszon Maynard/Jaszons sandbox Destinations

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This is a guide to the diversity of Second Life, with a particular emphasis on locations of interest to new residents. The emphasis is on non-commercial, unusual locations in Second Life, or ones of particular value to new residents (such as excellent sources of free items). To avoid excessive spam content, it should not be a comprehensive listing of every store and mall in Second Life.

Rules for Inclusion/Deletion

Locations in each section should be in alphabetical order. To make this easy for new residents to scan, descriptions should generally target to be no more than 5 words long.

Non-commercial Destinations


Regions in the non-commercial section must be free to visit. They may however have venues in them that charge for items or activities

Visually inspired by real world locations

Visually inspired by fiction

Inspired by real-world movies, books, etc

  • Little Mos Eisley (PG) (SLurl): Star Wars region

Visually inspired by historical periods

  • Avilion Grove (PG) (SLurl): Castle, formal dancing

Miscellaneous visually themed

Regions with a strong visual theme that don't fit into other visual categories. For instance, a generic tropical paradise region.

  • Acropolis Gardens (PG) (SLurl): Tropical paradise

Many French-speaking residents

Many German-speaking residents

Many Italian-speaking residents

Many Japanese-speaking residents

Many Portuguese-speaking residents

Many Spanish-speaking residents


Venues in the non-commercial section must be free to enter. They must be primarily oriented towards free offerings, however a few incidental paid offerings should not constitute immediate disqualification. If there are items available for acquisition in the venue or activities to do, the overwhelming majority of the offerings (90% or more) must be free. For instance, a venue offering 85 free items, 5 free activities, 5 cheap items, and 5 cheap activities, could qualify as non-commercial. Venues that comply with this rule may still be moved to the commercial section, or deleted. For instance, a venue that offers 9 simple, commonly available Notecards for free, and 1 airplane that costs L$3,000 is 90% free, but it's still actually a commercial venue.

Amusement parks

Guided tours



Stores & malls

  • The Free Dove (PG) (SLurl): Free clothing, etc.


Commercial Destinations


To avoid excessive spam content, commercial locations should only be listed if they offer something that is not readily available in Second Life. A typical clothing store does not belong in this article. On the other hand, a store that specializes in Classical Ottoman Empire military clothing and accessories is probably pretty rare, and so belongs in this article.

Amusement parks

Guided tours



Stores & malls
