User:Opensource Obscure/JIRA

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User page - JIRA - Interests - Groups - LSL - Places - Stores - Translations - other pages

This is some JIRA stuff I'm currently focusing on. You're welcome to read this page, and you may even find it useful, but it's mostly a personal scrapbook page.

Current Sprint: Sprint 16 - Due: 13/May (not 6/May like stated here.



web profiles

Linux misc

Per Oz's comment at last Viewer Evolution User Group meeting, now that we've got autobuild packaging working, it should be straightforward



interfaccia: finestre


Havok2010 phsyics

  1. bug island and bug island 2 also have the "mesh-prep" branch
  2. The 10cm gap on all fixed prims and on physical convex prims has been removed
  3. SVC-5880 should be fixed, assuming your vehicles are sensibly built (no concave prims for wheels)

textures loading

Texture frequently shows grey when running script that cycles thru 5 textures with a llSleep(1.3) between each

llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE, texture, REPEATS, OFFSETS, RADIANS ]);


llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( link, [ PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE, texture, REPEATS, OFFSETS, RADIANS ]);


llSetTexture(texture, ALL_SIDES);

on a small sculpted prim.

integer FACE = 0; /// a sculpts only face
vector REPEATS = <1, 1, 0>;
vector OFFSETS = <0, 0, 0>;
float RADIANS = 0;
integer link = 16;

Using "texture name" and storing the five textures in CONTENTS fails the same as using the UUID of the texture. Running the same script as above but on a regular prim (instead of a sculpt) and with a sleep of 10 seconds between each texture change – produces similar failure. (Texture shows as grey or blurred on ocassions but frequently enough).

test plans

meta issues

Durante lo Scrum Daily Meeting di oggi, Grumpity e Oz hanno spiegato che a lungo andare i Meta Issues diventano inutili per Linden Lab. A differenza di un crash bug che può venire affrontato, risolto e chiuso, i Meta Issues rimangono aperti indefinitamente. [Meta Issues have limited long-term value to Linden Lab] --oobscure 13:46, 4 May 2011 (PDT)

new features

in attesa di intervento / commento da parte di LL

opensource-dev - Request for comment on these JIRA reports