User:Pedro Oval/Base64 HMAC SHA-1

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TODO: Add some text here, add padding test vectors

string HexToBase64Unpadded(string a)
    integer i = 0;
    integer len = llStringLength(a += "0000") - 4;
    string res = "";
    while (i < len)
        res += llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(4*(integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(a, i, i+5))), 1, 4);
        i += 6;
    return llGetSubString(res, 0, len*2/3);

string RemovePadding(string b64) // specialized - it won't work if the string consists of all "="
    integer i;
    do ; while(llGetSubString(b64, i = ~-i, i) == "=");
    return llGetSubString(b64, 0, i);

list Base64SHA1Compress(string b64, integer H1, integer H2, integer H3, integer H4, integer H5, integer i)
    integer A = H1;
    integer B = H2;
    integer C = H3;
    integer D = H4;
    integer E = H5;

    integer round;
    integer S = 0;
    integer T;
    list x = [];
    string buf;

        T = llBase64ToInteger(buf = llGetSubString(b64, T = ((i + round) << 4) / 3, T+6)) << (S = ((i + round) % 3) << 1);
            T = T | (llBase64ToInteger("A" + (llDeleteSubString(buf, 0, 1))) >> (6 - S));
//            llOwnerSay("W["+(string)round+"]="+hex(T));
        x += T;
        T += ((A << 5) | ((A >> 27) & 0x1F)) + (D ^ (B & (C ^ D))) + E + 0x5a827999;
        E = D;
        D = C;
        C = ((B << 30) | ((B >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF));
        B = A;
        A = T;
    }while(16 > (round = -~round));
//        llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(hexm(x)));
        S = llList2Integer(x,  -3) ^ llList2Integer(x,  -8) ^ llList2Integer(x, -14) ^ llList2Integer(x, -16);
        x = llList2List(x + (T = ((S << 1) | !!(S & 0x80000000))), -16, -1);
//            llOwnerSay("W["+(string)round+"]="+hex(T));
        T += ((A << 5) | ((A >> 27) & 0x1F)) + (D ^ (B & (C ^ D))) + E + 0x5a827999;
        E = D;
        D = C;
        C = ((B << 30) | ((B >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF));
        B = A;
        A = T;
    }while(20 > (round = -~round));
        S = llList2Integer(x,  -3) ^ llList2Integer(x,  -8) ^ llList2Integer(x, -14) ^ llList2Integer(x, -16);
        x = llList2List(x + (T = ((S << 1) | !!(S & 0x80000000))), -16, -1);
//            llOwnerSay("W["+(string)round+"]="+hex(T));
        T += ((A << 5) | ((A >> 27) & 0x1F)) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + 0x6ed9eba1;
        E = D;
        D = C;
        C = ((B << 30) | ((B >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF));
        B = A;
        A = T;
    }while(40 > (round = -~round));
        S = llList2Integer(x,  -3) ^ llList2Integer(x,  -8) ^ llList2Integer(x, -14) ^ llList2Integer(x, -16);
        x = llList2List(x + (T = ((S << 1) | !!(S & 0x80000000))), -16, -1);
//            llOwnerSay("W["+(string)round+"]="+hex(T));
        T += ((A << 5) | ((A >> 27) & 0x1F)) + ((B & C) | (B & D) | (C & D)) + E + 0x8f1bbcdc;
        E = D;
        D = C;
        C = ((B << 30) | ((B >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF));
        B = A;
        A = T;
    }while(60 > (round = -~round));
        S = llList2Integer(x,  -3) ^ llList2Integer(x,  -8) ^ llList2Integer(x, -14) ^ llList2Integer(x, -16);
        x = llList2List(x + (T = ((S << 1) | !!(S & 0x80000000))), -16, -1);
//            llOwnerSay("W["+(string)round+"]="+hex(T));
        T += ((A << 5) | ((A >> 27) & 0x1F)) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + 0xca62c1d6;
        E = D;
        D = C;
        C = ((B << 30) | ((B >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF));
        B = A;
        A = T;
    }while(80 > (round = -~round));

    return [H1+A, H2+B, H3+C, H4+D, H5+E];

string Base64SHA1forHMAC(string b64, integer bit_length, integer extra_bit_length, integer H1, integer H2, integer H3, integer H4, integer H5)
    //OR on the extra bit.
    integer b = ((bit_length + 40) >> 5) | 15;
    integer T = llBase64ToInteger(RemovePadding(llGetSubString(b64, -4, -1)) + "AAAA");
    string buf = "AAA";
    integer i = -5;
    do buf += buf; while((i = -~i));
        i = 0x800000;
        if(!(bit_length % 24))
            i = 0x80;
        else if((bit_length % 24) == 16)
            i = 0x8000;
        T = 0x80000000;//T is corrupt because of
    bit_length += extra_bit_length;
//    llOwnerSay(llList2CSV([i,bit_length]));
    b64 = llGetSubString( llDeleteSubString(b64, -4, -1) + 
                          llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(T | i), 0, 5) + 
                          buf, 0, (b << 4) / 3) + 
          llIntegerToBase64(bit_length << (6 - ((b % 3) << 1)));
    list x;
    i = 0;
        x = Base64SHA1Compress(b64, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, i);
        H1 = llList2Integer(x, 0);
        H2 = llList2Integer(x, 1);
        H3 = llList2Integer(x, 2);
        H4 = llList2Integer(x, 3);
        H5 = llList2Integer(x, 4);
    }while(b > (i += 16));
    x = [H1, H2, H3, H4, H5];
    i = -5;
    buf = "";
        T = llList2Integer(x,i);
        bit_length = 32;
            buf += llGetSubString("0123456789abcdef", b = ((T >> (bit_length -= 4)) & 0xF), b);
        while (bit_length);
    }while ((i = -~i));
    return buf;

// The Real Thing
string Base64_HMAC_SHA1(string B64Key, string B64Data)
//    integer H1 = 0x67452301;
//    integer H2 = 0xefcdab89;
//    integer H3 = 0x98badcfe;
//    integer H4 = 0x10325476;
//    integer H5 = 0xc3d2e1f0;
    integer bit_length = llSubStringIndex(B64Key, "=");
    if (!~bit_length)
        bit_length = llStringLength(B64Key);
    if (bit_length > 86)
        // Use a hash of the key instead as a key
        B64Key = HexToBase64Unpadded(Base64SHA1forHMAC(B64Key, (bit_length*6)&-8, 0, 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0));
        bit_length = 27;
    B64Key = llGetSubString(B64Key, 0, bit_length-1);
    string buf = "AAA";
    integer i = -5;
    do buf += buf; while((i = -~i));
    B64Key = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llGetSubString(B64Key + buf, 0, 85) + "==", "NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2Ng==");

    list x = Base64SHA1Compress(B64Key, 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0, 0);
    bit_length = (6 * !(B64Data=="") * (llStringLength(B64Data)-4+llStringLength(RemovePadding(llGetSubString(B64Data,-4,-1))))) & -8;
    B64Data = HexToBase64Unpadded(Base64SHA1forHMAC(B64Data, bit_length, 512, llList2Integer(x, 0), llList2Integer(x, 1), llList2Integer(x, 2), llList2Integer(x, 3), llList2Integer(x, 4))) + "=";

    // Xor with Base64(chr(0x36 xor 0x5C) * 64)
    B64Key = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(B64Key, "ampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqampqag==");
    x = Base64SHA1Compress(B64Key, 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0, 0);
    bit_length = 160;
    return Base64SHA1forHMAC(B64Data, bit_length, 512, llList2Integer(x, 0), llList2Integer(x, 1), llList2Integer(x, 2), llList2Integer(x, 3), llList2Integer(x, 4));

test_vector_SHA1(string B64Key, string B64Data, string HexHash)
    string hmac = Base64_HMAC_SHA1(B64Key, B64Data);
    if (hmac != HexHash)
        llOwnerSay("HMAC-SHA1 test failed.\nComputed: " + hmac + "\nExpected : " + HexHash);
        llOwnerSay("HMAC-SHA1 test passed in " + (string)llGetTime() + " seconds.");

        // RFC 2202 test vectors:

        test_vector_SHA1(HexToBase64Unpadded("0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b") + "=",
                         llStringToBase64("Hi There"),
                         llStringToBase64("what do ya want for nothing?"),
        test_vector_SHA1(HexToBase64Unpadded("0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c") + "=",
                         llStringToBase64("Test With Truncation"),
        string buf = "aaaaa";
        buf += buf;
        buf += buf;
        buf += buf;
        buf += buf;
        buf += buf;
        test_vector_SHA1(HexToBase64Unpadded(buf) + "=",
                         llStringToBase64("Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First"),
        test_vector_SHA1(HexToBase64Unpadded(buf) + "=",
                        llStringToBase64("Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key and Larger Than One Block-Size Data"),

        // Test vector added by the author
        test_vector_SHA1("", "", "fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d");
        // Test vectors added by the author for zero-terminated data strings at different padding positions
        // (generated with an independent program written in PHP):
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "",         "cf63ad15d4e1d7cdc33cb0084e362afe60d047b1"); // ""
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "AA==",     "36cda2fc2a348a0b3645a9c135a12118e6f4dcca"); // "\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "AAA=",     "7b6527796c885a794f695541b4ec1a5af28dec3e"); // "\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "AAAA",     "d79915ec627764b7092ec66036fcaf94e4d94091"); // "\0\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MQA=",     "9fa63e8684813ca6f601e7e082fd989c72295019"); // "1\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MQAA",     "0d1ad14b1c4da14d5fca5b2e3486a7df2ef5fa12"); // "1\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MQAAAA==", "29ba52e7d932fdb2854cf52f75dea30aa0773025"); // "1\0\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIA",     "ee65d68cdba172a95b7cc1640573bfa4f10fcf9d"); // "12\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIAAA==", "4908fdece951bc779690565b54960a5e93119d56"); // "12\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIAAAA=", "3213b2e563af1d5c04159bfcee0ee81124aaefb7"); // "12\0\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIzAA==", "f3967f44b64b8a32b3d0c9cfe514e580aca6869d"); // "123\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIzAAA=", "e509dfb925f1bd533216ba1f44d3ba1a998d078c"); // "123\0\0"
        test_vector_SHA1("blah", "MTIzAAAA", "06476a68a5c2c6cfc5c595b83dcc672e910a3e3e"); // "123\0\0\0"

        llOwnerSay("End of tests.");