User:Toady Nakamura/Sandbox

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Arithmatic Operators

LSL has arithmetic operators which can be used with integers, floats, vectors and rotations.

The order of operation is

 result = left + right

The symbols, definition and examples of the operators:

=  ... denotes equality ... 1 = 1       
+  ... addition         ... 1 + 2 = 3
-  ... subtraction      ... 3 - 2 = 1
*  ... multiplication   ... 2 * 3 = 6
/  ... division         ... 6 / 3 = 2
%  ... remainder operator ... (see explanation below)

Since integers are whole numbers, if you divide 15/2 the answer is not a whole number and if you did that in a script the extra *remainder* is discarded as the answer is rounded toward zero. If you need the remainder, use the *remainder operator*, written as % to get what was otherwise lost.

This script snippet shows how the remainder operator works <lsl>

integer i;
i = 15 % 2;     // 15/2 = 7.5; 0.5 + 0.5 (for the two halves which were discarded) =1; 
                      // the remainder i is assigned the value 1
i = 15 % 4;     // 15/4 = 12; 15-12=3; 
                      //  the remainder i is assigned the value 3
i = -15 % 4;    // i is assigned the value -3

// remember to round toward zero not just "round down"! </lsl>

Vector data contains a set of three float values. In LSL adding vectors to vectors is done <x,y,z> + <x1,y1,z1> = the combined vector. The constant ZERO_VECTOR is equal to <0,0,0>. You can get to individual parts of a vector as shown in this snippet:

<lsl> vector vec; float x = vec.x; float y = vec.y; float z = vec.z; </lsl>

To combine rotations, you use the multiply and divide operators. Multiply * applies the rotation in the positive direction, the divide / does a negative rotation. The constant ZERO_ROTATION equals <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0>. Read the official wiki page for more on Rotations

Assignment using Arithmatic operators

There is a handy shorthand for adding repetitive values as seen in this snippet: <lsl> integer x; integer y;

x  +=  y;    //  means    x = x + y;  ... the new value of x is equal to x + y
x  -=  y;    //  means    x = x - y;  ... the new value of x is equal to x - y
x  *=  y;    //  means    x = x * y;  ... the new value of x is equal to x * y
x  /=  y;    //  means    x = x / y;  ... the new value of x is equal to x / y


Signed integers

Example: The plus integer (ex.: +1) is generally assumed. "It was -3 degrees today!" uses a negatively signed integer.

Comparison Operators

The comparison operators seek to determine equality (TRUE, value 1) or inequality (FALSE, value 0).

 !=  ...  not equal               ... 3 != 2 + 2
 <   ...  less than               ... 3 < 4
 >   ...  greater than            ... 4 > 3
 <=  ...  less than or equal      ... 2 <= 3
 >=  ...  greater than or equal   ... 3 >= 2

The result of a comparison operator is either 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE).

Unary Operator

Because counting up or down by 1 is so common, a special *unary operator* has been created.

 ++ ... count up by one
 -- ... count down by one 

There are two ways to use the unary operators, but be careful, they are not identical. <lsl>

integer i = 0;
i++;     // i now has the value of 1 - because i++ means " evaluate then increment "
           // contributes its value before incrementation
++i;     // i now has the value of 2 -- because ++i means " increment then evaluate "


When used as part of a larger expression, i++ evaluates (values itself) and then increments but ++i counts up first, then adds its own value.

<lsl> *** NEEDS BETTER EXAMPLE >>>>> this has if/else and we havent' explained it yet

integer i = 0;
if (i++ == 0)  // Is evaluated then incremented.
   llSay( 0, "The value of i was 0 when the comparison was done" ) 
                // Will be said even though i ends up with the value of 1.
   llSay( 0, "The value of i was 1 when the comparison was done" )

</lsl> On the other hand, if we switch i++ to ++i, i.e. <lsl>

integer i = 0;
if (++i == 0) // Is incremented then evaluated.
   llSay( 0, "The value of i was 0 when the comparison was done" ) // Will not be said.
   llSay( 0, "The value of i was 1 when the comparison was done" )

</lsl> the chat output would be "The value of i was 1 when the comparison was done".

The operator minus-minus (written --) works similarly.


See for a list of all LSL operators and for a generalized discussion about Operators.


  • If you try to divide (/) or remainder (%) anything by zero, you will get a run-time error and script fail.
  • If any arithmatic returns a value outside the range −2147483648 to 2147483647, different rules apply.

A good explanation can be foundhere.

  • Hexadecimal is rarely used in LSL, if you desire to learn more about it, click here .

Truth Values (Booleans)

Truth values (Booleans) are either 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE).

Truth Value Operators

 !  ... means "not"
 && ... means "and"
 || ... means "or" 

These snippets show some of the ways statements evaluate to TRUE or FALSE <lsl> //The ! operator takes a single operand and evaluates to TRUE if the operand is false, and FALSE otherwise.

integer i;
i = !(3 == 7);     // 3 == 7 is FALSE, so i gets the value TRUE

//The && operator takes two operands and evaluates to TRUE if both its operands are true, and FALSE otherwise.

i = (3 < 7) && (3 > 7);     // 3 < 7 is TRUE, but (3 > 7) is FALSE, so i gets the value FALSE

//The || operator takes two operands and evaluates to TRUE if either one of its operands are true, and FALSE otherwise.

i = (3 < 7) || (3 > 7);     // one of the operands (3 < 7) is TRUE, so i gets the value TRUE


Like the binary arithmetic operators, && and || have a corresponding assignment type operator.

 x &&= y;    // Synonymous with x = x && y;
 x ||= y;    // Synonymous with x = x || y;

Statements Requiring Truth Values

There are four statement types that require a truth value condition:

  • if
  • for
  • while
  • do-while

There are three operators which look similar but have different meanings.

 =  ... assignment          ... "equal to"
 == ... test for equality   ... "exactly equal to"
 != ... test for inequality ... "not equal to"


An "if-then-else" command does a test (written inside parentheses), and if that test is TRUE, then the command will do something {written in brackets}, else the command will do something else - or nothing - when the test is FALSE. The command is formatted like these snippets:

<lsl> if (test)

    {do this} 


    {do that}

</lsl> You can leave off the "else" part if there's nothing for it to do, instead write <lsl>

if (test) 
    {do this}


Here's an example of how to set an integer as a switch, you can think of it as an iSwitch, and this script shows you how to use it.

<lsl> integer i = FALSE; // defined as off globally // and the value of off/on to FALSE (aka i=0;)

             // notice one * = * equals sign above, because the value is being set

default {

         llParticleSystem([ ]); // starts with particles off
    touch_start(integer total_number)
         if (i==FALSE)  // notice two *==* because this is testing for
                                // exact equality
                   PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1,0,0>
              i=TRUE; // flip the iSwitch to the other setting & wait for next touch
                            // notice one * = * because the value is being set
         else   // if the touch happened when particles were on 
              llParticleSystem([ ]); // turn particles off
              i=FALSE; // flip the iSwitch to the off position & wait for next touch
                            // notice one * = * because the value is being set

} </lsl>

<lsl> integer Counter; // define an integer to hold a value later default {

    llSay(0, "..I can count to myself, up to 10!..");
    touch_start(integer total_number)
         for (Counter=1; Counter<=10; ++Counter) //**
    llOwnerSay("That wasn't so hard!");

} // ** This line contains the instructions for how many times to do this loop // First ... set initial value ... Counter = 1; // Second ... do the loop if the counter is less than or equal to 10 ... Counter <=10 // Third ... after each loop, add 1 to Counter ... ++Counter. </lsl>

These examples were originally on ( Ed Boost) which is unfortunately a dead link.


In programming, a "test" is something that comes out True or False (Yes or No and/or 1 & 0 ).


do while
