User:Toady Nakamura/Simple Recording Tipjar

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  • Put this script in any object you own for an instant tipjar; by Toady Nakamura.
integer totaldonated;

    on_rez( integer sparam )
        llResetScript(); // reset when rezzed out

        llSetText("Donation Box\nL$0 Donated so far",<1.0,1.0,1.0>,0.85);
        // set text, "message", color vector (here white), and intensity (here 85%)

    money(key id, integer amount)// When someone pays the system records their key & the amount
        totaldonated = totaldonated + amount;
        // add the amount just given to the total from before
        // "amount" comes from the money event

        llSetText("Donation Box \n L$" + (string)totaldonated + " Donated so far",<1.0,1.0,1.0>,0.85);
        // set the text to show the gift

        llInstantMessage(id,"Thank you for the donation!, " + llKey2Name(id));
        // send a private thank you to giver.
        // "id" comes from the money event

        llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llKey2Name(id) + " just donated $L" + (string)amount);
        // privately message owner to say how much the donation was and the name of the giver.

Fancier Recording Tipjar

I found this one on the LSL-101/Logic [1] page and added it here for reference so you can see the difference between a simple script and one which is a bit more complicated. This one shows

  • Donations so far
  • Last donation
  • Largest donation
string ownerName;

integer totalDonations;

integer topDonation;
integer lastDonation;

string topDonor;
string lastDonor;

vector white  = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;
vector red    = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
vector yellow = <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>;

float alpha = 1.0;

        key ownerKey = llGetOwner();
        ownerName = llKey2Name(ownerKey);

        llSetPayPrice(20, [10, 20, 50, 100]);

        llSetText(ownerName + "\ndonations so far: 0 L$\n ", white, alpha);

    money(key id, integer amount)
        string name = llKey2Name(id);
        string firstName = llGetSubString(name, 0, llSubStringIndex(name, " ") - 1);

        llSay(0,"Thank you for the donation, " + firstName + "!");

        totalDonations += amount;

        lastDonation = amount;
        lastDonor = name;
        vector colorSet = yellow;

        if (topDonation < lastDonation)
            topDonation = lastDonation;
            topDonor = lastDonor;
            colorSet = red;

                    + "\n donations so far: " + (string)totalDonations + " L$"
                    + "\n last donation: "    + (string)lastDonation   + " L$ (" + lastDonor + ")"
                    + "\n top donation: "     + (string)topDonation    + " L$ (" + topDonor + ")",
                          colorSet, alpha);

    on_rez(integer start_param)

Visit my LSL wiki page for my library of simple scripts ! Toady Nakamura