User:Zai Lynch/Bot setup

From Second Life Wiki
< User:Zai Lynch
Revision as of 12:06, 26 July 2009 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (wiki appearently got an update from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1)
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What's this?

This is the documentation page - as well as my personal notepad - for the wiki bot named Wiki Scribe. It's relaying on the Python Wikipedia Robot Framework and I'm trying to use it for maintenance issues.

Configuration Files <python> family = 'slwiki' mylang = 'en' usernames['slwiki']['en'] = 'Wiki Scribe' </python>

families/ <python>

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

import family

class Family(family.Family):

    def __init__(self):
        family.Family.__init__(self) = 'slwiki' # family name
        self.langs = {
            'en': '', # host

        self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': u'Project', # 

        self.namespaces[5] = {
            '_default': u'Project talk', 

        self.namespaces[100] = {
            '_default': u'Linden Lab Official', 

        self.namespaces[101] = {
            '_default': u'Linden Lab Official talk', 

        self.namespaces[274] = {
            '_default': u'Widget', 

        self.namespaces[275] = {
            '_default': u'Widget talk', 

    def version(self, code):
        return "1.14.1"  # The MediaWiki version used.

    def scriptpath(self, code):
        return '/w' # relative path of api.php 



The custom fixes for are stored in This is the file I've written and tested so far. It will change over time while I'm learning to use regular expressions and while I'm stumbling upon new tasks. <python>

  1. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  1. for Wiki Scribe
  2. written by Zai Lynch

  1. fix for links:

fixes['links'] = {

   'regex': True,
   'msg': {
       '_default':u'Robot: link fixes',
   'replacements': [
       (r'<a href=\"https?://(www\.)?*?)\"(.*?)>(.*?)</a>', r"\4"),
       (r'<a href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>(.*?)</a>', r"[\1 \3]"),
       (r'\[https?://(www.)?*?) (.*?)\]', r"\3"),


  1. fix for common SL terms

fixes['slterms'] = {

   'regex': True,
   'msg': {
       '_default':u'Robot: fixing common SL terms',
   'replacements': [
       (r' SLURL ', r" SLurl "),
       (r' resident ', r" Resident "),
       (r' residents ', r" Residents "),
       (r' lindenlab ', r" Linden Lab "),
       (r' Linden Labs ', r" Linden Lab "),
       (r' secondlife ', r" Second Life "),
       (r' SecondLife ', r" Second Life "),


  1. fix for German quotation marks
  2. not bullet proof, but a good start

fixes['gq'] = {

   'regex': True,
   'msg': {
       '_default':u'Robot: fixing German quotes',
   'replacements': [
       (r'([^=])\"([^>])(.*?)([^=])\"([^>])', ur"\1„\2\3\4”\5"),

