User talk:Ugleh Ulrik

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Revision as of 14:15, 23 April 2010 by Ugleh Ulrik (talk | contribs)
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<lsl>list Vector2List(vector v){

   return [v.x, v.y, v.z]; // *Tips a wink to Strife*


FirstName & LastName

<lsl>key name_q; // Used to referrence dataserver requests.

string FirstName(string name) // Deliver the name. {

   return llDeleteSubString(name, llSubStringIndex(name, " "), -1);

} // Return name with all removed from the separating space to the end.

string LastName(string name) // Deliver the name. {

   return llGetSubString(name, (llSubStringIndex(name, " ") + 1), -1);

} // Return name from the separating space to the end.

string FirstOrLastName(string name, integer FoL) // TRUE for first name, FALSE for last name. {

   if(FoL) // If FoL == TRUE...
   return llDeleteSubString(name, llSubStringIndex(name, " "), -1); // Return first name.
   return llGetSubString(name, (llSubStringIndex(name, " ") + 1), -1); // If FoL != TRUE return last name.


default {

       key owner = llGetOwner(); // We need a key...wherever it may come from.
       name_q = llRequestAgentData(owner, DATA_NAME); // Request the name that belongs to that key.
   dataserver(key q, string data) // Triggered by a return of data requested.
       if(q == name_q) // Check which request is being answered.
           llOwnerSay("First name - " + FirstName(data)); // Say the data.
           llOwnerSay("Last name - " + LastName(data)); // Say the data.
           llOwnerSay("First name - " + FirstOrLastName(data, TRUE)); // Say the data.
           llOwnerSay("Last name - " + FirstOrLastName(data, FALSE)); // Say the data.



<lsl>string TrimStringToLength(string text, integer length) // Deliver text and desired length of output. {

   if(length >= llStringLength(text)) // If text is shorter than or the same length as desired...
   return text; // Send text back.
   return (llGetSubString(text, 0, (length - 4)) + "..."); // Else, get string from text and add continuum dots.


default {

       llOwnerSay(TrimStringToLength("I like toitles!! -", 19));
