Viewer Skins/Dazzle Glass

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< Viewer Skins
Revision as of 06:43, 18 April 2008 by SignpostMarv Martin (talk | contribs) (Skin/ Dazzle Glass moved to Viewer Skins/Dazzle Glass: wiki fu. prepping for categorization.)
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A light-on-dark Dazzle skin with lots of transparency

Instructions Right click and "Save As" this link: dazzle_glass_colors.xml Change the name to "colors.xml", save it to your SecondLife/app_settings folder.

Here's the source of the colors.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<settings version = "101">
<!-- WINDOWS -->
<TitleBarFocusColor value="88, 143, 219, 128" />	<!-- Focused window title bar highlight, no equivalent for unfocused windows -->
<FocusBackgroundColor value="60, 70, 82, 128" />	<!-- Background color of focused floaters -->
<DefaultBackgroundColor value="165, 180, 200, 30" />	<!-- Background color for unfocused floaters -->
<!-- LABELS -->
<LabelTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />

<!-- BUTTONS -->
<ButtonSelectedBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<ButtonSelectedColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<ButtonUnselectedBgColor value="62, 62, 62, 255" />
<ButtonUnselectedFgColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<ButtonBorderColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" />
<ButtonColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" /> 		<!-- Blended with button art, usually left as opaque white -->
<ButtonImageColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" /> 	<!-- Blended with button art, usually left as opaque white -->

<!-- Text fields -->
<TextFgReadOnlyColor value="0, 0, 0, 200" />
<TextDefaultColor value="0, 20, 0, 255"/>
<TextEmbeddedItemColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<TextFgReadOnlyColor value="0, 0, 0, 200" />
<TextFgTentativeColor value="210, 210, 210, 128" />

<!-- LISTBOXES -->
<ScrollBgReadOnlyColor value="255, 255, 255, 140" />
<ScrollBgWriteableColor value="255, 255, 255, 140" />
<ScrollBGStripeColor value="145, 180, 220, 60" />
<ScrollDisabledColor value="128, 128, 128, 204" />
<ScrollSelectedBGColor value="50, 115, 185, 180" />
<ScrollSelectedFGColor value="0, 30, 60, 255" />	<!-- Text color -->
<ScrollUnselectedColor value="0, 30, 60, 255" />	<!-- Text color -->
<ScrollHighlightedColor value="145, 180, 220, 128" />	<!-- Hover color -->
<ScrollbarThumbColor value="120, 160, 200, 255" />
<ScrollbarTrackColor value="183, 202, 220, 255" />

<!-- MENUS -->
<MenuBarBgColor value="50, 64, 76, 230" />
<MenuDefaultBgColor value="77, 89, 99, 230" />
<MenuItemDisabledColor value="150, 150, 150, 150" />	<!-- Menu text color; also text color for pie menus and treeviews (like Inventory) -->
<MenuItemEnabledColor value="225, 225, 225, 255" />		<!-- Menu text color; also text color for pie menus and treeviews (like Inventory) -->
<MenuItemHighlightBgColor value="209, 221, 240, 180" />
<MenuItemHighlightFgColor value="0, 30, 60, 255" />	<!-- Highlighted menu text color; also treeview node selection highlight -->
<MenuPopupBgColor value="77, 89, 99, 240" />

<!--  PIE MENUS -->
<PieMenuBgColor value="118, 156, 201, 0" />
<PieMenuLineColor value="255, 255, 255, 200" />
<PieMenuSelectedColor value="185, 200, 220, 120" />

<ChatHistoryBgColor value="94, 94, 94, 10" />
<ChatHistoryTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<IMHistoryBgColor value="94, 94, 94, 10" />
<IMHistoryTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />

<!-- MINI-MAP -->
<NetMapBackgroundColor value="0, 0, 0, 0" />

<!-- MISC -->
<AvatarNameColor value="251, 175, 93, 255" /> 		<!-- Text color of avatar nametags -->
<FocusColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" /> 		<!-- Color of the glow around UI controls with keyboard focus -->
<FloaterButtonImageColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" /> 	<!-- The floater buttons (like the close box) are white images that receive this color. -->
<ButtonCautionImageColor value="255, 255,  255, 255" />	<!-- Match the caution dialog buttons to the default -->
<HealthTextColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />
<MapAutopilotColor value="255, 128, 0, 255" />
<ContextSilhouetteColor value="239, 156, 0, 255" />	<!-- For "context" highlighting, i.e. pie menu -->
<ScriptBgReadOnlyColor value="180, 180, 180, 128" />
<ParcelTextColor value="230, 230, 230, 255" />		<!-- Parcel name on menu bar, normal state -->
<ParcelHoverColor value="255, 255, 255, 255" />		<!-- Parcel name on menu bar, hover state -->
<TimeTextColor value="210, 255, 210, 255" />		<!-- SL Time on menu bar -->
<BalanceTextColor value="143, 255, 190, 255" />		<!-- Linden dollar balance on menu bar -->
<HealthTextColor value="230, 115, 115, 255" />		<!-- Damage meter text on menu bar -->
<GroupOverTierColor value="110, 15, 15, 255" />		<!-- Warning text in Group Info window -->
<FilterBackgroundColor value="75, 75, 150, 180" /> <!-- Matching region of Inventory search text -->
<FilterTextColor value="255, 200, 110, 255" />
<InventoryItemSuffixColor value="78, 64, 60, 255"/>
<InventorySearchStatusColor value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<ConsoleBackground value="0, 0, 0, 255" />
<FolderViewLoadingMessageTextColor value="240, 165, 90, 255"/>
