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Jesli zauwazysz kogos kto wykracza poza ogolne warunki Terms Of Service (TOS), warunki Community (CS or Big Six), albo postanowienia prawne Welcome Areas (Welcome Area Guidelines), powinienes zameldowac wykroczenie (Abuse Report).  
Whenever you see anyone violate the Terms Of Service (TOS), or the Community standards (CS or Big Six), or the Welcome Area Guidelines, you should file an abuse report.  

Naturalnie istnieje takze tzw. szara strefa. Co jest oznaka wrogosci? Co jest herezja? Jesli masz wrazenie, ze cos wykracza poza pewne granice, zglos to. Jesli nie, zostaw jak jest. Jesli ktos poczul sie dotkniety to zglasza to zdarzenie, Ci ktorym to nie przeszkadza badz jest obojetne nie melduja tego. W oszacowaniu tej sprawy pomoze biuro klienta (customer service).
There are some grey areas, though. What does and doesn't constitute hate speech? Or harassment? Some things may be a bit borderline from a Mature/PG standpoint. If it looks wrong to you, report it. If it doesn't, don't. If the people who are offended do, and the people who aren't don't, then it helps customer service judge the severity of the incident.

Jesli nie jestes pewny, co w danej sytuacji zrobic, najlepiej zamelduj to. Oczywiscie nic ci sie nie stanie jesli sie okarze, ze sprawa byla (prawie) "nieszkodliwa".
If you're not sure what you should do, then you SHOULD file one. Nobody's going to be put out if it turns out to be (barely) alright. What will happen is that it will get bounced up through the customer service until it hits someone who can make the call. There may not be any real penalties beyond a warning if it's a grey area. After all, if you're not sure, then the person you're reporting may not be either. But they may also have been warned before...
Jedyne co sie stanie, to to, ze biuro klienta zostanie poinformowane o wykroczeniu i moze ocenic stopien szkodliwosci czynu. Jesli sie okaze, ze chodzi tu o w/w "szara strefe" mozliwe jest, ze dana osoba nie zostanie ukarana.

== Co robic ==
== What to do ==

# Wybierz z listy jedna z kategorii, jesli nie jestes pewny jaka, wybierz MISC.
# Select a category - if in doubt, choose MISC.
#* Jesli masz do czynienia z jakims objektem kliknij niebieskie pole powyzej wyborem kategorii i jesli jest mozliwe kliknij prawa strona myszki na wybrany objekt.W ten sposob dokladne dane objektu, jego wlasciciela i projektanta zostana dolaczone do raportu.
#* If it's an object, use the blue button above the category box, and then left click on the object, if you can. That will include details about the object, it's exact location and the owner.
#Wypelnij tresc raportu najdokladniej jak tylko mozesz, dodaj imie zloczyncy.
#Fill in the summary as clear and short and simple as you can. Include the offender's name.
#* Postaraj wyrazac sie scisle:
#* Try to be clear:
#** Bob Avatar powtarzajace sie przeklenstwa, szturchanie i nudyzm.
#** Bob Avatar, repeated bad language, shoving and nudity.
#** Sue Avatar korzystanie z broni poza granicami strefy do walki.
#** Sue Avatar, weapons fire in no-combat zone.
#* Nie pisz:
#* Rather than..
#** Bab Avatar to wariat.
#** Bob Avatar - being a jerk.
#W "details" zapisz wszystko co uwazasz za wazne i co mogloby pomoc w rozwiazaniu sprawy.
#In the details section, put in anything you think is relevant and will help the abuse team assess the incident.
#Jesli wykroczenie jest widoczne mozesz dolaczyc zdjecie, zaznacz wtedy INCLUDE SCREENSHOT
#If it's visual, you can use the INCLUDE SCREENSHOT checkbox. The screenshot is whatever your camera was looking at when you opened the report window.
#Jesli skonczyles kliknij niebieskie pole REPORT ABUSE w dole okienka.
#When you're done, hit the shiny blue REPORT ABUSE button at the bottom.

==Things To Note==

*Jesli zostales zarzucony lub zablokowany skryptami, pozostan spokojny i nie panikuj. Usiadz na ziemi albo na jakims objekcie. Jesli nie jestes na ziemi damage enabled nikt nie moze ci nic zrobic. Wiekszosc tych ktorzy zaklocaja spokoj czuja sie po pewnym czasie znudzeni i odchodza jesli sa ignorowani. Oczywiscie mozesz ta osobe dac na "mute".
*If you are being pushed or thrown around by scripts, sit on something. Remain calm, and don't panic. Sit on an object, or on the ground. If you're not on damage enabled land, nobody can hurt you. Most offenders get bored pretty quickly and go away if you don't respond to them. Consider using the mute function.
*W strefach walki lub na ziemii damage enabled nie jest zabronione strzelanie w druga osobe. Obserwuj czerwone serce w okolicach Help Menü w gornej czesci ekranu. Jesli je widzisz oznacza to iz znajdujesz sie w strefie gdzie aprobuje sie korzystanie z rynsztunku. Poza tymi strefami jest to zabronione!
*If you're on combat/damage enabled land, being shot at is not abuse. Look for a little red heart to the right of your Help menu at the top of the screen. If you can see it, you're in a valid combat zone, which means weapons fire is permitted. Use of weapons outside areas marked this way is not.
*Jesli zostanie popelnionych kilka wykroczen wysylasz kilka raportow. Mozesz naturalnie zawiadamiac o wykroczeniach ktore sam zaobserwowales a w ktorych sam nie padles ofiara. Nie kazdy mieszkaniec wie o mozliwosci wysylania raportow. Pomoz im. Jesli 20 osob zostanie pewnym dzialaniem dotknieta to wyslijcie razem 20 raportow a nie tylko jeden!
*If there are multiple incidents, file multiple reports. You can also file reports on things that you see happening, not just things that are done to you personally. Not every resident is aware of the mechanisms, or remembers to use them in time of trouble. Help out your fellow Residents! Besides, reports from multiple people show the Abuse Team that an incident affected more people than a single report would. If twenty of you are affected, there should be twenty abuse reports. Not just one!
*Jesli zloczynca jest na twojejliscie przyjaciol (Friends List) i masz jego wizytowke (calling card) mozesz ja wyrzucic i tym samym zapobiec aby ta osoba cie nagabywala.
*If you are friends with the person, or have their calling card, you can remove them. This will prevent them tracking you if you decide to go elsewhere.

=== Reakcja Liaisons ===
=== Liaison Response ===
Biuro klienta (customer service) podejmuje kroki w postepowaniu dyscyplinarnym. Lindeni, ktorych spotykasz w swiecie nie sa w stanie pomoc Ci w raportach i ich dalszym opracowaniu.
Customer service will determine the level of disciplinary action to be taken. Lindens you may see in world will not be able to assist you in any type of abuse report follow up.

== Niepelnoletni mieszkancy ==
== Under-age Users ==

'''Jesli ktos potwierdzi, ze nie ma jeszcze skonczonych 18 lat: prosze wyslij abuse report z adekwatnym tekstem z czatu.'''
'''Anyone who admits to being under 18 years old: Please file an Abuse report and include relevant chat.'''

== Zobacz: ==
== See Also ==
* [[:Category:Linden Liasons]]
* [[:Category:Linden Liasons]]

[[Category:Text from In-world Notecards|Abuse Report]]
[[Category:Text from In-world Notecards|Abuse Report]]

Revision as of 04:01, 25 April 2008

Whenever you see anyone violate the Terms Of Service (TOS), or the Community standards (CS or Big Six), or the Welcome Area Guidelines, you should file an abuse report.

There are some grey areas, though. What does and doesn't constitute hate speech? Or harassment? Some things may be a bit borderline from a Mature/PG standpoint. If it looks wrong to you, report it. If it doesn't, don't. If the people who are offended do, and the people who aren't don't, then it helps customer service judge the severity of the incident.

If you're not sure what you should do, then you SHOULD file one. Nobody's going to be put out if it turns out to be (barely) alright. What will happen is that it will get bounced up through the customer service until it hits someone who can make the call. There may not be any real penalties beyond a warning if it's a grey area. After all, if you're not sure, then the person you're reporting may not be either. But they may also have been warned before...

What to do

  1. Select a category - if in doubt, choose MISC.
    • If it's an object, use the blue button above the category box, and then left click on the object, if you can. That will include details about the object, it's exact location and the owner.
  2. Fill in the summary as clear and short and simple as you can. Include the offender's name.
    • Try to be clear:
      • Bob Avatar, repeated bad language, shoving and nudity.
      • Sue Avatar, weapons fire in no-combat zone.
    • Rather than..
      • Bob Avatar - being a jerk.
  3. In the details section, put in anything you think is relevant and will help the abuse team assess the incident.
  4. If it's visual, you can use the INCLUDE SCREENSHOT checkbox. The screenshot is whatever your camera was looking at when you opened the report window.
  5. When you're done, hit the shiny blue REPORT ABUSE button at the bottom.

Things To Note

  • If you are being pushed or thrown around by scripts, sit on something. Remain calm, and don't panic. Sit on an object, or on the ground. If you're not on damage enabled land, nobody can hurt you. Most offenders get bored pretty quickly and go away if you don't respond to them. Consider using the mute function.
  • If you're on combat/damage enabled land, being shot at is not abuse. Look for a little red heart to the right of your Help menu at the top of the screen. If you can see it, you're in a valid combat zone, which means weapons fire is permitted. Use of weapons outside areas marked this way is not.
  • If there are multiple incidents, file multiple reports. You can also file reports on things that you see happening, not just things that are done to you personally. Not every resident is aware of the mechanisms, or remembers to use them in time of trouble. Help out your fellow Residents! Besides, reports from multiple people show the Abuse Team that an incident affected more people than a single report would. If twenty of you are affected, there should be twenty abuse reports. Not just one!
  • If you are friends with the person, or have their calling card, you can remove them. This will prevent them tracking you if you decide to go elsewhere.

Liaison Response

Customer service will determine the level of disciplinary action to be taken. Lindens you may see in world will not be able to assist you in any type of abuse report follow up.

Under-age Users

Anyone who admits to being under 18 years old: Please file an Abuse report and include relevant chat.

See Also