User:Myst Leissa/Skills

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I am an pretty good builder, but I have my limits, namely I'm not able to manipulate Mesh to any degree worth mentioning. Sculpts I tend to use Torutoken or Rokuro, so they're pretty basic. Prims...well I have my moments with prims, but they make up the majority of my builds.


I am pretty good at 2d Textures using Gimp v2.0; Obviously I always have room for improvement but in general I'm proud of my skill with image manipulation.

Role Play

I'm not stellar but I do well in RP, I tend to favor the type of RP that involves varying degrees of RLV, and I'm much more a do-er than a talker, but I can talk a lot too


Here's where I Shine, my scripts are my best skill, and I don't say that in jest. I'm really quite the expert with LSL, but I also have experience with other various Web-based Languages. I prefer to create things mostly that make use of RLV, either by relay or in the form of worn restraints. My skills with RLV are top-notch, I can often even correct my fellow scripters when they are puzzled as to why their RLV is malfunctioning.

Beta Testing

I'm also really good at this, several places that shall not be named have trust in my ability to find and diagnose errors in products I didn't even make to begin with. My Technical Knowledge Lends itself to this ability as well, as I can often find the path that few would think of, and/or attempt. Features and Bugs are of equal priority to me in my Beta Work, I don't make a habit of holding back anything. I tend to be very opinionated but often my opinions tend to agree with that of the people who asked me to test their stuff to begin with. I not only can do Beta Testing for Others, I occasionally will have friends/family run my own betas into the ground, one thing you can never expect as a scripter is everything to be imagined by just you, you need that "Other Persons" Perspective to see what can be broken that you wouldn't think could.

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