User talk:Robin Linden

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having a nice verifiable source for the Wikipedia

Any chance you could paste this discussion into your user page or user-space, or perhaps create an article detailing the history of the term in more detail please ?

It's a bit of a touchy subject to use the forums as a source, as you need to have an account on SL to verify the source, and although using Wikis for sources is also "frowned upon", I think that can be ignored in this case, as a) the Wiki is publicly accessible, b) not publicly editable, c) user accounts are taken from the SL Authentication System.

SignpostMarv Martin 14:00, 17 January 2007 (PST)

For anyone watching this page, see Origin of the term 'Resident'
SignpostMarv Martin 09:52, 23 February 2007 (PST)