What Second Life Means to Me

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Announcing: Open call for words and pictures that express "What Second Life Means to Me."

Would you like to know that attendees at the 2008 Second Life Community Convention will see your images and comments about what Second Life means to you, in a video aired this year, at the event in Tampa?

You are invited to submit up to 10 images, and up to 250 words on this topic, for possible inclusion in a video that Linden Lab is producing, to be shown at the 2008 Second Life Community Convention [[1]]

If you would like to submit your original images or up to 250 words on this subject, please note that you must include your statement that they are your original work and that you grant to Linden Lab and the SLCC permission to use them for the "What Second Life Means to Me" video presentation.

For inspiration, see Dizzy Banjo's great video "Message in a Bottle at SL5B" [[2]]

Email your submission to Katt@lindenlab.com with the subject "(yourname) What Second Life Means to Me," or email your text and link to your images on Flickr, but please, to qualify for consideration, remember to include the requested Flickr tags and permissions in Flickr (see below) and your statement (see above) that the work is yours and you grant permission for it to be used for this purpose.

Images may alternatively be uploaded to Flickr, and tagged "SecondLife" and "SLCC08_Video" Please remember that for your images to be considered they *must* also be tagged in Flickr with the Creative Commons [[ http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/] permission to "Share alike" so that you're granting permission to allow commercial uses of your work" and to "Allow modifications of your work." Please note that if you label images this way in Flickr, anyone can use them per your permission, if you send them to the email above, instead, they will only be used by us.

Thanks for your participation!

Of course we can't guarantee that every submission will be used, but we'll do our best to include as many of you as possible!