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Latest revision as of 20:26, 21 October 2010

List of Attendees


[11:22] Melchizedek Blauvelt: heya Enkidy
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: hey Enki!
[11:22] Enkidu Linden: hi there!
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: Heard you had no audience. That just won't do!
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: how are you both?
[11:23] Morgaine Dinova: Fine thanks, yourself?
[11:23] Melchizedek Blauvelt: Abit slow at the moment, as you can see :)
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: i'm doing well
[11:24] Morgaine Dinova: How's the LL websphere doing? Anything rivetting to report?
[11:24] Enkidu Linden: nothing too exciting this week!
[11:25] Morgaine Dinova: Aw http://www . No web aspect to the meshes work?
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: switching to my new team this week
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: nah
[11:25] Morgaine Dinova: Oh!
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: that'd be cool though
[11:25] Morgaine Dinova: Which team is that?
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: that would be the authentication team
[11:25] Melchizedek Blauvelt: o cool
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: i've got so much reading to do
[11:26] Morgaine Dinova: Oh dear, you'll be getting an earful from display name hysterics :-)
[11:26] Enkidu Linden: it's going to be sweet
[11:27] Melchizedek Blauvelt: it'll be ok Morg, 2 months of withering the storm and everybody will have forgotten why they made such a fuss
[11:27] Morgaine Dinova: I agree completely. What a mountain out of a molehill, lol]
[11:27] Melchizedek Blauvelt: o?
[11:28] Melchizedek Blauvelt: Is there anything other than being able to have my RL name or the obvious joke-name Enkidu?
[11:28] Enkidu Linden: haha
[11:28] Enkidu Linden: this is no joke!
[11:29] Enkidu Linden: although it would be pretty funny if everyone at my OH had my name
[11:29] Morgaine Dinova: John Smith certainly thinks it's no joke. All 50 million of them :-)
[11:29] Melchizedek Blauvelt: feels like he's missing something...
[11:29] Enkidu Linden: how do you like mesh?
[11:30] Melchizedek Blauvelt: I'm not so sure anymore...
[11:30] Morgaine Dinova: Not tried it, largely because trying it would require using V2
[11:30] Enkidu Linden: i haven't tried it yet either
[11:30] Enkidu Linden: let me download the new version
[11:30] Enkidu Linden: i don't think there's any mesh to be had nearby, though
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: oh, it's on aditi
[11:31] Melchizedek Blauvelt: with it containing a havok 7 license, and only 20% of residents using v 2.0, it kind of makes it difficult to make meshes (since noone else can see them)
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: nevermind
[11:31] Morgaine Dinova: If you're switching viewers, I'll switch to one I just compiled. brb
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: i'll do it later
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: belay my last!
[11:31] Melchizedek Blauvelt: I really hope it'll get people to use viewer 2 a bit more...
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: i think it'll catch on
[11:32] Melchizedek Blauvelt: (though I'm not too fond of it either)
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: the sl mesh videos i've seen look pretty amazing
[11:32] Melchizedek Blauvelt: yeah
[11:32] Melchizedek Blauvelt: it's the way to go really
[11:33] Enkidu Linden: a lot of builders have been waiting a long, long time to use industry standard tools, too
[11:33] Melchizedek Blauvelt: looking forward to learning all sorts of new things in Blender
[11:33] Enkidu Linden: yep
[11:34] Melchizedek Blauvelt: hopefully it'll bring a few professionals in too
[11:34] Enkidu Linden: i might relearn maya
[11:34] Enkidu Linden: and start selling jellybots
[11:34] Morgaine Dinova: hehe
[11:34] Melchizedek Blauvelt: Is CAD meshes? Like the tool architects use?
[11:35] Enkidu Linden: i think it can output in that format
[11:35] Enkidu Linden: i forget the name of the format now
[11:35] Enkidu Linden: i recall it sounding festive
[11:36] Morgaine Dinova: I'll never be an artist, but I do intend to get to grips with Blender as a result of meshes coming. This new 2.5 Blender release is supposed more intuitive too.
[11:37] Melchizedek Blauvelt: O the first search for cad mesh collada is an article about SL, sweet
[11:37] Enkidu Linden: collada!
[11:37] Enkidu Linden: that's right
[11:37] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[11:37] Enkidu Linden: piña collada
[11:37] Morgaine Dinova: Wondered what you meant by festive :P
[11:37] Melchizedek Blauvelt: hahaha
[11:37] Enkidu Linden: it reminds me of getting caught in the rain
[11:38] Morgaine Dinova: Damn, hope that song doesn't stick. Someone else say something
[11:38] Melchizedek Blauvelt: no way
[11:39] Enkidu Linden: if you like!
[11:39] Melchizedek Blauvelt: have a song to replace it with, though http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&feature=related&hl=uk&v=4WFLOzdwkNg
[11:39] Enkidu Linden: i'm happy having it replace the kid's song stuck in my head at the moment
[11:39] Morgaine Dinova: /m listens
[11:40] Morgaine Dinova: Oh, that's quite cool
[11:40] Melchizedek Blauvelt: What is it that you do exactly at LL Enkidu?
[11:41] Melchizedek Blauvelt: From the prims here I gather it's everything web related that runs in the background of the viewer, yes?
[11:41] Enkidu Linden: drift aimlessly in the sea of linden, collecting and eating bits of...
[11:41] Enkidu Linden: wait no
[11:41] Melchizedek Blauvelt: hahaha
[11:41] Morgaine Dinova: The posters are Which Linden's only here for history :-)
[11:42] Enkidu Linden: yes
[11:42] Morgaine Dinova: Actually that sounds accurate Enki, keep going :P
[11:42] Enkidu Linden: haha
[11:42] Enkidu Linden: i are what i ate
[11:42] Morgaine Dinova: As we all are
[11:42] Melchizedek Blauvelt: "the cleaner"
[11:43] Morgaine Dinova: And going deeper, as Joni Mitchell said, "We are stardust" (and astronomers)
[11:43] Enkidu Linden: i work on web stuff, pretty broadly, but usually front-end
[11:43] Enkidu Linden: i haven't eaten any astronomers. who told you that
[11:44] Morgaine Dinova: Think I read it in a FAQ
[11:44] Enkidu Linden: most of my work has been on secondlife.com
[11:44] Enkidu Linden: i also worked extensively on the viewer's online help system
[11:44] Melchizedek Blauvelt: Oh, like the new marketplace interface?
[11:45] Enkidu Linden: like that, but not that
[11:45] Morgaine Dinova: I have a question for you Enki, slightly related to your area. Why does reading Jira require logging in?
[11:45] Melchizedek Blauvelt: (slowly getting there)
[11:45] Enkidu Linden: i have no idea!
[11:46] Morgaine Dinova: Oh well, haha
[11:46] Enkidu Linden: that might just be a byproduct of the openid integration and jira4 upgrade
[11:46] Morgaine Dinova: In your new team, you might come across this issue
[11:46] Morgaine Dinova: It's damn annoying anyway, and unnecessary
[11:47] Melchizedek Blauvelt: It would be cool indeed if logging into SL meant logging into every other service too
[11:47] Enkidu Linden: maybe we just want to know you're around
[11:47] Morgaine Dinova: Bah
[11:48] Enkidu Linden: it's better than catch, tag, and release
[11:48] Morgaine Dinova: Leave the control freakiness to Apple ;-)
[11:49] Enkidu Linden: what's the problem? it's just a camera, gps, and antennae glued to your skin. it'll fall off in two years
[11:49] Morgaine DinovaMorgaine Dinova has just thought of another question
[11:49] Morgaine Dinova: Oh that's cool then!"
[11:50] Melchizedek Blauvelt: :)
[11:50] Enkidu Linden: i don't see yoz around; he would know
[11:50] Enkidu Linden: shoot!
[11:51] Morgaine Dinova: Caps. They're delivered mostly by HTTP, and hence webservers. This doesn't put caps handling in your (previous) bailiwick, does it? Because they're not really "web content".
[11:51] Morgaine Dinova: Pointless question though, since you're heading to auth team. :-(
[11:52] Enkidu Linden: well, actually, it likely will be relevant
[11:53] Enkidu Linden: cap grants authorization
[11:53] Morgaine Dinova: Caps sort of "carry auth" with them, so yes, it is somewhat related.
[11:53] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah
[11:53] Enkidu Linden: i know authorization will be something we focus on but we'll probably not start there
[11:54] Enkidu Linden: my undersanding, though, is that most of the endpoint behind the caps the viewer uses are served by sims
[11:55] Morgaine Dinova: I've never really had any interest in the tech of authentication nor authorization, other than in PKI. In VWRAP, it's mostly preoccupying Zha and Hurli, I let them get on with it :-)
[11:55] Enkidu Linden: there are some that aren't, like the activation urls for new agents
[11:55] Morgaine Dinova: yeah
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: our caps are more like opaque url mappings anyway
[11:57] Enkidu Linden: auth is pretty new to me too, so i'm excited to dive in
[11:57] Enkidu Linden: i'm also glad it's related to a subject that continually comes up in my OH
[11:57] Morgaine Dinova: "As a user" ..... I want you to use my existing authentication, namely my Google Account.
[11:58] Melchizedek Blauvelt: hahaha "as a user I really want to avoid google as much as I can"
[11:58] Enkidu Linden: ahh, my first auth user stories
[11:59] Morgaine Dinova: OK, I'll be more general. "As a user, I wish to be able to authenticate SL login using my choice of OpenID provider." :-)
[12:01] Enkidu Linden: i think that sounds wonderful
[12:02] Melchizedek Blauvelt: speaking of which, is there an openID provider that's safe and secure for grumpy old European me?
[12:02] Morgaine Dinova: Metanomics is on now, with Maria Korolov, Hypergrid Business today. I don't have more web-related topics, will shoot off unless you two have some.
[12:02] Enkidu Linden: no, pretty much out of time here too
[12:02] Melchizedek Blauvelt: I'm about to head there as well Morg
[12:03] Enkidu Linden: i use myopenid.net personally but i don't know if there's a better one
[12:03] Enkidu Linden: i've been using them for a pretty long time
[12:03] Melchizedek Blauvelt: (hey this was really interesting for newb Melchi)
[12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Think I'll try them too, "in case Google goes down" :P
[12:03] Enkidu Linden: ok, thanks for stopping by!
[12:03] Melchizedek Blauvelt: thanks Enkidu, I'll see what they are about!
[12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Cheers Enki. :-) Will you be continuing your OHs when with your new team?
[12:04] Melchizedek Blauvelt: see you next week!
[12:04] Enkidu Linden: let me know if you find something better
[12:04] Enkidu Linden: have a great week!
[12:04] Morgaine Dinova: You too! :-)
[12:04] Enkidu Linden: yep, will continue
[12:04] Morgaine Dinova: o/
[12:04] Morgaine Dinova: I'll mention it in Groupies next week
[12:04] Morgaine Dinova: Take care :-)
[12:05] Morgaine Dinova: See you there Mel :-)

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