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The Second Life Marketplace is the website to buy an amazing assortment of virtual items sold by fellow Residents. On its October 6, 2010 launch, SL Marketplace replaced Xstreet as the shopping destination for Second Life!

How the Marketplace works

Second Life Residents create virtual goods inworld -- clothing, accessories, vehicles, houses, pets, you name it! -- and list them for sale on the Marketplace website. Other Residents log into the Marketplace, shop, and buy the virtual goods using Linden dollars (L$) or US dollars (USD).

The Marketplace fee and listing policies govern the types of items for sale, advertising, fees, and other guidelines for using the Marketplace.

Why buy on the Marketplace?

It's a lot of fun and it's often so inexpensive! You can buy goods to customize your avatar's looks and clothing, or buy a house to put on your land for a tiny fraction of what it would cost in the real world.

Why sell on the Marketplace?

For all the reasons there could be for selling anything: to make money, to help fill a need you see inworld, to exercise your creativity, or even try new business ideas. Other Residents shop and browse the Marketplace frequently, looking for ways to customize their Second Life experience -- don't miss out!