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'''Tier is a key concept to understand when it comes to Second Life land ownership.''' There's common confusion about what "tier" means and what it's all about, so hopefully this page will help you straighten it out.
{{KBcaution|These are the simplified basics. There are ''exceptions'', be sure to see below.}}
In general usage, "tier" can mean a "rank".
In Second Life:
* "Tier" specifically refers to the amount of land you ''can'' own.
* Tier is ''not'' the land use fees by itself. But [https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Land Use Fees], shown in Your Account, ''are'' tied to tier.
* Tier is ''not'' the land itself. It's the ''potential'' to own land. Think of it like the size of a gas tank. Buying land "fills the gas tank". If you have a "4,096m<sup>2</sup>" tier, then you can own any combination of land parcels up to a total of 4,096m<sup>2</sup>. So for example, owning a 1,024m<sup>2</sup> parcel + another 3,072m<sup>2</sup> parcel = 4,096m<sup>2</sup> which completely fills your tier.
* If you need more land, you need to upgrade. By upgrading to a higher tier, you also increase your land use fees, but you also get a bigger "gas tank".
* When purchasing a land parcel, you're notified if buying it will increase your tier.
* Tiers don't have formal ranking names aside from the m<sup>2</sup> of land you can hold. But to have a tier, you ''need'' to have a Premium account.
== Exceptions ==

Latest revision as of 10:25, 2 March 2011

Redirecting to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043