Difference between revisions of "Astuces pour la construction"

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{{#widget:Redirect|url=/t5/Base-de-connaissances/Astuces pour la construction/ta-p/700305}}
== Build tools ==
For an overview of the tools available for building objects in the Second Life world, see the [[KB2/Build Tools|Build Tools]] article.
== The coalesce feature ==
[[Inventory: How the Coalesce feature works]]
== Sandboxes ==
== Building with other Residents ==
[[I want to build something with other people; how do I let them edit my objects?]]
== How to make sure you are shown as the creator of an object ==
[[How do I ensure I'm shown as the creator of my content?]]
== How to move a build ==
{{:Move build/fr}}

Revision as of 12:23, 11 March 2011

Redirecting to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-connaissances/Astuces pour la construction/ta-p/700305