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{{KBmaster}} {{Navbox/Marketplace}}
== How do I start shopping? ==
If it's your first time making a purchase, here are the basic steps.
# Go to '''[http://marketplace.secondlife.com marketplace.secondlife.com]'''.
# If you're not already logged in to secondlife.com, click '''Log In''' in the upper-right. Do the familiar steps of entering your Second Life name and password and click the big '''Login''' button.
# After logging in, notice you can navigate the marketplace to look for something you want in different ways. For example, free-text search, '''Categories''', and '''Featured Items'''. Start clicking around and exploring — you can always get back to the front page by clicking the '''Home''' button in the upper-left.
#* You need Linden Dollars (L$) to buy stuff. If you don't have any, click '''L$''' in the upper-right {{red|(This may not be available during the Marketplace Beta)}} or '''[https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/buy.php visit the LindeX™ Exchange]''' and come back.
# When you've found an item preview that interests you, click it to make the item's full page appear. Click '''Add to Cart'''.
# Click the '''Cart''' button in the upper-right.
# Click '''Checkout'''.
# Everything look good? Click '''Place your order''' to confirm. In a few seconds, the item you bought will be delivered to your avatar inworld. In the Second Life Viewer, you should see a notification.
{{KBtip|Need help [[Opening boxes|opening a box]]?}}
== How do I search the Marketplace? ==
We've got several easy ways to find what you want on '''[http://marketplace.secondlife.com marketplace.secondlife.com]'''.
=== Search ===
On the top of the page, there's a search bar. Simply enter keywords and press the '''Enter''' key (or click '''Go'''). You can also click the '''All categories''' dropdown to specify a category, or check '''Include mature content''' if you want to view {{xref|adult content}}.
You can also use some boolean operators, which sounds geeky but is actually very easy. (If you really must know, search is powered by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solr Solr].) For example, if you want to search for "red shoes" as a specific phrase but exclude any mentions of "green", search for <code>"red shoes" -green</code>.
=== Browse ===
There are various ways to browse the Marketplace:
* '''Featured Items''' and '''What Customers are Looking At''' (items other Residents clicked to view recently) are prominently shown on the front page.
** If you're a seller, you can make an item featured on the front page by paying for a '''Listing Enhancement'''. {{red|Learn how.}}
* On the left-hand side, there are '''Categories''' (types of items) and '''Communities''' (cultural groups). We can change these over time as the Marketplace evolves. If you click a category or community, these are shown:
** '''Subcategories''' - Shown if-applicable. For example, the '''Home and Garden''' category has '''Fireplaces''' as a subcategory. Clicking subcategories may show even more subcategories so you can drill down and be super-specific.
** '''Price''' - Click on a range to narrow what you're willing to spend, or specify your own limits.
** '''Prim count''' - Prim count only applies to objects, not other {{xref|item}} types, although other items may come ''in'' an object: for example, textures being distributed from a kiosk. If you're running out of prims on your inworld parcel, you may want prim-economical objects. Another example: if you're searching for hair, less prims ''may'' result in faster performance (there are other factors that matter, like prim type).
** '''Permissions''' - {{xref|permissions|Learn more.}}
** After changing '''Price''', '''Prim count''', or '''Permissions''', click '''Refine search''' to update results.
** You can also change how results are displayed in several self-explanatory ways via '''View as''', '''Items per page''', and '''Sort by'''.
== How do I see my order history? ==
# On any Marketplace page, click '''My Marketplace''' in the upper-right and click '''[https://marketplace.secondlife.com/account My Account]'''.
# Look on the left and click '''[https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders Order history]'''. You can also check other account-specific information here.

Latest revision as of 13:44, 15 April 2011

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