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These articles are from the old Knowledge Base and were not moved to the '''[http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb Knowledge Base on the Community Platform]'''.  In general, they address  more advanced, specialized, obscure and technical content.
{{KBcaution|width=90%|The official Second Life Knowledge Base has moved to the new Second Life Community platform.  Check it out! Go to '''[{{#var:baseurl}}/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb English Knowledge Base]'''.   

Some articles also available in [{{#var:baseurl}}/t5/Deutsch-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/Deutsch_KB%40tkb Deutsch], [{{#var:baseurl}}/t5/Fran%C3%A7ais-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/Francais_KB%40tkb Français], [{{#var:baseurl}}/t5/Espa%C3%B1ol-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/Espanol_KB%40tkb Español], and [{{#var:baseurl}}/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/Portugues_KB%40tkb Português].
{| cellpadding=5 width=100%
{{EKB Box|Avatar}}
{{EKB Box|Inventory}}
{{EKB Box|Land}}

== Knowledge Base now on the SL Community Platform ==
The official SL Knowledge Base is now on the [http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb Second Life Community Platform], along with forums, blogs, and SL Answers.
Moving forward, this will be the primary place to find documentation, help, and information on Second Life.  For more information, see [[Knowledge Base Questions and Answers]].

The documentation team moved many articles from the wiki to the Community Platform, and set up redirects  to their new locations.
{{EKB Box|Media, music, and sound}}
{{EKB Box|Troubleshooting}}
{{EKB Box|Operating system, hardware, and network}}

The KB articles remaining on the wiki are now part of the '''Extended Knowledge Base''' intended to supplement the core official KB.

As time permits, we will review these articles to determine whether they should stay on the wiki or move to the new loation:
* Information of general interest to all users will move to the Community Platform.
* Specialized, highly technical information, or topics of interest to only a few Residents will stay on the wiki in the '''Extended Knowledge Base'''.
* Articles that address official policy issues will remain on the wiki in the "Linden Lab Official" namespace. 
* Articles that are outdated will be archived or deleted.

For details on the migration project, see [[Knowledge Base Migration to Community Platform]] and [[LLO Article Survey for Community Platform Migration]].
{{EKB Box|Abuse and Griefing}}
{{EKB Box|Performance and stability}}

== The wiki abides! ==
The Second Life Wiki will continue to be an important resource, for information in three broad categories:
{{EKB Box|Content creation}}
{{EKB Box|Scripting}}

* '''Extended Knowledge Base'''
* '''Linden Lab Official information'''
{{EKB Box|Reference}}
* '''Viewer Help content'''
{{EKB Box|Controls}}
* '''Community-sourced information''' 

=== Extended Knowledge Base ===
* Documentation for prerelease "beta" features (such as [[Mesh|mesh import]]) that are not yet part of the main SL Viewer release.
* Advanced, specialized, or highly technical information left over from the old Knowledge Base.
** See [[:Category:Extended Knowledge Base]]
* Official policy and product information in the "Linden Lab Official" namespace (see the next section).

=== The Linden Lab Official namespace ===
[[Category:Old Knowledge Base]]
The '''[[Special:AllPages/Linden_Lab_Official:|"Linden Lab Official" namespace]]''' contains policy and service articles that aren't open for editing because of legal or other reasons.  Residents can be assured that information on these pages reflects the official policy of Linden Lab. Each article in this namespace will have a header and footer that makes this status clear.
Thus, we're using the flexibility of the wiki to offer both many pages that can continue to be contributed to by Residents like ''you'', and some that shouldn't be.  [[Editing_guidelines#Namespaces|Learn more about namespaces.]]
=== Viewer Help ===
[[Viewer 2 Help]] content is displayed within the Viewer when you click on the "?" button in any window or panel.  This content is localized into six languages and includes the comprehensive [[Viewerhelp:Glossary|glossary]].
=== Community-sourced information ===
Other (largely community-driven) information on the wiki includes:
* [[:Category:Release Notes|Second Life Viewer Release Notes]] and [[:Category:Server Release Notes]].
*[[LSL Portal|LSL documentation]], including language and function references.
* Other [[Second Life Develop|developer documentation]] such as that for APIs, advanced content creation, and the like.
*Information on [[Open Source Portal|Viewer open source project]], including [[Project Snowstorm]].
* Transcripts of [[User Groups|user group meetings]].
* Additional Resident-created information that is not suitable for the Knowledge Base.
[[Category:Knowledge Base Policy]]
[[Category:Extended Knowledge Base]]
[[Category:KB Migration to Community Platform]]

Latest revision as of 14:56, 13 February 2012