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{{Linden Home Top FAQ}}
===Linden Home===
====How does Linden Home differ from other mainland?====
One of the perks of a Premium account is 512m<sup>2</sup> land allocation free from additional [[tier]] fees. This means you can own 512m<sup>2</sup> of land without paying monthly [https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php land use fees] to Linden Lab.
When using tier outside of Linden Home on the mainland, it's necessary for you to purchase your own land, because available tier is the ''potential'' to own land, ''not'' the land itself. However, one question we've received repeatedly over time is "Where is my free land with my Premium account?".
'''We've been listening! The Linden Home project is designed to provide you with land and home access using your free tier allocation. [http://secondlife.com/land/lindenhomes/member.php Register for your Linden Home] and get started living in a themed community!'''
====Do I have to purchase my Linden Home parcel or home?====
No. Linden Home parcels and themed homes are provided to Residents with 512m<sup>2</sup> available land allocation. Each Premium account is provided with 512m<sup>2</sup> free tier that can be used for a Linden Home.
==== What's the difference between "tier" and "land"? ====
[[tier|See this.]]
====Now that I have my Linden Home, what's next?====
Congratulations on your new Linden Home. There are a few steps you may want to take to ensure a pleasurable experience in your themed community.
* '''Set your Home location'''
** Select '''World''' > '''Set Home to Here''' to set your new Linden Home as your home location.
** You can always return home by using '''World''' > '''Teleport Home'''.
* '''Create a Landmark'''
** While standing at your Linden Home, use '''World''' > '''Create Landmark Here'''. It appears in the Landmarks folder of your inventory, which you can share with others or use for your own convenience.
* '''Decorate!''' 
** Personalize your Linden Home with your existing inventory items or go shopping for new items. Each Linden Home includes 117 prims for your decorating needs!
* '''Invite your friends to your new home!'''
** Create a [[SLurl|SLurl]] and share it with your friends.
** Click the '''Snapshot''' button on the toolbar (at the bottom of the Second Life Viewer) to take a snapshot of your new home.
** In the Snapshot Preview window, send the snapshot to your friends outside of Second Life using the '''Send via email''' option. Your email will include your image and a SLurl to visit you inworld.
* '''Get to know your neighbors! '''
** Linden Home is a community-themed environment. Each of your neighbors selected the same theme during registration. You already have something in common! Wave to your neighbors and make new friends.
** Visit a Linden Home Infohub and expand your neighborhood by meeting others who share your theme interest. Share decorating tips!
{{KBtip| Remember to follow the Guidelines and suggested [[SLetiquette|Etiquette]] tips.}}
====Where can I shop for items to decorate my Linden Home?====
Decorate your home by shopping on the [https://www.xstreetsl.com/ Xstreet virtual marketplace website] or from inworld using the Search window.
=== Customization and collaboration ===
====Can I modify my Linden Home themed house?====
Linden Homes can't be modified. The option to customize home textures may be coming soon.
But you can certainly decorate your Linden Home with furniture and other objects, which is a great way to make your home unique.
==== Can parts of my house, like the fireplace, be removed? ====
No, the Linden Home is provided without the option of removing individual components.
==== Can my house be rotated or moved on its parcel? ====
Unfortunately home positions are permanent and they can't be rotated or moved. If you require terraforming outside of your parcel in order to use the front entryway:
# Go to the [http://secondlife.com/support Support Portal].
# Click '''New Ticket Submission'''.
# From the dropdown menus, choose:
## '''Ticket Type: Land and Region Issues'''
## '''Region Request: Contact the Linden Dept of Public Works'''
# Fill in the rest of the required information.
# Click '''Finish''' to submit your ticket.
==== Can I move my house to ''another'' parcel? ====
No, your house must remain on its 512m<sup>2</sup> parcel as part of the special Linden Home package.
If you want both a Linden Home ''and'' more land for your Premium account, you can upgrade on the [https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Land Use Fees page].
==== Can my partner or friends help decorate my home? ====
Yes! Linden Home parcels work just like any other parcel of land in that regard; who can rez objects on your land depends on the About Land settings. [[The_About_Land_window|Learn more about how to adjust your About Land settings]] for your Linden Home.
====My group has 512m<sup>2</sup> available tier. Can I get Linden Home land for my group?====
Linden Home land ''can't'' be [[How_does_group-owned_land_work|group-owned]]. But if your personal Resident account is eligible for Linden Home land, you can set the land to a group to collaborate with other group members.
===Land Use Fees===
====Does having a Linden Home use all my tier?====
It depends:
* If you have exactly 512m<sup>2</sup> of available tier, which is likely if you're have a new Premium account or just upgraded to one (or a similar situation), yes.
* If you have more than 512m<sup>2</sup> of available tier, no.
* If you have less than 512m<sup>2</sup> of available tier, you must increase your tier, or otherwise make more tier available.
====How do I know if I have 512m<sup>2</sup> tier available for Linden Home?====
* '''Inworld'''
*# From the menus on the top of the Viewer window, choose '''World''' > '''My Land'''.
* '''Website'''
*# Go to the '''[http://secondlife.com/my/account Your Account]''' page.
*# On the left, click '''Land Manager''', then click '''Land Use Fees'''.
====Do I have to use my Premium account tier towards Linden Home?====
No. Linden Home is an ''additional'' land option for use with 512m<sup>2</sup> available tier. You can also use your tier towards other mainland or contribute to group tier allocations.
Also, if you [[Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home/FAQ#I_have_my_Linden_Home_yet_would_prefer_a_different_theme._Can_I_change_my_selection.3F|abandon your Linden Home]], you can buy other mainland to use your 512m<sup>2</sup> tier with. We've made it flexible for you.
====I don't have 512m<sup>2</sup> tier available and would like to register for Linden Home. Can I tier up?====
Yes! If you'd like to register for a Linden Home yet you don't have enough tier available, move up to the next tier level. Go to the [https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Land Use Fees] page in Your Account.
==== Will my Linden Home be removed from my account if I purchase a private region? ====
In such a situation, this likely means you're upgrading from a Premium account to a [[Linden_Lab_Official:What's_Concierge_service_and_how_do_I_get_it%3F|Concierge account]], but since Concierge accounts don't need mainland tier to own a private region — they're separate systems — you can downgrade mainland tier on the [https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Land Use Fees] page.
When you're ready to move on from your Linden Home:
# Choose '''World''' > '''About Land''' and click the '''General''' tab.
# Click '''Abandon Land'''. After confirming, the land is removed from your account.
====Can I sell my Linden Home?====
Linden Home land cannot be terraformed, sold, deeded to group, joined, or divided. Please review the inworld covenant for restrictions unique to Linden Homes.
===Land and Home Guidelines===
====Where do I find additional information about use of Linden Homes?====
The Linden Home covenant is available inworld. While on your parcel, go to '''World''' > '''Region/Estate''' and click on the '''Covenant''' tab.
Linden Home is also governed by our [http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php Terms of Service] (TOS) and [http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php Community Standards] (CS).
====Can I register for more than one Linden Home?====
There's a limit of one Linden Home registration per Premium account.
====The house theme I wanted is gone! What do I do?====
Please be patient if the house theme you want is sold out — we're going to keep adding more, so if you ''really'' want that kind, check back soon.
====I didn't receive my confirmation email. What should I do?====
If you didn't receive your email confirmation, be sure to check your email application's spam folder.
It's also possible there could've been an error in the email process, and your Linden Home is ready and waiting for you. If your Linden Home is ready, a [[How_do_I_use_Landmarks%3F|landmark]] is sent to you inworld. If there appears to be such a problem, head to the [http://secondlife.com/support Support Portal] and submit a ticket. Identify whether the email did not go through and your home is actually available, or whether there was a problem with the registration process overall.
====Can I make a request to select a specific region or parcel?====
The Linden Home registration process offers theme, home type, and home naming options. Once you submit your registration, your selected home is immediately generated on the next available parcel within your selected theme. We don't offer specific parcel requests.
====I have my Linden Home yet would prefer a different theme. Can I change my selection?====
# Choose '''World''' > '''About Land''' and click the '''General''' tab.
# Click '''Abandon Land'''. After confirming, the land is removed from your account.
That's it! You can register for another Linden Home.
{{KBwarning|Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you're temporarily blocked from choosing another. You'll need to wait after 24 hours have elapsed to register again.}}
=== Other topics ===
====Can I volunteer to help other Residents with Linden Home?  ====
Sure thing! Linden Home is open to the public, so go on over to a Linden Home Infohub and help.
====How do I expand my land ownership beyond a Linden Home?====
Beyond Linden Home should you wish to "spread your wings", there are a couple other land options:
* '''[[How_do_I_Find_Land_To_Buy?|General mainland]]''' - Purchase inworld or through a [http://usd.auctions.secondlife.com/ Land Auction].
* '''[[Linden_Lab_Official:Private_Region_Types|Private regions]]''' - Purchase through our [https://land.secondlife.com Land Store], or you can [[Information_For_Renters|rent parcels]] from Resident estate owners.

Latest revision as of 13:32, 14 March 2012

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