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== Overview ==
#REDIRECT [[Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_Policy]]
Our policy on wagering has been structured to ensure that we are in compliance with regulatory and payment-processor guidelines. For this reason, any game is subject to this policy when it directly or indirectly collects or pays Linden dollars as a result of play. In certain limited circumstances, this policy also permits what is commonly known as ''games of skill''. A game of skill is one which the player's skill is the predominant way to score in the game, and any chance elements of play do not materially affect the outcome or supersede the player's skill.
If you discover of games you believe to be in violation of our wagering policy, you are encouraged to file an Abuse Report (AR) from the help menu.
See also:
* [[Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life|Policy Regarding Wagering in Second Life]]
* [[Linden Lab Official:Wagering Games FAQ|Wagering Games FAQ]]
== Frequently asked questions ==
===Why was my game returned? ===
The [[Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life|Second Life policy on wagering]] prohibits games of chance. If your game was reported for violation of this policy, you should have received a communication from Linden Lab regarding your game.
If you feel this report and the subsequent action to be in error, please contact [http://secondlife.com/support/ customer support] and raise a support ticket. Attach to the ticket an explanation why you believe it to be a game of skill. Critical elements to include:
* Expert opinions
* Data analysis
* Breakdown of the scoring elements
* How skillful play predominates the game's scoring opportunities
=== Can you certify my game is a skill game?===
'''I have a game I’d like to sell, but buyers want to be assured it is a skill game.  Will Linden Lab pre-certify it'''?
Sorry, but we do not preapprove or review games for compliance purposes. If the game is the subject of an Abuse Report (AR),  we will ask you to document your game design and to provide data to support your findings of skill's predominance in play.
Some basic guidelines about how to approach skill game development:
*If a game collects L$ in order to begin play, and L$ are promised when certain conditions are met, the game is subject to the wagering policy and must not be a game of chance. See the wagering policy above for more information
* If the game is intended to operate as described above, skill must be the predominant way to make a score - if elements of play prevent the exercise of skill such that those elements actually are what determines the outcome, it may be a game of chance
* Any spin or deal which randomizes the game or round in such a way that the player's skill is not what ultimately determines the outcome, that element is likely to be regarded as chance element of play
===What about add-ons? ===
'''I made an add-on for a compliant game. If the game is compliant, why is my add on not allowed'''?
Add-ons that introduce chance elements of play change the balance of skill versus chance on the game in question, therefore causing the game itself to fall back into a state of questionable compliance, along with the add-on.
===What is the process for game compliance?===
If you’re a game creator, your creations are subject to the wagering policy. As such, we start from the position that your games comply with the policy and terms of service. If another Resident feels differently, they may report the game using our Abuse Report (AR) system.
If your game is the subject of an AR, we will take the following steps:
# Check the game in question to verify if it is a known game or a variant of another
# If the game is not known to us, we will contact the creator and operator with a request to provide documentation which supports the claim that it is a game of skill. (While we will carefully consider the documentation submitted, Linden Lab reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to render the final decision with regard to a game’s compliance.)
# If the game is found to be compliant, we will contact the creator and operator and explain that no further action is necessary.
# If we receive no response to our request, or if the documentation submitted is not sufficient, we will issue a notice of non-compliance to the creator and all game operators we are in contact with.
== Non-compliance ==
There is no grace period to cure a ToS violation. Operators must either immediately set the games to free-play, or remove them from Second Life entirely.  Failure to do so will cause the games to be returned with no further notice. A second violation will result in suspension. A third will result in permanent expulsion from Second Life for all main and alt accounts; including accounts which share the same household.

Latest revision as of 09:54, 9 July 2014