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[LENGTH] 00:45


[OVERVIEW] To test the functionality of Region Border Crossings

[SETUP] 2 users, Tester 1: and Tester 2:, Tester 1: will be used for all tests unless otherwise noted. Land on both sides of sim border, Soundontouch object or Script?, Sim with 100% Object Usage?, Physical object to sit on and thrown across sim border. Rocket Objects. 100L$ for Group Creation.


[0010] Tester 1: Create two prim boxes and attach them to your Avatar.

[0020] Tester 2: Create two prim cones and attach them to your Avatar.


[Flying across a region boundary]


[0030] Tester 1: Fly your avatar across a region boundary in 3rd person view.

[0040] Tester 1: Verify your Avatar continues flying at the same speed.

[0045] Tester 2: Verify Tester 1 continues flying at the same speed.

[0050] Tester 1: Verify your Avatar continues flying at the same height.

[0055] Tester 2: Verify Tester 1 continues flying at the same height.

[0060] Tester 1: Verify your Avatar's flying animation remains steady and does not stutter.

[0065] Tester 2: Verify Tester 1's flying animation remains steady and does not stutter.

[0070] Tester 1: Verify that all attachments remain visible to you.

[0075] Tester 2: Verify Tester 1's attachments remain visible to you.


[Avatars on a boundary]


[NOTE] Sim N is North of Sim S.


[0080] Tester 1: Stand on Sim S, then slowly walk North to the boundary until you are at the 256 y-coordinate of Sim S.

[0090] Tester 2: Stand on Sim N

[0100] Tester 1: Chat a message.

[0110] Tester 1: Verify that Tester 2: who is on Sim N can hear Tester 1:

[0120] Tester 2: Chat a message

[0130] Tester 2: Verify that Tester 1: who is on Sim S can hear Tester 2:


[Walking across a region boundary]


[0140] Walk your avatar across a region boundary in 3rd person view.

[0150] Verify your avatar crosses the boundary smoothly and without stuttering.

[0160] Verify that Tester 2: who is standing nearby, looks normal as you cross back and forth over the sim boundary. (no flapping legs or disappearing attachments)

[0170] Tester 2: Verify that Tester 1: looks normal as they cross back and forth over the sim boundary.


[Flying around at region corners]

[0174] Fly your avatar across a region corner in 3rd person view.

[0176] Verify your avatar crosses the boundary smoothly and without stuttering. Pay attention to the 5 meter padding.

[0177] Verify that Tester 2: who is standing nearby, looks normal as you cross back and forth over the sim boundary. (no flapping legs or disappearing attachments)

[0178] Tester 2: Verify that Tester 1: looks normal as they cross back and forth over the sim boundary.


[Bumping avatars across a sim boundary]


[0180] Testers 1 & 2: Goto a simulator near the region boundary.

[0190] Tester 1: bump Tester 2: accross the region boundary.

[0200] Testers 1 & 2: Cross back to the region you came from.

[0210] Testers 1 & 2: Verify the avatars in both regions look fine.


[Watching someone on the other side of the boundary:]


[0220] Tester 1: and Tester 2: Stand on different sims within 20m of each other.

[0240] Tester 1: Verify you can see Tester 2's chat message.

[0250] Tester 1: Edit your appearance. Tester 2: Verify that you Can see Tester 2:'s appearance changing within a reasonable amount of time.

[0260] Tester 1: Play some gestures.

[0262] Tester 2: Verify that you can see Tester 1's gestures and the gesture sounds and are in sync with the animations.

[0270] Tester 1: Make a box and sit on it.

[0280] Tester 2: Walk over the sim boundary and back while watching Tester 1.

[0290] Tester 2: Verify that Tester 1: appears normal.

[0300] Tester 1: Remove All your attachments, make a box, sit on it, and drag it across the sim boundary.

[0310] Tester 2: Walk over the sim boundary and back while watching Tester 1.

[0320] Tester 2: Verify that Tester 1 appears normal.


[Objects on a boundary]


[0330] Tester 1: Claim the property on both sides of a boundary.

[0340] Tester 1: Create a box on your property and move it to 256, just before it moves onto the next sim.

[0350] Tester 1: Deselect, and reselect the object. Verify that it's position has changed from 256.x to 0.x.

[0360] Tester 1: Create an object that triggers a sounds when touched. verify you can hear it from both sims and both users.


[Objects on the other side of the boundary]


[0370] Tester 1: Create a box. Drag it across the boundary to the other sim.

[0380] Tester 1: Change it's shape and texture. Verify that it appears correct to Tester 1: and Tester 2:

[0390] Tester 1: Drag the box back to your sim. Verify that it still appears correct to Tester 1: and Tester 2:


[Flying into a region which has 100% region object usage (may not be able to test this)]


[0400] Tester 1: Verify that if you fly onto a sim that is full (Da Boom?), your attachments do not disappear.

[0410] Tester 1: Verify the minimap highlights the correct sim as you fly back and forth between the full and non-full sims.


[Crossing a region boundary while sitting on an object you move with the edit tool]


[0420] Tester 1: Sit on a box. Using the edit tool, drag the box across a sim boundary.

[0430] Tester 1: Verify that your minimap shows the green dot at your true location.

[0440] Tester 1: Verify that you are sitting in the same position on the box. (on the same edge and on the surface of the box)


[Crossing a region boundary while sitting on an object you move with the move tool]


[0450] Tester 1: Sit on a box. Using the move tool, drag the box across a sim boundary.

[0460] Tester 1: Verify that your minimap shows the green dot at your true location after you release the mouse button.

[0470] Tester 1: Verify that you are sitting in the same position on the box.


[Crossing a region boundary while sitting on an object that is physical. (if you have one)]


[0480] Tester 1: Sit on a physical object. Roll/throw yourself and the object across a sim boundary.

[0490] Tester 1: Verify that your minimap shows the green dot at your true location.

[0500] Tester 1: Verify that you are sitting in the same position on the object.


[Crossing a region boundary in mouse look with upper body attachments.]


[0510] Tester 1: Attach prim hair and/or prim necklace to Avatar.

[0520] Tester 1: Click Fly.

[0530] Tester 1: Enter mouse look.

[0540] Tester 1: Fly around a little, ensure that no part of hair prim or necklace is visible.

[0550] Tester 1: Fly across a sim boundary, check that hair prim and/or necklace is still not visible in mouse look.

[0560] Tester 1: Land, and Leave Mouselook


[Moving objects off the edge of the world]


[0570] Tester 1: Move near a boundary that is at the edge of the grid.

[0580] Tester 1: Create a box, and move it with the edit tool.

[0590] Tester 1: Verify you cannot move the object off the grid.

[0600] Tester 1: Attempt to move the box off the grid with the move tool.

[0610] Tester 1: Verify you cannot move the object off the grid.


[0620] Tester 1: Make a sphere, turn it's physics on.

[0630] Tester 1: Attempt to roll the sphere off the grid.

[0640] Tester 1: Verify that the sphere goes off-world and into your Lost and Found folder.

[0650] Tester 1: Rez two Rocket objects and aim them at the edge of the grid.

[0660] Tester 1: Launch the 1st rocket and verify that it flies off the edge of the world and goes into your "Lost and Found" folder and you receive a message similar to "Your object 'Rocket (off world)' went off the world at <blah, blah, blah>. You can find it in your lost and found folder."

[0670] Tester 1: Make a new script on the second rocket with the following script.

[SCRIPT] llSetStatusScript

[0680] Tester 1: Launch the rocket, and verify that it does Not reappear in your Lost and Found folder.


[Rolling objects across sim boundaries]


[0690] Tester 1: Make a sphere, turn it's physics on. Roll the sphere across a sim boundary onto the sim that Tester 2: is standing on.

[0700] Testers 1 & 2: Verify that the sphere maintains the same course and looks normal.

[0710] Tester 2: Observe that the sphere looks normal when crossing the sim line.


[User Tracker when someone crosses to the next sim]


[0840] Tester 1: Tracks Tester 2: with the Tracking tool under the minimap.

[0850] Tester 1: Verify that the red beam accurately tracks Tester 2: while Tester 2: is within Tester 1:'s view.

[0860] Tester 2: Move to the next sim and out of Tester 1:'s view.

[0870] Tester 1: Verify that the tracker is within 10 meters of Tester 2:'s actual location.


[Group Edit permissions across sim boundaries]


[0880] Tester 1: Creates a Group and invites Tester 2:. Tester 2: joins the Group.

[0890] Tester 1: Creates an object on Sim S while standing on Sim S and turn the object's Share with Group on.

[0900] Tester 2: Moves across the sim boundary to Sim N.

[0910] Tester 2: Verify you can still edit the object.

[0920] Tester 2: Moves back to Sim S.

[0930] Tester 2: Verify that you can still edit the object.

[Group Edit permissions across sim boundaries]


[Teleport immediately after a region boundary crossing with lots of attachments]

[0940] Tester 1: Wear a lot of attachments, both scripted and non.

[0950] Tester 1: Cross a region boundary, and teleport immediately after. Pay attention to the boundary line (it doesn't start until 5 meters after you've crossed).

[0960] Tester 2: Make sure that Tester 1 disappeared and their attachments or avatar didnt ghost.

[0970] Tester 1: Make sure you have all of your attachments with you.


[Log out immediately after crossing region boundaries]

[0979] Tester 1: Wear a lot of attachments, both scripted and non.

[0980] Tester 1: Cross a region boundary

[0990] Tester 1: Log out of SL immediately

[1000] Tester 2: Make sure that Tester 1 disappeared and their attachments or avatar didnt ghost.

[1005] Tester 1: In preferences, be sure to set your login to your last location.

[1010] Tester 1: Log back in. Are you where you last were?


[Crash SL immediately after crossing region boundaries]

[1012] Tester 1: Wear a lot of attachments, both scripted and non.

[1020] Tester 1: Cross a region boundary

[1030] Tester 1: Crash out of SL immediately

[1040] Tester 2: Make sure that Tester 1 disappeared and their attachments or avatar didnt ghost.

[1050] Tester 1: In preferences, be sure to set your login to your last location.

[1060] Tester 1: Log back in. Are you where you last were?


