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Revision as of 15:20, 15 May 2007

[10:04]  You: hi Femina :-)
[10:04]  Femina DeCuir: hey
[10:05]  You: how's it going?
[10:05]  Femina DeCuir: everythings so exciting :)
[10:05]  You: oh good!
[10:05]  You: are you new to Second Life?
[10:05]  Femina DeCuir: yes i am
[10:05]  Femina DeCuir: brand new :)
[10:06]  You: excellent. and what do you think so far?
[10:07]  Zero Linden is Online
[10:07]  Femina DeCuir: its cool. im from austria, its almost 7pm here. at 8 there is a documentary on tv so i will have a look at that
[10:07]  Karen Linden is Online
[10:07]  You: a documentary on Second Life?
[10:07]  Femina DeCuir: yes
[10:07]  Femina DeCuir: a short one
[10:07]  You: interesting! do you know what it's called?
[10:08]  Ryan Linden is Online
[10:08]  Femina DeCuir: i think its on "pro7" lets have a look one moment please
[10:10]  Femina DeCuir: cant find it :(
[10:11]  You: that's ok. you can have a seat if you'd like
[10:11]  Femina DeCuir: thx
[10:11]  You: I like your avatar
[10:11]  You: where did you get it?
[10:12]  Femina DeCuir: hmmm
[10:12]  Femina DeCuir: its a mixture
[10:12]  Femina DeCuir: everythings from the help island :)
[10:13]  You: oh great!
[10:13]  Femina DeCuir: ggg
[10:13]  You: so how did you find out about Second Life?
[10:13]  Femina DeCuir: i saw it on tv
[10:14]  Femina DeCuir: and in a computer magazine
[10:14]  Femina DeCuir: i love sims and so i have to try this one :)
[10:15]  You: yes, I like that game too
[10:15]  You: so what did you think of the Orientation Island experience?
[10:15]  Femina DeCuir: its amazing that everythings so real in here
[10:15]  You: yes, the Residents have done an incredible job building stuff
[10:15]  Durl Linden is Offline
[10:17]  Femina DeCuir: hmm oriental island is ok to get comfortable with the system but its a little bit complicated when youre logging of everythings gone (the stars) and so you have to start from the beginning and i have the feeling it doesnt work that good some of the "levels" are disfunctional
[10:17]  Femina DeCuir: for example yesterday the simple "move" tutorial doesnt work
[10:17]  Durl Linden is Online
[10:18]  Femina DeCuir: i tried it for hours and there was no possibility to get the star
[10:18]  You: were you trying to drive the vehicle?
[10:18]  You: which aspect specifically
[10:19]  Femina DeCuir: hmm its a little bit complicated for me to describe
[10:20]  Femina DeCuir: f.ex. i had to do it again (because of logging of) and some of the tutorials started itself and some not f.ex. the communicate "buddhas" ggg
[10:21]  Femina DeCuir: and i couldnt find out how
[10:21]  Femina DeCuir: to start these
[10:22]  You: when you logged out, how were you able to get back to Orientation Island?
[10:22]  Femina DeCuir: it started on the same place i logged of
[10:22]  You: oh i see
[10:23]  Femina DeCuir: but the stars were gone :(
[10:23]  Femina DeCuir: and i walked across at the move target again and again and i doesnt work
[10:24]  You: ok I see
[10:24]  You: did you notice the Reset button?
[10:24]  Femina DeCuir: and there was a little black something in the air, can you tell me what this could have been? :)
[10:25]  Femina DeCuir: a fuzzy thing next to the move target hmm
[10:25]  Femina DeCuir: reset button?
[10:25]  You: there are signs next to each station that say, "click here to retry"
[10:25]  You: that resets the station so you can start over
[10:26]  Femina DeCuir: of course i noticed them sometimes they were playing a sound (and most of the time the level worked at this time) and sometimes theya have been silent so you cannot get a star do you know what i mean
[10:28]  Char Linden is Offline
[10:28]  You: do you mean the signs themselves were playing a sound?
[10:29]  Femina DeCuir: when you push the retry button the coloured tutorial window on the left side at the screen was playing a "bling" or so and then the tutorial was working fine
[10:30]  Femina DeCuir: but sometimes there was no sound an then you get no star for your work
[10:31]  Femina DeCuir: f.ex. at communicate
[10:31]  Femina DeCuir: sometimes the flying tutorial didnt work well i was flying well but at the landing there was no "blingggg" and no star :(
[10:32]  Femina DeCuir: my english isnt that good i hope you understand what i am talking about ;)
[10:32]  You: no no, you're making perfect sense
[10:32]  Femina DeCuir: thx
[10:32]  You: this is very helpful. I'm passing this on to one of the developers working on Orientation Island
[10:33]  Femina DeCuir: i tried it so often because a friend of mine couldnt get used to the tutorial so i have to do it for him
[10:33]  You: lol
[10:33]  You: that was nice of you
[10:33]  You: did you find the tutorials helpful when they were working?
[10:34]  Logan Linden is Online
[10:34]  Femina DeCuir: absolutely!
[10:34]  You: oh good
[10:35]  Torley Linden is Online
[10:35]  You: we recently updated the Orientation Island. it still has some bugs but overall it's much better than the old one
[10:35]  Gulliver Linden is Online
[10:35]  Femina DeCuir: but first i thought the star in the circle of any tutorial level is something like a "main"star but i found out that this is the star for the circle tutorial in front of any tutorial
[10:36]  Ryan Linden is Offline
[10:36]  Zero Linden is Offline
[10:37]  Jard Comet is Offline
[10:37]  Femina DeCuir: hey its great to talk to you about these things :)
[10:37]  You: actually this is my job :-)
[10:37]  You: I'm an interface designer
[10:38]  You: how long have you been using Second Life?
[10:38]  Femina DeCuir: lol and i got here without any knowledge about that :)
[10:38]  Femina DeCuir: since yesterday :))))
[10:38]  You: have you done much exploring?
[10:39]  Femina DeCuir: in oriental island yes :))))
[10:39]  Femina DeCuir: i spent hours because of some none workin things :)
[10:40]  You: I'm so sorry to hear that.
[10:40]  Femina DeCuir: gg
[10:40]  You: how did you find my house?
[10:40]  Gulliver Linden is Offline
[10:40]  Femina DeCuir: do you mean how i got here or how it looks like? (austrian people... :)))
[10:40]  Gulliver Linden is Online
[10:42]  You: I meant how did you arrive here?
[10:42]  You: did you teleport or fly from Help Island?
[10:43]  Gulliver Linden is Offline
[10:43]  Femina DeCuir: i teleport because it was next to help island public on the map
[10:43]  Ethan Linden is Offline
[10:43]  You: so you were looking at the main map and clicked somewhere to teleport?
[10:44]  Femina DeCuir: yep
[10:44]  You: hi Macaroni
[10:44]  Macaroni Kidd: Hi Benjamin
[10:44]  Macaroni Kidd: I hope I'm not interrupting
[10:44]  Macaroni Kidd: Hi Femina
[10:44]  You: no, not at all
[10:44]  Femina DeCuir: hi macaroni
[10:44]  Bridie Linden is Online
[10:44]  You: these are my regular office hours, for chatting with Residents
[10:45]  You: about user interface issues
[10:45]  Femina DeCuir: and i didnt know about that :)
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: Okay. Maybe my question isn't in the right category
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: But I'd like to run it past you
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: I come up with great ideas
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: but usually my great ideas have to be abandoned
[10:45]  Ryan Linden is Online
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: to avoid prison
[10:45]  Macaroni Kidd: : )
[10:46]  You: can you give me an example?
[10:46]  Macaroni Kidd: I was wondering if it would be a violation of the terms of service
[10:46]  Macaroni Kidd: to plan a "Kidd" family reunion
[10:46]  Macaroni Kidd: and send invites to a 1,000 Kidds
[10:46]  Macaroni Kidd: to come to the party?
[10:46]  Guy Linden is Offline
[10:47]  You: so you want to host your reunion inside Second Life?
[10:47]  Macaroni Kidd: Yes. I don't know any of the people I would be inviting
[10:47]  Macaroni Kidd: and I don't want to send spam...
[10:47]  Logan Linden is Offline
[10:47]  Macaroni Kidd: but I'm not sure if this would be considered spam
[10:48]  You: I think technically it probably is, since they didn't opt in to receive the email from you
[10:48]  Macaroni Kidd: I could post an ad for an event
[10:48]  Macaroni Kidd: but then we'd probably end up with as many non Kidds as Kidds
[10:48]  Gulliver Linden is Online
[10:48]  Macaroni Kidd: I thought it might be a good way to
[10:48]  You: but that would probably still be ok
[10:49]  Macaroni Kidd: give people a way to belong to a group
[10:49]  Macaroni Kidd: Of course, I realize there are probably 100,000 Kidds
[10:49]  Femina DeCuir: benjamin, i will watch the little report about sl in 10minutes, may i tell you what it was about afterwards?
[10:50]  Femina DeCuir: ok
[10:50]  You: that would be great, thanks Femina. I may not be here but you can IM me
[10:50]  Macaroni Kidd: Benjamin, assuming I find a legit way to contact a lot of Kidds
[10:50]  Macaroni Kidd: and start a Kidd Family group
[10:50]  Macaroni Kidd: is there a limit to how many people can be in a group?
[10:51]  Durl Linden is Offline
[10:51]  You: I'm not sure about that but I can find out for you
[10:52]  Macaroni Kidd: Okay. I'm sorry to bother you with questions that aren't appropriate for your area.
[10:52]  You: no, these are all relevant topics
[10:52]  You: how long have you been in SL?
[10:52]  Macaroni Kidd: I don't know that hundreds, or thousands, of people would join a Kidd Family group
[10:53]  Macaroni Kidd: but I suppose it's possible
[10:53]  Macaroni Kidd: I know, I know. I'm a newbie. I've been here a little over a month.
[10:53]  You: that's longer than a lot of people!
[10:53]  You: what do you think so far?
[10:53]  Guy Linden is Online
[10:53]  Macaroni Kidd: I've started a newsstand and video clip arcade in Ranunculus
[10:54]  Macaroni Kidd: You click on a image, and it launches a YouTube video clip in your web browser
[10:54]  You: I asked someone at the office and they said there is no limit on the number of members in a group
[10:54]  Torley Linden is Offline
[10:54]  Macaroni Kidd: lots of tutorials and SL relevant video clips
[10:54]  You: oh that's a great idea
[10:54]  Macaroni Kidd: Thanks. That's helpful.
[10:54]  Torley Linden is Online
[10:54]  Macaroni Kidd: I'm working on a bookstore with links from book objects
[10:54]  Macaroni Kidd: to my brand new Buy.com affiliate store
[10:55]  Macaroni Kidd: Just a page of links that takes you on to Buy.com where you can buy
[10:55]  Macaroni Kidd: the real book
[10:55]  Macaroni Kidd: Not terribly original, I suppose.
[10:55]  Macaroni Kidd: But there are a lot of books about being online
[10:55]  Macaroni Kidd: and many are about to be published about SL
[10:56]  Macaroni Kidd: and perhaps some people will order them from my newsstand
[10:56]  You: it sounds like you do a fair amount of building?
[10:56]  Macaroni Kidd: I'm not sure that I do a lot... I've probably spent too many late nights here
[10:56]  Torley Linden: Hello :D
[10:56]  Macaroni Kidd: Hi Torley
[10:56]  Femina DeCuir: hi
[10:57]  You: it sounds like you have some great ideas for stores though
[10:57]  You: hey guys, this is Torley Linden
[10:57]  Macaroni Kidd: All hail the mighty Torley
[10:57]  Femina DeCuir: ggg hail hail
[10:57]  Torley Linden: *blush*
[10:57]  Macaroni Kidd: Say, I want to take a picture of myself with Torley
[10:57]  Torley Linden: Good to see ya Ben, Macaroni, Femina!
[10:58]  Macaroni Kidd: :)
[10:58]  Macaroni Kidd: It'll be worth a lot of money someday.
[10:58]  Torley Linden: Oh please do, I like pictures, I like it when pictures get taken with me.
[10:58]  Torley Linden: <-- postcard fiend
[10:58]  Torley Linden: Oh I should take a picture of us and upload it...
[10:58]  You: I love the pony av!
[10:58]  You: the watermelon is a nice touch
[10:58]  Torley Linden: Thanx Ben, haha.. yes... it's just out of my mouth's reach!
[10:58]  Macaroni Kidd: Thanks, Torley! I'll frame it!
[10:59]  Torley Linden: You're welcome Macaroni!
[10:59]  Torley Linden: Have any of you ever been to Wynx Whiplash's store before? She made this av.
[10:59]  You: hi Wimster
[10:59]  Torley Linden: She also made some really cute pandas recently.
[10:59]  Wimster Daviau: hi
[10:59]  Torley Linden: Hihi Wimster!
[10:59]  Wimster Daviau: do u mind?
[10:59]  Guy Linden is Offline
[10:59]  Macaroni Kidd: Hi Wimster
[10:59]  Wimster Daviau: hi
[11:00]  You: no, not at all. these are my regular office hours to discuss User Inerface and usability issues
[11:00]  Wimster Daviau: ok
[11:00]  Torley Linden: :D
[11:00]  You: we were just wrapping up when you arrived
[11:00]  Macaroni Kidd: Say, Benjamin, I do have a relevant remark to offer
[11:00]  Torley Linden: Wimster you can find more info about Linden office hours @ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Office_Hours
[11:00]  You: sure, shoot
[11:00]  Macaroni Kidd: Everytime I want to edit an object and click on it
[11:00]  Wimster Daviau: ok
[11:00]  Wimster Daviau: im from the netherlands
[11:00]  Macaroni Kidd: The edit window pops up on top of the object
[11:00]  Betsy Linden is Online
[11:01]  Macaroni Kidd: It would be wonderful if it could pop up two inches to the right
[11:01]  Wimster Daviau: but Linden...?
[11:01]  Macaroni Kidd: Although, I suppose you've already discussed this issue at length. : )
[11:01]  Wimster Daviau: that's the name of...
[11:01]  Wimster Daviau: of...
[11:01]  Wimster Daviau: ow my
[11:01]  Torley Linden listens.
[11:02]  Femina DeCuir: the report is called "dangerous second life!!!!
[11:02]  Wimster Daviau: ok
[11:02]  Wimster Daviau: im new so my part first here will be listening...
[11:02]  Wimster Daviau: that's wise for now...
[11:02]  You: that's interesting Macaroni. when I edit an object the Edit window appears in the upper left corner of the screen. for you it appears over the object you selected?
[11:02]  Wimster Daviau: that's wise for now
[11:03]  Macaroni Kidd: Almost always. Maybe I've clicked the wrong box somewhere in the preferences that said "always annoy the user."
[11:03]  Torley Linden: For me, the Edit window remembers its last position... so if you move it somewhere else, it should stay there.
[11:03]  Jard Comet is Online
[11:03]  Macaroni Kidd: I'm using an Intel Mac G5... it has a few quirks with some programs
[11:04]  Betsy Linden is Offline
[11:04]  Macaroni Kidd: Possibly your mac client works great with the non intel macs
[11:04]  You: can you try moving the window to a totally different spot and see if it rememembers?
[11:04]  Macaroni Kidd: I constantly move the edit window
[11:05]  Macaroni Kidd: but as soon as i click on something else to edit
[11:05]  Macaroni Kidd: it always pops up on top of the object
[11:05]  Macaroni Kidd: then I have to move it again
[11:05]  Betsy Linden is Online
[11:05]  Macaroni Kidd: when I continue editing an object, the window stays out of the way
[11:05]  You: interesting. have you heard of this behavior Torley?
[11:05]  Torley Linden: I've not.
[11:05]  Macaroni Kidd: but the next object I click on it lands on top of it
[11:06]  Macaroni Kidd: I'll be happy to make you some screen shots... but I don't know if that would be useful
[11:06]  Torley Linden: First time I've heard of this -- would be good to see a video repro or find out if someone else on a similar setup is having the same annoyance.
[11:06]  You: screenshot or video would be helpful macaroni
[11:06]  Wimster Daviau: uhmm
[11:06]  Torley Linden: Macaroni, perhaps report it on http://jira.secondlife.com ...
[11:06]  Macaroni Kidd: I'm not set up to make a video but I can easily make you some screen shots
[11:06]  Wimster Daviau: nice to meet you people
[11:06]  Torley Linden: you can attach files to it, and include system config.
[11:06]  Torley Linden: Nice to meectah too Wimster. =)
[11:06]  Macaroni Kidd: Okay, Torley, I'll be glad to do that.
[11:06]  Wimster Daviau: God bless u all
[11:07]  You: nice meeting you Wimster
[11:07]  Wimster Daviau: wise thinkers on my path
[11:07]  Torley Linden: :)
[11:07]  Wimster Daviau: take care
[11:07]  Betsy Linden is Offline
[11:07]  Macaroni Kidd: I didn't think you would take my gripe seriously.
[11:07]  Macaroni Kidd: I just thought it was a commonplace annoyance.
[11:07]  You: window management is a big issue with our UI
[11:07]  Wimster Daviau: bye now
[11:07]  Betsy Linden is Online
[11:07]  Torley Linden: Ben totally cares about this! :D
[11:07]  You: take care Wimster!
[11:07]  Torley Linden: I've had a lot of UI gripes for a long time myself, I can relate.
[11:07]  Macaroni Kidd: I'm glad I stopped by, then.
[11:08]  Macaroni Kidd: Torley, I have almost an entire wall devoted to your video tutorials
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Esp. when the same thing happens over and over... I call that ambient suffering... heh.
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Oh WOW, where is that? :D
[11:08]  Macaroni Kidd: in my video clip arcade in Ranunculus
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Neat, got a landmark?
[11:08]  Macaroni Kidd: please come by sometime.
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Picture I took showed up -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/471498233/
[11:08]  Torley Linden: I'd sure be happy to!
[11:08]  Macaroni Kidd: Look up "The Video Clip Arcade" in search.
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Got it, will do.
[11:08]  Torley Linden: *makes a note*
[11:08]  Torley Linden: Thanks for letting me know and for watchin'!
[11:09]  Macaroni Kidd: Bring your watermellon.
[11:09]  Torley Linden: Always... ALWAYS. =)
[11:09]  Macaroni Kidd: Thanks everyone. I'll post the screenshots at the url you gave me later today.
[11:09]  Macaroni Kidd: See you later!
[11:09]  Torley Linden: L8r!
[11:09]  You: thanks for stopping by Macaroni
[11:10]  Femina DeCuir: im back
[11:10]  You: how was the documentary?
[11:10]  Femina DeCuir: it was a short report about criminal things in sl they were talking about some kids porn in sl and how they can be judged ... (???)
[11:11]  lolcube shouts: Not permitted to copy that inventory.
[11:11]  Femina DeCuir: because its only an avatar and no real kid...
[11:11]  You: right, this has been a tricky issue to deal with
[11:11]  Femina DeCuir: hmm
[11:12]  You: well Femina, Torley and I need to go have a meeting. thanks so much for hanging out today
[11:12]  You: feel free to stop by again. my office hours are Tues and Thur 10-11am
[11:12]  Femina DeCuir: thank you 2
[11:12]  Torley Linden: Good to see ya Femina!
[11:13]  Torley Linden: Hey Taja!
[11:13]  Femina DeCuir: bye for now
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: hey Torley hey Benjamin
[11:13]  Femina DeCuir: have a nice day
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: sorry I could not get here before
[11:13]  You: hey Taja
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: something prevented me
[11:13]  Torley Linden: Taja you are one of our most frequent Linden Village visitors! =)
[11:13]  You: no problem, we were just wrapping up
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: ((had to pay internet bill))
[11:13]  Torley Linden: Good to see ya again.
[11:13]  Torley Linden: Awwe.
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: because I love you sooooo much is why
[11:13]  Femina DeCuir: ciao :)
[11:13]  Taja Beatty: and did you get my message Torley
[11:13]  Torley Linden: Yes!
[11:14]  Taja Beatty giggles
[11:14]  Taja Beatty: you know I am always late though
[11:14]  Wimster Daviau: is that you're lady Torley?
[11:14]  Taja Beatty: it bugs me
[11:14]  Taja Beatty: always when it is over...or with Rob I get there late when they are working on bugs
[11:14]  Taja Beatty: and have no idea the technical talk
[11:15]  Taja Beatty: you know Torley that every single pic you have of me is with this same hair
[11:15]  Torley Linden: Wimster: Sorry I don't understand. :)
[11:15]  Torley Linden: Taja: Call it classic!
[11:15]  Taja Beatty: it is like I do not have any other hair
[11:15]  Wimster Daviau: well...
[11:16]  Wimster Daviau: u want a sigaret lady?
[11:17]  You: ok guys, Torley and I are going to take off. thanks for stopping by today!
[11:17]  Durl Linden is Online
[11:17]  Torley Linden: Good to see y'all! Take care. :)
[11:17]  Taja Beatty: have a nice day
[11:18]  Taja Beatty: sorry I missed you Benjamin
[11:18]  Taja Beatty: told you I did not know if I could make it
[11:18]  You: that's no problem Taja!
[11:18]  Betsy Linden is Offline
[11:18]  You: we'll chat more soon
[11:18]  Taja Beatty: love your av Torley
[11:18]  Taja Beatty: I hope so...
[11:18]  Wimster Daviau: take care
[11:18]  Taja Beatty: have a nice day