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Estate number (integer) needs to be provided in the Post.
Estate number (integer) needs to be provided in the Post.
==How do I close accounts I've created with the RegAPI?==
An employee has left, or you otherwise need to close an account you've created with the RegAPI.  To do that, you'll have to contact the Concierge team and have them either change the password or close the account.


Revision as of 13:43, 14 August 2007

Post questions about the Registration API here. If you can answer a question, please do. If not, Linden Lab will try to provide an answer.

RegAPI Capabilities expire

  • A: We've now set them to not expire for 5 years, so this should not be a problem for now, and we'll fix this in the next revision of the RegAPI. (Glenn Linden, 5/22/07)
  • As of 5/17/07, all existing capabilities were set to expire in 5 years, so for the near term, you only have to worry about this with new RegAPI accounts. (Glenn Linden 5/17/07)

When will we get additional capabilities with the RegAPI?

When are we going to get the ability to: (a) Start users with inventory (b) Use the new default avatar choices (c) Provide additional avatar choices (d) Start a user wearing something (like a HUD) (e) Start users in a group (f) Flag users as only accessing a specific sim, estate, PG / M, or custom list of locations? (g) Get referral bonuses through Reg API for premium accounts?

  • A: We expect to provide a-f in the next release of our Registration code, due out this summer. (Glenn Linden 5/18/07)

Are there audit requirements on user acknowledgement of the TOS?

  • A: Checking with legal on this. (Glenn Linden 5/18/07)

Are 3rd party registration sites required to provide a security image code confirmation function to prevent automated account registration attempts via their sites?

  • Not yet but we will be able to require that with the new reg api. (Glenn Linden 5/18/07)

For purposes of clarification, what is an example of usage that is NOT permitted by the following statement?

  • You may not use the Registration API other than as a means of collecting Account registration information from Your Website. (section 2.3.1 of API Terms of Use - http://secondlife.com/developers/api/tos.php)
  • A: The primarly limitation is against using it to create accounts that are used by a single person to get around our other account limitations or for fraud. (Glenn Linden 5/18/07)

Is there an ID number for the custom name? It looks like this is required by the API for account creation.

  • A: You should be able to acquire your custom name in the name queue for last names returned by the RegAPI - and then go into the list of returned names to see the ID number for it. This may take a little coding. (Glenn Linden 06/26/07)

I get the message "An fatal error has occurred (error ticket #NNNNN). Please visit the support section at http://secondlife.com/support/ for further assistance. Note this error ticket code and a description of the problem."

  • A: Usually you get this because you are providing improperly formatted data in the RegAPI. RegAPI error codes will tell you if you've sent bad data, but not if its misformatted. For example, using * instead of - to seprate elements of the date will give a server error rather than a RegAPI error. ( For the date example, the data is misformatted since the problem is the separator. It was neither an invalid date (31 Feb) - error 100(not a valid date) - nor a malformed string (07 instead of 2007) - error 110(Date string is malformed)--both of which report problems with the digits.)

Can I limit accounts to an Estate (island)?

You can limit accounts to an estate using the RegAPI:

create_user (POST) Creates a new Second Life user

POST to this url a LLSD XML document, representing a hash, containing at least "username" (string), "last_name_id" (integer), "email" (string), "dob" (string in YYYY-MM-DD format), "password" (string)

Optional arguments are "limited_to_estate" (integer), "start_region_name" (string), "start_local_x" (float between 0-128), "start_local_y", "start_local_z", "start_look_at_x" (float between 0-1), "start_look_at_y", "start_look_at_z"

If all is successful, a hash containing the new user's agent_id will be returned. If there are errors, instead an array containing the applicable error codes will be returned.

Estate number (integer) needs to be provided in the Post.

How do I close accounts I've created with the RegAPI?

An employee has left, or you otherwise need to close an account you've created with the RegAPI. To do that, you'll have to contact the Concierge team and have them either change the password or close the account.