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(added lots of links to development related pages)
(Pyogp has been moved, it is now a redirect to PyOGP)
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= Open Grid Protocol =
Here are the most uptodate resources of regarding the Open Grid Protocol
* Draft 1 of the Open Grid Protocol
* Teleport Strawman
* Login Strawman
= Development related =
== Zope Component Architecture ==
What we use to keep packages and components as flexible as possible is the Zope Component Architecture. Here are some resources which explain what it is:
* [http://mrtopf.de/blog/an-introduction-to-the-zope-component-architecture/ A small introduction to the Zope Component Architecture by Christian Scholz]
* A four part series on the mailing list, similar to the above:
** [http://www.mail-archive.com/pyogp@lists.secondlife.com/msg00012.html Part 1: Introduction and Interfaces]
** [http://www.mail-archive.com/pyogp@lists.secondlife.com/msg00013.html Part 2: Utilities]
** [http://www.mail-archive.com/pyogp@lists.secondlife.com/msg00016.html Part 3: Adapters]
** [http://www.mail-archive.com/pyogp@lists.secondlife.com/msg00016.html Part 4: Registration]
* [http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html A comprehensive guide and references to the Zope Component Architecture]
* [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grokcore.component/1.4 The PyPI page of grokcore.component] (helps to register components as described in Part 4 of the tutorial
== Python Eggs and buildout ==
To setup a development (and deployment) sandbox we use Python Eggs and buildout. Here are some links to useful material:
* [http://mrtopf.de/blog/python_zope/a-small-introduction-to-python-eggs/ A small introduction to Python Eggs by Christian Scholz]
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3428163188647461098 A video tutorial on how to use buildout]
* [http://grok.zope.org/documentation/tutorial/introduction-to-zc.buildout An introduction based on a grok example] (this might not fit completely here but it has many helpful stuff inside)
* [http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools setuptools homepage] (Eggs and buildout is based on this. Eggs are in fact part of setuptools)
= Meetings and Chatlogs =
= Other projects =
* OpenSim
** Zha's patch for enabling OGP based Login and TP on OpenSim
* Open Grid Protocol Beta Program

Latest revision as of 12:49, 14 May 2009

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