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(New page: * [10:06] Torley Linden: WOOT! * [10:06] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy benjamin! welcome * [10:06] Torley Linden: AHOY BENJA...)
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* [10:06] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  WOOT!
* [10:06] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  ahoy benjamin! welcome
* [10:06] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  AHOY BENJAMIN!
* [10:06] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Holla!
* [10:06] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Our captain is here!
* [10:06] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  morning all :-)
* [10:06] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  yo
* [10:06] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  morning
* [10:06] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  why does that sound like Starcraft?
* [10:06] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  evening
* [10:06] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  hahaha
* [10:06] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  apologies for running late
* [10:07] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  zerg rush?
* [10:07] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  That sounds like a protoss speaking backwardsd
* [10:07] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  ssotorp?
* [10:07] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  3 situps, 6 pushups and one round around the sim. ^^
* [10:07] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  so I have some sad news: Iridium Linden is no longer with Linden Lab
* [10:07] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  on your hands.
* [10:07] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Eeeep
* [10:07] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  so she won't be joining us for these meetings any longer
* [10:07] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  aww
* [10:07] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  aww, oh no
* [10:07] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  sadly
* [10:07] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  www
* [10:07] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  That's sad to hear
* [10:07] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I'll miss her!
* [10:07] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I already do.
* [10:07] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  me too
* [10:07] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  me too Torley
* [10:08] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Does one person here do our weekly agenda or is it group effort?
* [10:08] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  That's why her house removed.
* [10:08] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  well Iridium used to do it but ideally the agenda would be a group effort
* [10:08] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  like last week Dale did most of the agenda
* [10:08] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  where did she go of to?
* [10:08] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  at least I think it was Dale
* [10:09] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  So I won't get shot if I add some bugs to the bottom of it :)
* [10:09] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  she's going to continue working on Second Life-related projects, just not at LL
* [10:09] [[User:ca whispers|ca whispers]]:  * Abranimations Couples Animator Ready...
* [10:09] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  :) nice to know she'll still be around, somewhere
* [10:09] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I love your little turtle Saijanai
* [10:10] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  Who will host internationalization triage?
* [10:10] [[User:Turtle thinks|Turtle thinks]]:  that that Benjamin is nice too
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  hey Dnate
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  great av!
* [10:10] [[User:Dnate Mars|Dnate Mars]]:  hello
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  that's a good question Nick
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I was just wondering that last night
* [10:10] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  sits quietly and listens.
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'll need to ask around and see what the plans are for that triage
* [10:10] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I imagine Jaime Linden will take them over
* [10:11] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Iridium also did office hours on the teen grid
* [10:11] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yes, she was very active on teen grid
* [10:11] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  she'll definitely be missed
* [10:11] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  but the show must go on! :-)
* [10:11] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  shall we get started
* [10:11] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yes please
* [10:11] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/UI_Agenda
* [10:11] [[User:Dnate Mars|Dnate Mars]]:  sigh, I am cursed
* [10:12] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  unfortunately I didn't have time last night to run a new query for the agenda
* [10:12] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  if someone wants to do that now while we work through this list that would be fantastic
* [10:12] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about Iridium! I really like her.
* [10:12] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  otherwise we'll just see how far we get with these and maybe wrap up early
* [10:12] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  I know wyn
* [10:12] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  we should write her a card
* [10:12] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1746 - Profile > Web tab: no URL in profile keeps buttons greyed until a page is loaded, after that, Load button remains active
* [10:13] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  got to meet her.
* [10:13] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  thanks Squirrel!
* [10:13] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  ^^
* [10:13] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I hope 1746 is clear enough
* [10:13] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'm reading it now
* [10:13] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  basically inconsistency with greyed out buttons
* [10:14] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *looks*
* [10:14] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I haven't checked it in the RCs though
* [10:14] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  ok yeah I see what you mean
* [10:15] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  the load button should disable when the field is blank
* [10:15] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  yes
* [10:15] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  and it should activate when a valid url is entered
* [10:16] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  is having RLInterruptous.
* [10:16] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  yes, don't know about valid url, but you can compare it with the chatbar: Say and Shout are only active when text is entered
* [10:16] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  Torley, let's go ahead and import this, as a small priority
* [10:16] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  it's probably an easy fix
* [10:17] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Sure!
* [10:17] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *imports*
* [10:17] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  And we're rolling... :)
* [10:17] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1759 - Crashing with group invites when groups are maxed out, and a wrong order of steps to accept the invite is performed
* [10:17] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Daed, nice picture on that one for sure.
* [10:17] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Thanks for URLifying, Squirrel.
* [10:17] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  thanks Torley
* [10:18] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Oh Ben are you editing the wiki as we go along?
* [10:18] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yes Torley
* [10:18] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Kay.
* [10:18] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Hmmm... PART of this is a dupe.
* [10:19] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I know because we resolved it internally recently -- the crashing part.
* [10:19] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  this one says that it might be related to a resolved bug
* [10:19] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  why do you say "part" torley
* [10:19] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  I haven't seen this one.
* [10:19] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *looks closer* hmmm...
* [10:19] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  It may be on Macs only
* [10:19] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  on closer inspection it may not be the same, sec, let me find the other one.
* [10:19] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I was thinking of https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2471 but that is somewhat different.
* [10:19] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  someone invite me into a group, I'll try to repro it
* [10:20] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  is it this one?
* [10:20] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  [http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1728]
* [10:20] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  watches McCabe get a crapload of invites
* [10:20] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  if I read the repro correctly, it's not so much about maxed groups, but joining the group twice
* [10:20] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  I will McCabe
* [10:20] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I wasn't thinking of that one Ben, but I've seen that too.
* [10:20] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  once in the blue box and once in the grey
* [10:20] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Still here McCabe?
* [10:20] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  McCabe, did you already get invited to a group?
* [10:20] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I think thats a yes
* [10:21] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I invited him to one
* [10:21] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  now he's silent
* [10:21] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  lol
* [10:21] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  hm, no crash
* [10:21] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  ok, let me invite you again
* [10:21] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Are you on a Mac ?
* [10:21] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  OOps
* [10:21] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  no, I'm windows
* [10:21] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Dang lag.
* [10:21] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Ok, duplicate invite sent
* [10:22] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Environment: Mac OS X 10.4.10, Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, ATI Radeon X1600 w/128 MB of RAM
* [10:22] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  it might be because I run the nicholaz viewer too, I'll try with the main one later
* [10:22] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  god this is really confusing
* [10:23] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I think the problem is this window that pops up when you're at max groups
* [10:23] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  This sounds like a time when a video would help...
* [10:23] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I agree Torley
* [10:23] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  I'm maxed out but don't have any I can give up to test.
* [10:23] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  you basically have two dialogs open that join you to the same group and the second one does not check whether you are already in the group or not ?
* [10:23] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  It's hard for me to spatialize these UI elements without pictures.
* [10:23] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yeah. Anyone with a mac care to try?
* [10:24] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  has powerPC mac
* [10:24] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  was anyone able to repro it?
* [10:24] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  is windows.
* [10:24] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Winbugs here too
* [10:24] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  lol
* [10:24] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  mine's win too.
* [10:24] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  is Wyn.
* [10:24] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I'm Intel Mac
* [10:25] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I think we should import this anyway
* [10:25] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  the interaction sounds really confusing
* [10:25] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  even without the crashing
* [10:25] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *nods*
* [10:25] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  OK, *imports*
* [10:25] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  no problems
* [10:25] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  torley, let's import it for rx triage
* [10:25] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  thanks!
* [10:25] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  I'm on RC though
* [10:26] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  hm, no one here's repro'd it. Same, Sai
* [10:26] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  you mean the crash, Mccabe?
* [10:26] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Done.
* [10:26] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1803 - Gesture List seems to be resorted and redrawn excessively
* [10:26] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yes
* [10:26] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I heard of VWR-1803 before.
* [10:26] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  It has a LLID on it...
* [10:27] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'm less concerned about the crashing (which may be fixed) than the confusing commit model
* [10:27] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I'll gladly trade out VWR-1803 with VWR-2650, also a gesture bug.
* [10:27] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  if 1803s a repeat in here
* [10:28] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Oh, I think I was already able to repro VWR-1803 -- I'm the one who imported it earlier.
* [10:28] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  this seems to be not so much a gesture bug but a list sort bug
* [10:28] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2650 - Gestures with duplicate shortcuts execute randomly..
* [10:28] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  heh. Its part of the whole GUI issue. IS the gesture list in folders or just a list?
* [10:29] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  where one list element changes its contents and gets resorted using the default sort order
* [10:29] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  May or may not be related
* [10:29] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'm confused by this
* [10:29] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  The whole topic of "Gestures" is loaded with fragile subtleties and gotchas.
* [10:29] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  what is the issue?
* [10:29] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  2650 seems to be intended as the voice gestures use the same mechanism
* [10:29] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'm playing a gesture but the list isn't changing
* [10:29] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  if its in folders, its a long-term fix. If its in a simple list, it might be much easier
* [10:29] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Ben: For VWR-1803, basically, the Gestures list scrolls when you don't want it to.
* [10:29] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  it's like "Cloth" list...
* [10:29] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  the folders class thing is in a half dozoen files 100 pages liong
* [10:30] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  shudders at the memories
* [10:30] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  hehehe
* [10:30] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  oh I see
* [10:30] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yeah that's annoying
* [10:30] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  let's import
* [10:30] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  agreed there are tons of gestures issues
* [10:30] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  VWR-1803 was already imported earlier when I reproed it.
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  So... we can move on to the next... !
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  :)
* [10:31] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1820 - Map Search Results won't scroll using mouse scroll wheel
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  do we have a meta issue for gestures?
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  oops sorry, I got behind :-)
* [10:31] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Good question, do we have a gesture meta issue?
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  No prob... and not that I know of YET, Ben...
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I think I created a meta issue on internal jira for gestures torley, but we can find it later
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I searched and couldn't find one.
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  hmm ok I swear I made one
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Oh, I meant externally.
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I'll make a note to find it later
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  We'll look for it later.
* [10:31] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  :)
* [10:31] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I got 1820 on Mac, but curious if it's OS independent
* [10:31] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  ok
* [10:32] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *tries VWR-1820 repro*
* [10:32] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  VWR-1820 - The scroll wheel only works on the zoom in the map to me, doesn't work on the numeric text fields either
* [10:32] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Intriguing focus issue Daed... yeah, that scroll box should scroll, eh?
* [10:32] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I was able to repro it.
* [10:32] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  heh. THought it wsa a zoom behavior in the first place.
* [10:32] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  if there is only a horizontal scrollbar then using the mouse wheel will scroll that bar left/right.
* [10:33] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  standard windows behavior
* [10:33] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  you would expect it to at least, yes
* [10:33] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Consistent with our windowing model...
* [10:33] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  er which scroll bar?
* [10:33] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  in the search results box in the Map window
* [10:34] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  it feels like the scroll wheel is being trapped at the highest level of the window, instead of the element of it that has the focus.
* [10:34] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  however, if both scrollbars are present, it scrolls up/down and left/right only if you have one of those mice that support left/right direction on the wheel
* [10:34] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yes, I agree this would be good to have
* [10:34] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  So, it seems like in the current behavior, NO MATTER WHAT has focus in the World Map, scroll wheel always zooms the map.
* [10:34] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Right Torley
* [10:34] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  ahhh. yeah I find that annoying too
* [10:34] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  right
* [10:34] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  let's import this sucker
* [10:34] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Aye. always zooms
* [10:34] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I like to scroll the x/y/z coordinates but have to use the arrows since the scroll is captured at the window level, not the control
* [10:34] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yar
* [10:34] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I, too, feel it makes more sense (and is more consistent) if the list (with scrollbar) has focus, then mouse wheel should scroll that accordingly.
* [10:34] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *IMPORTS*
* [10:35] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1821 - Mac Mighty Mouse horizontal scroll translates to vertical scroll
* [10:35] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Torley - Not just the list but any control that is "scrollable"
* [10:35] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I don't have a mac so I can't repro this one
* [10:35] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Kooky: To expand on what I meant, yes — I agree with that.
* [10:36] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  KJ
* [10:36] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I don't know if this also happens with other mice with 2D scroll wheel
* [10:36] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  or other systems
* [10:36] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I've never used a Mighty Mouse... yet. Daed, that can't be fixed in the drivers (System Preferences)? There aren't any options that might correct that?
* [10:36] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  hmm, I'll check
* [10:37] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  seems like it should just work
* [10:37] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  I'm assuming it scrolls other vertical windows fine, just gets confused?
* [10:37] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I would think so too but just checkin'.
* [10:38] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  I can use system prefs to only scroll vertically, that works, but vertical and horizontal, SL treats horizontal scroll as vertical
* [10:38] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  we should probably go ahead and take this one and let QA pound on it
* [10:38] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  even hovering over horizontal scroll bar doesn't work, like it does in for example Gimp
* [10:38] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Hm, anyone else here have a mouse that can scroll horizontally too?
* [10:38] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Like some of those Microsoft ones?
* [10:39] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Good idea Ben...
* [10:39] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *imports*
* [10:39] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  wishes he were in QA to play with the mighty mouse
* [10:39] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-489 - Multiple attachments per attachment point
* [10:39] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Hehe McCabe.
* [10:39] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  wow we finally made it to feature requests :-)
* [10:39] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  hahaha
* [10:39] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  only because new bugs weren't added
* [10:39] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  hehe
* [10:39] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  We're trekkin' on!
* [10:39] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Don't worry ben, I got 2 bugs if we end early
* [10:39] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  lol ok Kooky
* [10:39] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I just feel weird adding my own stuff to the itin :)
* [10:40] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  why? you shouldn't!
* [10:40] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I know VWR-489 has been wanted for ages, since an early dawn of the Feature Voting Tool...
* [10:40] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  feel weird that is
* [10:40] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  the lack of enough attachment points has bothered me for a while; there's another jira for adding additional attachment points if multiple ones is too hard
* [10:40] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  I'm all for more attach points
* [10:40] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  We want you to always feel comfortable adding stuff Kooky! Since you'd want to bring it up anyway. :)
* [10:40] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Can it be done?
* [10:40] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Call it modesty Torly
* [10:40] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Wyn: Well, feasibility depends on implementation... as you can see from the comments, things can be awfully complex!
* [10:40] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Torley.
* [10:41] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Kooky: Sounds like you need to buddy up with a friend who'll advocate for yer issues too. =)
* [10:41] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  And with Havoc4 isn't this something doable, after its up and stable?
* [10:41] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  wow there is a lot of discussion in here
* [10:41] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I think we've talked about Multiple attachments per point before, and one of the worries is limitinig attachmens
* [10:41] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  ments
* [10:41] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Humm. Mayhaps make attachment points flexible as in you choose where each one goes?
* [10:41] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Such as you are allowed say, 20 attachments total, and can put them anywhere, all on 1, or 1 on each
* [10:42] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Also keep in mind that even with multiple attachment points, we wouldn't want to have "unlimited" attachments because that could easily be used to grief, or for someone new, they might unknowingly attach a lot of stuff that unnecessarily deteriorates their experience (to give 2 general possibilities).
* [10:42] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  ahh, I have to go again, dinner and everything
* [10:42] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Yeah, along the lines of what Kooky said.
* [10:42] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  see you guys later
* [10:42] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  GMTA Torley :)
* [10:42] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  or, sull, sullA, skullb, all of which share the same coordinate
* [10:42] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  sort like having a vector system for attachments that you can move around your av
* [10:42] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  OK Daed, great to see ya! Have a good one.
* [10:42] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  see ya Daedalus
* [10:42] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Hehe, GMTA. =)
* [10:42] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  thanks for coming
* [10:42] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  skull , skulla, skullb
* [10:42] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  thank you too :)
* [10:42] [[User:Daedalus Young|Daedalus Young]]:  bye
* [10:42] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  cha
* [10:42] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  cyas
* [10:42] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  remembers a time I attached like, 20 machine guns to myself, went into mouselook, and fired them all at once...
* [10:42] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I think its a matter of what will Havoc allow us?
* [10:42] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  hahaha
* [10:43] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yeah, Sai, it seems like we could allow people just keep attaching things to the same point.
* [10:43] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  grey goo ^^
* [10:43] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  LOL Torley
* [10:43] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  it doesn't seem that confusing
* [10:43] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Since isn't that the reason it is what it is now?
* [10:43] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  although it might be hard to find a particular attachment and remove it
* [10:43] [[User:Turtle thinks|Turtle thinks]]:  that that TOrley is strange
* [10:43] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  glares at Turtle.
* [10:43] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  agrees with Turtle --for once
* [10:43] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  lol
* [10:43] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Ben - not if you detach from inventory or the Edit / Detach
* [10:44] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  clock show
* [10:44] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  it shouldn't be hard to find, really; just have + menu in the attachments menu for ones with multiple
* [10:44] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  what time is it
* [10:44] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  click it and you can see all the attachments on that spot
* [10:44] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  clock unmerge
* [10:44] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  where is this menu, Mccabe?
* [10:44] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  the right click equivalent of that?
* [10:44] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Would this be another feature to put under an "Advanced" mode of SL? (VWR-2438)
* [10:44] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  pie menu ?
* [10:44] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  edit, detach object
* [10:45] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  clock merge
* [10:45] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Keep it simple for new people and once you have your footing this is something you can open up?
* [10:45] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  was what i was thinking
* [10:45] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  right clicking really isn't an efficient way of detaching objects, people shouldn't do that
* [10:45] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  (Does Edit/Attach object ever do anything? Its always grey to me?)
* [10:45] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  what do people think is a reasonable upper limit for attachments per point?
* [10:45] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  2? 3? 5?
* [10:46] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  I wouldn't go above 3 per point
* [10:46] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Ben - first what is a reasonable attach limit per avatar
* [10:46] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  how about a total limit with a user-defined choice for where the extra go?
* [10:46] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  the dancers always seem to end up here :-)
* [10:46] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  three sounds reasonable. Nekos could wear their tail/belt/holsters all at the same time
* [10:46] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I can't really see a need for more than, say, 3 or 4 either... if many more are needed, perhaps some content needs to be rethought, redesigned (e.g. linked).
* [10:46] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  clock hide
* [10:46] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  good point torley
* [10:46] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  and is it going to be an attachment limit or a prim limit
* [10:47] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  which has bigger impact?
* [10:47] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I guess I'm just not seeing what is complicated about using the same UI we have today to allow up to three attachments per point
* [10:47] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I've seen AVI's with attachments numbering in the 800s
* [10:47] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  contemplates Benjamin's outfit. What's on YOUR avatar
* [10:47] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I have a friend with 3 pieces of jewelery that go over 1000 prims just with those 3
* [10:47] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  agrees with benjamin
* [10:47] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I have a Terminator avatar with over 1,000+ prims on it, I know some like Strife Onizuka have cyborgs with over 2,000+ prims but those are extreme.
* [10:47] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  then maybe have up to 3 attachments or 500 prims per attach point ?
* [10:48] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  hahaha awesome Torley, I want to see!
* [10:48] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  but not here!
* [10:48] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  =D
* [10:48] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  :-)
* [10:48] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Hahahaha.
* [10:48] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  an avatar based on Qarl's ant might have 75 prims. With sculpties, it seems over kill to go past that
* [10:48] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Can you imagine what this is going to do.
* [10:48] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  transformers avatar - a.k.a. walking lag
* [10:48] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  Torley let's go ahead and import this and discuss it at an upcoming rx meeting
* [10:48] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Any changes to attach points need to take into account these extreme prim things
* [10:48] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  OK!
* [10:48] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *imports*
* [10:48] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  because we don't want to break anything existing
* [10:48] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I agree Kooky, we need to think about system performance
* [10:48] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  I think people will see prim limits for attachments in a very negative light
* [10:48] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  but we don't want someone walking around with 5K prims
* [10:48] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1481 - Option to enable/disable right to view/change sculpted prim image on moddable items
* [10:48] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  like I said, a attachment max, with the extra slots assignable by the user
* [10:49] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  the thing is, performance is already an issue with attachments
* [10:49] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  it's sort of a separate problem
* [10:49] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Squirrel: Ah, that quagmire of an issue, I remember talking to Periapse and Qarl about it.
* [10:49] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  is there any range of prims that's been considered, then?
* [10:49] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  avatar designers want people to be able to edit prim properties like size/scale but NOT the sculpt texture
* [10:50] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *nods*
* [10:50] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  See Periapse's comment in there.
* [10:50] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yes, I tried this as a test; it works
* [10:50] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  because unless you use the alpha channel trick anyone can just screenshot the sculpt texture and reupload it at virtually no detail loss
* [10:51] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I don't think this is a critical issue because it doesn't appear to be time-sensitive, given the discussion.
* [10:51] [[User:Saijanai Kuhn|Saijanai Kuhn]]:  thre is a potential place where you WOULD want SOME indication of what you were looking at; animation textures. But those will be so large that you won't get much info from a scr4enshot
* [10:51] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  how about a watermark in the preview settings?
* [10:51] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  I mean, above the sculpt map
* [10:51] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I thought this was resolved because when you set an object to no-edit you can't see the texture?
* [10:51] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  thats the catch
* [10:52] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  people want to have modifyable non-takeable sculpties
* [10:52] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yeah, especially for things like hair and attachments
* [10:52] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I say close / won't fix.. this has been covered before, its all or nothing
* [10:52] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  doesn't make sense to have no mod hair
* [10:52] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Yeah — the ability to modify OTHER parameters but not view the sculpt map (so they could make additional copies)...
* [10:52] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  tricky tricky.
* [10:52] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  unless we add a change bit to every single parameter on a prim
* [10:52] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  ya. even sculpties, we need sizing permission at least.
* [10:52] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  I see
* [10:53] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Lex Neva - 03/Jul/07 09:32 AM I'd say that the sculpt texture simply shouldn't be shown. The box can fill with an icon that's a visual indicator that a sculpt texture is present... or even a small thumbnail of the actual 3d mesh itself. [ Show »
* [10:53] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  because thats what we're talking about doing, overhauling the permission system on prims to say , you can change this this and that but not this on a prim
* [10:53] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Beatfox didn't reply to that. We can close it as "Needs More Info"; I'm hesitant to say "Won't Fix" without further feedback, esp. from Periapse and Qarl.
* [10:53] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  how about instead of the sculpt texture being displayed, it does what image upload does and just displays the object the texture creates instead?
* [10:53] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  you can't copy it, and it'll always show you what the map is
* [10:53] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Basically if you are not the creator of the prim, just show a symbol instead of the texture
* [10:54] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  McCabe: I would like a better preview for all objects. ;) Good idea tho, I'm not sure how hard that is to do.
* [10:54] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  well the code's already there for when you upload sculpty images
* [10:54] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  it seems like an easy solution that'd appease everyone
* [10:54] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  (plus look kinda cool)
* [10:54] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  yep
* [10:55] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  you mean show a 3d preview instead?
* [10:55] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  yeah
* [10:55] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Aye
* [10:55] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  instead of the sculpt map
* [10:55] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Would you want that preview to be animated? Like, free-rotate around?
* [10:55] [[User:Connecting to|Connecting to]]:  in-world Voice Chat...
* [10:55] [[User:Connected undefined|Connected undefined]]:
* [10:55] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  yeah that would be cool
* [10:55] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  maybe someone could add that as a comment?
* [10:55] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  I think it's a good idea to resolve this as "Needs More Info" for now since the original reporter hasn't replied yet.
* [10:55] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Along with additional comments.
* [10:55] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  that would be an awesome addition torley, but just having it preview would be nice
* [10:56] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  McCabe: Yeah my only concern is, which angle it'd show it from... isometric view is a safer bet.
* [10:56] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Also, if anyone here didn't already know... we now have the ability to WATCH issues on the Issue Tracker! Which means that... YES, you can actively track issues you want to keep updated on.
* [10:56] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  It's the "Watching" link section on the left. =)
* [10:57] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  WOOHOO
* [10:57] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  What about a 3-d preview with rotation ?
* [10:57] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  oh I didn't know that, Torley, awesome!
* [10:57] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  I believe we lost Ben ?
* [10:57] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  so badly needed!
* [10:57] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  It'll email you with updates...
* [10:57] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  or not
* [10:57] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  I noticed that emails were finally working too :)
* [10:57] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Promotes two issues of her own for comments etc; https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2366 & https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-631
* [10:57] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  now if we could only search issues we've commented on!
* [10:57] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  Torley, I agree, let's go ahead and resolve this as needs more info
* [10:57] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  esp since we're not doing any work on scuplties in the near future
* [10:57] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  but 3d preview rotation for both image upload and object textures would be a nice addition
* [10:57] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1607 - Ability to log out back to the welcome / log in screen instead of having to quit
* [10:57] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  yeah, Rob Linden persisted and it finally got done. There is a caveat... if you update your email @ secondlife.com/account then it won't update your email addy right away in the Issue Tracker BUT we are planning to do scheduled manual sync-ups I think.
* [10:57] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  K...
* [10:57] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  *resolves*
* [10:58] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  great thanks. ok folks, I don't think we have enough time to discuss another feature request so let's wrap up a little early today
* [10:58] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  promotes two of his bugs & one issue for comment: VWR-2650, VWR-2651, and VWR-2438 (And all sub tasks, linked, etc, including a new link to Ben's MISC-638)
* [10:58] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  squirrel I'm going to vote for that one
* [10:58] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  aw, and I added a feature request and everything
* [10:58] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  Ive been working on trying to connect to agni from flash
* [10:58] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  It's... as always... been fun. Please, do add these as appropriate to the agenda so we don't forget in the future!
* [10:58] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Tree: How are you doing that? :D
* [10:59] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  but so far no soap
* [10:59] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  looks at Kooky's issues.
* [10:59] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  off to Robins hippy circle
* [10:59] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  loadVars as a direct connection, posting the variables for login
* [10:59] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  HAHA, hippy circle?!!?
* [10:59] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  as named value pairs
* [10:59] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  I think I've gotten both repro'ed
* [10:59] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Tree: Ooh. What are you trying to achieve with that?
* [10:59] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  is debating going to Robins or going to a speed build.
* [10:59] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  tough choices.
* [10:59] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-632 - Let resis edit Prim properties like Hovertext, particles, Status, etc in the edit window. (Are we out of time yet? ^^)
* [10:59] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  I want to login, and see what I can render for display
* [10:59] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  hasn't done speed building in a long time.
* [10:59] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Tree: Ahs.
* [10:59] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  like chat, or objects
* [10:59] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  Wyn - some gestures to repro 2650
* [10:59] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  [http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-593]
* [11:00] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]:  ok folks I have to run. thanks again!
* [11:00] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  yes
* [11:00] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  but so far I cant get it to work
* [11:00] [[User:Kooky Jetaime|Kooky Jetaime]]:  we are Squirrel
* [11:00] [[User:McCabe Maxsted|McCabe Maxsted]]:  take care benjamin!
* [11:00] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  aww
* [11:00] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]:  Have fun Ben ^^
* [11:00] [[User:Torley Linden|Torley Linden]]:  Kk me too! Have fun folks!
* [11:00] [[User:Tree Kyomoon|Tree Kyomoon]]:  I did manage to login to the secondlife website via flash though
* [11:00] [[User:Nock Forager|Nock Forager]]:  kk See you around.

Latest revision as of 08:37, 1 November 2007