Difference between revisions of "Release Notes/GEMINI Viewer/1.22"

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This is the first time i touched C++ so don't laugh! The GEMINI Viewer is a very useful and stable viewer. It renders quickly and is set up for high end environments, so if you experience any lag you might want to give it a try. (sorry there are no mac/linux versions yet but maybe later)

I released a preview to a group of selected people but i think this is ready for heavy duty use now. The last release was a little quite slow due to a bad sound library but it's all fixed now and the list of features speaks for itself. It's based on the latest greenlife emerald version, here are only some of my changes:

  fixed: switched to FMOD sound library (OpenAL was causing lag issues, much better FPS now and no freezes!  Also: Inworld Streaming works again :> )
added more crash protections against crash exploits.
fixed: Purging cache textures causes viewer to pause for seconds with heavy disk activity
fixed: Possible crash accessing dead llviewerregion
converted minimap to XUI, Friends have yellow dots, Lindens blue dots, muted grey, every dot has the avatar name in the tooltip + sim host, rightclick for profile etc
  switched to FMOD sound library (OpenAL was causing lag issues, much better FPS now and no freezes!  Also: Inworld Streaming works again :> )
Increased MiniMap zoom range, avatar markers magnify at higher zoom levels
added more crash protections against crash exploits.
Added a Quickfilter drop-down list in the Inventory floater, which allows the user to quickly change the inventory type filter.
fixed: Purging cache textures causes viewer to pause for seconds with heavy disk activity
Added Invite button to group list in communicate window
fixed: Possible crash accessing dead llviewerregion
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_RenderHighlightSelections" to Hide/Show Selection Outlines in build mode.
converted minimap to XUI, Friends have yellow dots, Lindens blue dots, muted grey, every dot has the avatar name in the tooltip + sim host, rightclick for profile etc
Added Copy UUID Pie Menu Item to objects and avatars
Increased MiniMap zoom range, avatar markers magnify at higher zoom levels
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_MiniMapPrimMaxRadius" to adjust the maximum size of objects displayed on the minimap (default: 16m)
Added a Quickfilter drop-down list in the Inventory floater, which allows the user to quickly change the inventory type filter.
Moved "GrantedModifyRights" / "RevokedModifyRights" from alerts to text notifications. (Spam Protection)
Added Invite button to group list in communicate window
Added Texture UUID to "Selected Texture Info"
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_RenderHighlightSelections" to Hide/Show Selection Outlines in build mode.
updated build floaters to 1.23 layout and added functionality from there
Added Copy UUID Pie Menu Item to objects and avatars
added debug setting "_GEMINI_ShowLookAt" for remembering lookat beacon status between sessions.
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_MiniMapPrimMaxRadius" to adjust the maximum size of objects displayed on the minimap (default: 16m)
ability to read out all prim parameters, including texture & sculptie uuids etc from your own modifiable prims
Moved "GrantedModifyRights" / "RevokedModifyRights" from alerts to text notifications. (Spam Protection)
added 2 new fields in the build floater for applying textures and sculptmap to prims by UUIDs
Added Texture UUID to "Selected Texture Info"
radar floater now has "Teleport to" as well as "offer TP" buttons
updated build floaters to 1.23 layout and added functionality from there
included ~300 windlight presets created by the SL community
added debug setting "_GEMINI_ShowLookAt" for remembering lookat beacon status between sessions.
added debug setting "_GEMINI_SendViewerEffects" to disable the Lookat beacon, particle beam and other effects to be seen by others (you will still see it yourself)
ability to read out all prim parameters, including texture & sculptie uuids etc from your own modifiable prims
added debug setting "_GEMINI_PlayTPSound" to mute the TP swoosh sound (gets annoying when you doubleclick-TP alot)
added 2 new fields in the build floater for applying textures and sculptmap to prims by UUIDs
added import/export functionality for objects you have created! (it respects permissions of course so you have to be creator with )
radar floater now has "Teleport to" as well as "offer TP" buttons
added keyboard shortcuts to toggle the radar and double click teleport
included ~300 windlight presets created by the SL community
added particle and sound source information to the avatarlist-floater (radar) and you can see who's tying there.
added debug setting "_GEMINI_SendViewerEffects" to disable the Lookat beacon, particle beam and other effects to be seen by others (you will still see it yourself)
added debug setting "_GEMINI_PlayTPSound" to mute the TP swoosh sound (gets annoying when you doubleclick-TP alot)
added import/export functionality for objects you have created! (it respects permissions of course so you have to be creator with the correct permissions!)
added keyboard shortcuts to toggle the radar and double click teleport
added particle and sound source information to the avatarlist-floater (radar) and you can see who's tying there.

several Emerald features like IM encryption, clientside radar, IM autoresponse,
several Emerald features like IM encryption, clientside radar, IM autoresponse,
Constant Admin Override mode (lets you read out land media, always fly etc)
Constant Admin Override mode (lets you read out land media, always fly etc)
Prims that get moved outworld (too close to a sim border) won't get reset to 256 meters altitude any more
Prims that get moved outworld (too close to a sim border) won't get reset to 256 meters altitude any more
Added several internal commands (like /dd to change drawing distance, /key2name etc.)
Added several internal commands (like /dd to change drawing distance, /key2name etc.)
Added support for flexi sculpties
Added support for flexi sculpties
Sounds won't download anymore when volume muted
Sounds won't download anymore when volume muted
Sound files wont be removed from cache anymore after logout
Sound files wont be removed from cache anymore after logout
Doubleclick on inventory items properly wears/unwears them, TP on LMs
Doubleclick on inventory items properly wears/unwears them, TP on LMs
World Map UI fixes and ability to map up to 4096m
World Map UI fixes and ability to map up to 4096m
Reversed some annoying UI changes
Reversed some annoying UI changes
Enjoy, Skills

Latest revision as of 14:14, 14 June 2009

This is the first time i touched C++ so don't laugh! The GEMINI Viewer is a very useful and stable viewer. It renders quickly and is set up for high end environments, so if you experience any lag you might want to give it a try. (sorry there are no mac/linux versions yet but maybe later)

I released a preview to a group of selected people but i think this is ready for heavy duty use now. The last release was a little quite slow due to a bad sound library but it's all fixed now and the list of features speaks for itself. It's based on the latest greenlife emerald version, here are only some of my changes:



switched to FMOD sound library (OpenAL was causing lag issues, much better FPS now and no freezes!  Also: Inworld Streaming works again :> )
added more crash protections against crash exploits.
fixed: Purging cache textures causes viewer to pause for seconds with heavy disk activity
fixed: Possible crash accessing dead llviewerregion
converted minimap to XUI, Friends have yellow dots, Lindens blue dots, muted grey, every dot has the avatar name in the tooltip + sim host, rightclick for profile etc
Increased MiniMap zoom range, avatar markers magnify at higher zoom levels
Added a Quickfilter drop-down list in the Inventory floater, which allows the user to quickly change the inventory type filter.
Added Invite button to group list in communicate window
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_RenderHighlightSelections" to Hide/Show Selection Outlines in build mode.
Added Copy UUID Pie Menu Item to objects and avatars
Added Debug Setting "_GEMINI_MiniMapPrimMaxRadius" to adjust the maximum size of objects displayed on the minimap (default: 16m)
Moved "GrantedModifyRights" / "RevokedModifyRights" from alerts to text notifications. (Spam Protection)
Added Texture UUID to "Selected Texture Info"
updated build floaters to 1.23 layout and added functionality from there
added debug setting "_GEMINI_ShowLookAt" for remembering lookat beacon status between sessions.
ability to read out all prim parameters, including texture & sculptie uuids etc from your own modifiable prims
added 2 new fields in the build floater for applying textures and sculptmap to prims by UUIDs
radar floater now has "Teleport to" as well as "offer TP" buttons
included ~300 windlight presets created by the SL community
added debug setting "_GEMINI_SendViewerEffects" to disable the Lookat beacon, particle beam and other effects to be seen by others (you will still see it yourself)
added debug setting "_GEMINI_PlayTPSound" to mute the TP swoosh sound (gets annoying when you doubleclick-TP alot)
added import/export functionality for objects you have created! (it respects permissions of course so you have to be creator with the correct permissions!)
added keyboard shortcuts to toggle the radar and double click teleport
added particle and sound source information to the avatarlist-floater (radar) and you can see who's tying there.


several Emerald features like IM encryption, clientside radar, IM autoresponse,
Constant Admin Override mode (lets you read out land media, always fly etc)
Prims that get moved outworld (too close to a sim border) won't get reset to 256 meters altitude any more
Added several internal commands (like /dd to change drawing distance, /key2name etc.)
Added support for flexi sculpties
Sounds won't download anymore when volume muted
Sound files wont be removed from cache anymore after logout
Doubleclick on inventory items properly wears/unwears them, TP on LMs
World Map UI fixes and ability to map up to 4096m
Reversed some annoying UI changes

Enjoy, Skills